From the Earth to the Moon


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8.5| 0h30m| TV-PG| en

The story of the United States' space program, from its beginnings in 1961 to the final moon mission in 1972.


Producted By

Imagine Entertainment


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Hellen I like the storyline of this show,it attract me so much
Laikals The greatest movie ever made..!
Jemima It's a movie as timely as it is provocative and amazingly, for much of its running time, it is weirdly funny.
Jerrie It's a good bad... and worth a popcorn matinée. While it's easy to lament what could have been...
tracyb-112-681714 Site rules make me say "Spoilers" but Good Grief, who doesn't know this story? Episodes 1-6 follow a linear storyline, more or less. From the 1st manned Mercury to Apollo 11 which traveled " from the Earth to the moon" in Episode 6. I rank those episodes 10 of 10 but there's 6 hours of TV to follow. 6 hours of Truly Boring side stories, back stories and such, or maybe they're boringly told. Do yourself a favor and stop after Episode 6. The first 6 Episodes/Hours are among the best TV I've watched. You'll laugh, you'll cry and save yourself 6 hours. Skip episodes 7-12, it's like being grounded. On a side note and coincidentally(?) Episodes 1-6 are each 56-59 minutes long while Episodes 7-12 are 49 minutes long! I don't know what this means but..... Enjoy the first 6!
wildcarrde I saw this in its first run back in 1998. I was completely engrossed then, so when the DVDs were released, I was one of the first people to purchase a set. In fact, I had purchased the VHS set before the DVDs were released! "From the Earth to the Moon" is a 12 part narrative of the history of the U.S. Space program from 1961 through 1972 inclusive. Tom Hanks and Imagine Enterainment deliver to us a spectacular rendition of what it took to get a man on the moon before the end of the 1960s.Shot with the full cooperation of NASA and based in part on Andrew Chaikin's book, the series is as accurate as a series can be. Of course, not every detail of the 13 year history of the Mercury/ Gemini/ Apollo programs are told in detail. But the most pivotal moments in the program's history are explored in fine fashion.The favorite episode for me was "1968". Juxtaposed against worldwide turmoil including the Tet offensive, the Chicago convention, the Prague spring and the assassinations of Dr. King and Bobby Kennedy, is the effort to put Americans into Lunar orbit for Christmas. Though all the episodes stand out on their own, this one would have to be any historian's favorite (which is probably why it's mine).So if you lived through that era and want to relive one of the shining moments of American history, you should buy this set and enjoy it. I was 5 at the time of the first moon landing so most of the events were a blur, thus I loved watching this series.If you didn't live through it, and you want to know why we should have made such a monumental effort, you should watch this series to understand what humanity can really do when it puts its differences to the side and focuses on a common purpose.The only reason this set isn't totally perfect is that the superb original music was never released. The soundtrack that was released was just a rehash of old 60s tunes that anyone can get at the local record store or on Amazon.Other than that, a very good series that anyone will enjoy, and other than some mild language sparsely scattered about, fully enjoyable for all ages.
jmcleod_5 Ever since I can remember I've been fascinated with Space Travel. As a fan of Star Wars this is no surprise. I am particularly interested in the nuts and bolts or if you will, science, of flying beyond the Earth's atmosphere. I didn't know many details about the early space program other than the fact that Neil Armstrong was the first man to walk on the moon. I had never even heard of Apollo 13. Then sometime in the late eighties I saw a movie called The Right Stuff. That's when things changed. I started reading up on everything I could. When I found out that Ron Howard was making a movie about Apollo 13 I was very grateful to that man. Apollo 13 remains one of my favorite films and I thought a mini-series about the Apollo program would be hard pressed to top Howard's film. I was wrong. From The Earth To The Moon is the best twelve hours ever committed to television. The way every episode concentrates on one aspect of the program while still managing to keep a linear feel about it. The writing is faultless. The acting is topnotch. and even though the episodes are directed by different people they still seem to have their own stamp on it while serving the series as a whole. "Spider" is the standout episode with Matt Craven's Tom Kelly being particularly good. The Apollo 13 episode was the weakest but all I do is insert the movie in here when I watch the series. All in all an excellent job all round.
trpdean I believe I'm a couple of years older than Tom Hanks - and though at the age of 5, I remember thrilling to Alan Shepard's trip into space, and of course to John Glenn's orbit, by the time of Gemini, my interest in history had so trumped my interest in science that I was bored by the space program. Although I certainly watched those grainy pictures of the moon on July 20, 1969, I have to say that I found it all dull and (except for the disasters of Apollo 1 and 13 - both of which I vividly remember) very predictable.This amazing series converted my contemporary indifference to awed fascination. As the spotlighted review far more eloquently stated, the space program in the 1960s was one of the most extraordinary feats in the history of mankind -- and this series makes it completely absorbing, inspiring, full of extraordinary (and previously unknown to me) personal tales, humor, and just marvel at the ability of the filmmakers (including the actors) to create this amazing document.No matter whether you were then alive or have any interest in the space program, you are missing something very valuable and unique and completely enjoyable - if you fail to see this series.I've seen a number of television series that are as memorable as any movies I've ever seen - Brideshead Revisited, The Jewel in the Crown, I Claudius, the various Ken Burns documentaries (particularly the one on the Civil War), the Tinker-Tailor/Smiley's People series -- and this wonderful and marvelous From the Earth to the Moon. I thank everyone involved with this project for the care and dedication they took to present it - and the joy they've brought me.