Genroku Ryoran


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  • 1

8.6| 0h30m| en

The 38th NHK Taiga Drama is Genroku Ryoran. The "Forty-seven Loyal Samurai" is one of the most enduring and best loved stories of Japan's history. Generations have grown up hearing the stirring tale of Oishi Kuranosuke, chief councillor of the Ako clan who leads his men through suffering and hardship to ultimately avenge their lord after he is unjustly forced to commit harakiri. NHK's 38th Taiga Drama "Genroku Ryoran" is the ambitious remake of this classic epic and boasts a cast that reads like a Who's Who in Japanese entertainment.


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SmugKitZine Tied for the best movie I have ever seen
AboveDeepBuggy Some things I liked some I did not.
CrawlerChunky In truth, there is barely enough story here to make a film.
Orla Zuniga It is interesting even when nothing much happens, which is for most of its 3-hour running time. Read full review