Gold Rush


Seasons & Episodes

  • 15
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7.2| 0h30m| TV-PG| en

Follow the lives of ambitious miners as they head north in pursuit of gold. With new miners, new claims, new machines and new ways to pull gold out of the ground, the stakes are higher than ever. But will big risks lead to an even bigger pay out?


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Also starring Chris Doumitt


GamerTab That was an excellent one.
Solidrariol Am I Missing Something?
SparkMore n my opinion it was a great movie with some interesting elements, even though having some plot holes and the ending probably was just too messy and crammed together, but still fun to watch and not your casual movie that is similar to all other ones.
Cassandra Story: It's very simple but honestly that is fine.
huxley edwards All the bad reviews and reflections of reality, are on point here.This is a representation of the American Dream gone horribly wrong as Peka mentions. But the American Dream trudges on with the FRANCHISE death lease on life and business. That's what this show props up as what 'you can have' as well. Land owners holding huge plots of land.. leasing out to silly Jewish boys who know a TV opportunity come a callin.. probably some cousin or uncle in the buisness (outside of his legit father) to wrangle him into a 'career' holding onto an oversized wheel that has new power steering fluid so he can maintain his pipe cleaner status of weaklingness.I have ZERO experience with gold prospecting. But I have experience in agriculture, farming, and other types of co-operative business practices. This dilutes any chance of (other than land holder) anyone to get OUT OF THE DEBT CYCLE. That's where this could indeed be real.. these people are desperate.. minus a few 'key characters' in the show.. desperate to keep out of debt..and that pesky human quality..desperate to be noticed.Tony Beets is the clear winner here and his family. It was a great concept for hollywood to jump on his coattails. It gave him obvious opportunity to play around in his older age. Good for Tony. Bad for reality. What exactly is / was the role of Cigar man Chris Doumitt.. he's kissing the rim hole of a 20 year old every single week. Even Parkers grunt pig beer swilling buddy.. does not kiss his arse. Is Doumitt an uncle or cousin? He's obviously one of the few Jews on the show as well..maybe even a handler / body guard type thing. He handles the gold at the end of the show all the time, .. that's quite the prestigious position for a guy that stands around smoking and telling off color jokes. Yes there is always one of these guys at the job site. They are the definition of the a** kisser. But why is a 70 year old doing the kissing.. Even Parkers girlfriend "LOVES" Doumitt.. but she looks like a washed up party girl looking for the hook... like from Australia? I wonder what her father was in prison for. Ok enough of my conjecture.. it's not fair but I'm not playing with a fair industry .. the industry of deceit. Gold is very real..but c'mon people.. do you really believe modern alchemy cannot replicate gold.... food for thought. That's another can of worms for another day.
gil-roitto Feeling slightly stupid to be a sucker for this show. Not much new in the 5th season, but still like the elements of people struggling, being assholes, taking senseless stupid chances and so on. How much is real and how much is played or scripted, I don't know, but seems real enough for me to not turn the program off.From the first season the Hoffman crew has been running on too small budgets and knowledge, I don't know if effort, luck or help from the TV- production has made them still succeed sometimes. Parker is developing a A-class asshole attitude, if some of this is real it is interesting to ponder why - ambition, expectations, camera fever, narcissism or something else?What makes me believe in the show is that too much operation, equipment and costs are involved for it all to be fake. One annoying fake element of this show is the drama build-ups and the speaker voice - "If they can't manage to ... this will be the end of the season!". Showing more of what actually happens including the boring stuff, and scrap the forced drama would have made the show better.
gentlber I spent 54 years as a journeyman truck-and heavy-equipment mechanic, often working through the night by myself a long way away from any help. I am amazed when I see things such as equipment operating for long periods without a sign of a grease gun or any maintenance at all! A season or two ago, an excavator chewed up a final and Jack took it apart, and it was obvious that it was bone-dry without lube- no wonder! Does anyone there ever check fluid-levels or grease anything? They seem to just jump in and go to work! I don't see them winterize anything, yet they come back the next year and wouldn't you know? It fires right up, and again they go right to work with it! Amazing equipment, huh? This year Todd and Jack take over an existing claim, and wouldn't ya know? Somebody left equipment there! Another miracle- the batteries are hot, the stuff starts right up without anyone checking a thing. Hells' bells, the Teletubbies have more smarts! I have to add one more thing... the narrator has a death-wish outlook! If something minor happens, suddenly we're told "If they can't fix it, all will be lost!" C'mon, get real. Take care of it and keep going.
Charles Taylor Seriously these idiots supposedly spent Nearly $250 to get their home made wash plant built and running on their leased claim in Alaska. OK I checked the classifieds in the California Mining Journal. A ready to run truck mounted wash plant Was Listed for $60,000 including the heavy equipment needed to run it. Seriously, check the classified ads.The writers have gone out of their way to create fake drama in this show. We're down to the wire out of money and have been (supposedly) running for months. Never once have they checked to see if they are actually getting any gold. Nobody, except maybe a Hollywood writer, is that stupid. For the amount of material they supposedly moved and the pitiful amount of gold recovered they have picked the worst spot on earth, maybe the entire solar system.Maybe I'm just biased because I've been prospecting and mining gold in the Mojave Desert since the 1970's. I think this show is offensive to any one with common sense. Real miners are not stupid. The stupid ones end up blowing them selves up or falling down a mine shaft. This fate awaits the writers of this show.This is the core of what's wrong with this show. The writers are too detached. It's unlikely any of them have ever seen a gold pan let alone a real gold mine. They presume their audience is as ignorant as they are. Big mistake. This show, had it been base on any sort of earthly reality, would have attracted people that had been bitten by the gold bug. Instead we have yet another badly written, poorly acted, soap opera. This time instead of motorcycles we have gold pans.Perhaps they should all go crab fishing.P.S. It's impossible to lose gold. You simply fail to recover it. It's not lost. It's still there, right where you missed it.