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EP24 The Grim Reaper Sees Eternity Over His Shoulder Jul 02, 2011

After trying to kill Victorique, the Brian Roscoe who was with her fell from a cliff and was seriously injured, while his brother died holding Cordelia's hand. He was saved by her and taken to the port where they are found by Grevil who had orders to capture them, but let they escape instead. In a boat leaving the country, Brian states to Victorique that Cordelia was the kind of mother he and his brother always wanted, and was envious of Cordelia's love for her. Begging her to keep living for her mother's sake, he passes on. Victorique's hair turns silver due to everything that has happened this however proves to be in her benefit when two officers stationed on the boat she is travelling on remove the habit she is wearing, because the order to arrest her stated she had long blond hair they let her go thinking they had made a mistake. She is then approached by Jupiter Roget bringing Kujo's letters to her. After the war ends, the academy is reopened, Grevil,who had now payed his debt to Victorique sports his old hairstyle again. Jupiter Roget then appears before Sauville's king and tells him of how the queen's maid had saved her by taking her place and dying for her. After this, the king begs Jupiter to work with him again. Avril is seen on a beach presumably near her home, she sends a letter in a bottle on the waters, hoping for a miracle that it reaches Kujo and Victorique. To her annoyance, the bottle is washed back ashore. Ambrose is also seen reading a book about the Monstre Charmant. after reaching the end all the mythical characters in the book wave good bye before being sucked into a strange door. Which then fads into the background of the picture in the book, the picture looks much like Saubrème after the fire caused by Brian and Cordelia symbolising that the old ways of the kingdom of Sauville went away in the fire and a new dawn has come. In Spring of 1929, Kujo, who has grown his original hairstyle back, returns safely to a war-torn Japan to reunite with his family and with Victorique, who had been living with them after finding clues as to where to find them and using the letters from kujo (as well as the information he had already told them about her) to prove her identity. Kujo and Victorique are then reunited and both state that no matter how the world changes, they will always be together and they seemingly lived happily ever after.
7.3| 0h30m| TV-MA| en

Set in a fictional European country in 1924, a Japanese exchange student meets a mysterious, brilliant girl who only leaves the library to sleep. Her brother, a detective, relies on her exceptional mind to solve difficult mysteries.


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Ameriatch One of the best films i have seen
Tockinit not horrible nor great
Bereamic Awesome Movie
Mischa Redfern I didn’t really have many expectations going into the movie (good or bad), but I actually really enjoyed it. I really liked the characters and the banter between them.
Tweekums As one would expect from a product of Studio Bones 'Gosick' looks fantastic; the characters look great and the backgrounds are rich in detail. Of course it takes more than looking good to make a good series; it needs an interesting story and characters with interesting personalities... thankfully this series has both. The protagonist is Kazuya Kujo; a Japanese student who has been sent abroad to study at a school in the fictional European country of Sauville during the 1920s. One day while exploring the library he discovers Victorique (Victorica), a girl who is meant to be in his class but never attends lessons. She spends her days reading books but is bored; she does however enjoy a good mystery and frequently solves 'unsolvable' crimes for her policeman brother. Kujo is not impressed that her brother keeps taking the credit but she doesn't seem to mind. We soon learn that she is not permitted to leave the school grounds without her brother so she is happy to go out solving his mysteries. As one would expect from such a series this frequently leads her and Kujo into dangerous situations. At first it seems as if the series will just be one unconnected mystery after another but later on we learn that many events are connected and that Victorique is in danger from her father; a man who had her with a sinister intention in mind from the start.I really enjoyed this series even though it turned out to be much darker than I expected; we learn that Victorique's mother had been kidnapped, raped and held captive to give her father the child he needed and that Victorique had been held captive for much of her life! Kujo is a good protagonist; holding the story together well but Victorique is the most interesting character; she is constantly insulting Kujo but it is clear that she misses him whenever he isn't around. While the animation looks cute the subject matter frequently isn't; the murders don't happen off screen and there is often plenty of blood spilt, also not every 'good' character makes it to the end so the viewer must expect some sadness.This series can currently be watched legally on Crunchyroll; in Japanese with English subtitles. If it should get a DVD release here I would certainly consider purchasing it.
joelherro it had nice animation, interesting characters and an engaging detective/mystery storyline, but it just didn't have enough depth or anything special to really hook me...Kujo is an exchange student at an elite academy in a fictional European country in the 1920's. There he meets an enigmatic young girl named Victorique (pronounced 'Victorica') who never attends class, but prefers to read alone in the botanical garden on the roof of the library. Together, the two of them roam around solving riddles and mysteries that her brother, the local detective, ends up getting all the credit for...this is the first time I've seen an anime like this, so i guess it has originality on its side (for me at least). Overall, it was enjoyable enough, but nothing extraordinary...