Don't listen to the negative reviews
I really wanted to like this movie. I feel terribly cynical trashing it, and that's why I'm giving it a middling 5. Actually, I'm giving it a 5 because there were some superb performances.
The movie's not perfect, but it sticks the landing of its message. It was engaging - thrilling at times - and I personally thought it was a great time.
There are several very good suggestions or tips so far but on many occasions such as smashing a car window with a rubber mallet won't get you very far...which they did. Calling 2 small (I know how powerful they are because I use them in various applications and sizes) magnates industrial. Truing to trip a light. No, not good enough. They are powerful but only for a very short distance. There are other devices that claim the same thing but to change enough conductance you need something that outputs a larger field than those magnates he used. The copper wire is an OK idea although a larger coil (diameter) might be the better bet. Not for a bike but maybe a car. An electromagnate would carry a much much larger field. The trunk tips were very nice info for people. There are so many to list but the fact that there IS a lot of good information kind of balances out the fakery or the misrepresentations by either design or by mistake. But they are there. Best thing to do is be careful if you try this to see if it works. Always have healthy suspicion and awareness of what they are showing you. And when there are situations that are told to be authentic make sure you question why no one is reacting to it or to the people with the camera equipment....
I haven't watched all the episodes yet, but I will.Some of the scenes seem a bit staged. The music is a little over- the- top dramatic. And a few things I would disagree with. But overall, it is interesting food for thought, if only to make you more self- aware.Even if you don't agree, understand, or care about all the specifics they discuss, it will remind you that OTHER people are trying these hacks on you... in one form or another.The biggest lesson so far is that I will never ever copy my financial papers on my work copier again. Seems that it might all be stored on the copier hard drive, and may or may not be encrypted.I did like the low-tech hack for getting a small vehicle to trigger a signal light. That looked like it might actually work, and Brian seemed surprised that it did.They also debunk some stuff, so it isn't all staged for dramatic purposes.FYI... took the wife a couple of episodes to get into it, so your results may vary.They also give enough disclaimers so that if you "try this at home", you're an idiot :)
I had trouble finishing the first episode. This show just seems to either state the obvious or make up facts. I did think it was funny that when trying to break a car window they used a rubber mallet and act surprised it didn't work. Just more mindless garbage for people to watch. Please don't think this trash is real or that it really works. Also just saying your an expert in something doesn't make you one, who is this guy and why would I just believe that hes an "expert". Maybe the show gets better after a few episodes? I'm not sure but i do know that what I have watched could have been produced better by a high school AV club.
Thing shown in the show are really useful. I'm a private investigator and some of these are trick I use. The host, Brian Brushwood, has a great rapport and is really fun to watch. Fans of Scam school and Con College will be familiar with his work. The show has a very light and family friendly atmosphere while also being very entertaining and teaching helpful tricks and shorts. The show focuses on safety and convenience. Seriously, it's awesome! Sometimes I ask myself "why do I even have cable?", then I remember this show. It's fantastic. Stop reading, right now and go watch it. You won't be disappointed. 10/10 I couldn't ask for better content