Hacking the Wild

4.1| 0h30m| en

Follow Digital Survivalist Andy Quitmeyer as he travels to remote parts of the world and hacks his way back to civilization using a hybrid of time-tested outdoor survival skills and a backpack's worth of wires, laptops and tracking devices.



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TinsHeadline Touches You
Redwarmin This movie is the proof that the world is becoming a sick and dumb place
BelSports This is a coming of age storyline that you've seen in one form or another for decades. It takes a truly unique voice to make yet another one worth watching.
Brendon Jones It’s fine. It's literally the definition of a fine movie. You’ve seen it before, you know every beat and outcome before the characters even do. Only question is how much escapism you’re looking for.
natator-235-30103 I'm a big fan of survival shows, but this one is absolutely ridiculous, bordering on the dangerous (for poor information).First episode he has a few of the usual things you might have on you hiking etc ... but also just happens to have an electric drill, some LED's, a laptop (ok, you might), a soldering iron, an electronic compass module ... seriously??? "Survival tips" include not only making a compass from the module you have (as you're far more likely to have that on you than, say, an actual compass, but you'll learn how to solder the LED's to make it easier to see the rf detector (you've also made) direction indicators.OK, maybe it was just a bad first episode, so I gave it a second go.Episode two you'll see how to make, using the motor/servo unit and laser pointer one always has, so that you can make something that can release your rope by pointing the laser pointer at the photo receptor you also had lying around.At that point I gave up.You'll learn more about surviving in the wilderness from the average Simpsons episode.
cleoby No one would get in such situations with all this equipment this guy carries in his backpack with his "everyday electronics". Which seems to always have some hard to explain extras to suit the shows situation. Most would not even have a backpack or items would get lost in most worst cases. I love survival shows but this one is for dreamers not reality and I always end up yelling at the TV about how staged this or that is. There are some good hacks but you will most likely use them in the comfort of your backyard.
imericw He out Bear Grills, Bear Grill. From the lighter you can clearly see in the Alaskan Glacier episode to the knife cut fish traps in the island one. Such a disappointment. This guy is so full of it. Plus the bad choices he makes over and over again. It's like watching a train wreak and the lies. Most of it post filmed voice-over. He should be ashamed and people trying to repeat what he's doing to survive in the wild have a slim to none chance to live. Not to mention he always has a 'special thing' in his backpack important to the area (glow powder, solar panel ...etc)
SentientSight The idea of someone using common electronics, like a laptop, phone and even an electronics kit to complement their survival skills, sounded like an interesting idea, especially for kids to educate them about science in a fun and exciting manner.Unfortunately this show doesn't really achieve that goal. The usefulness of the gadgets he makes are debatable, many are completely useless or at least inferior to a low-tech solution.If you are looking for a show to illustrate basic science principles to kids in an entertaining manner, I'd look elsewhere, many people on YouTube do a far better job of that.If you are looking for a new survival show, unless you want to watch someone who appears mostly incompetent at survival, negotiate highly staged obstacles, I'd give this a miss.In saying that, I found that I had a good laugh, mostly at his ineptitude and the sarcastic remarks made by the real survival experts, who provide him with a little advice at the beginning.The production values are on par with other survival shows like Dual Survival and Bear Grylls, so for that I give it 3 stars.