Hamish Macbeth


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7.8| 0h30m| en

Hamish Macbeth is a comedy-drama series made by BBC Scotland and first aired in 1995. It is loosely based on a series of mystery novels by M. C. Beaton. The series concerns a local police officer, Constable Hamish Macbeth in the fictitious town of Lochdubh on the west coast of Scotland. The titular character was played by Robert Carlyle. It ran for three series from 1995 to 1997, with the first two series having six episodes and the third having eight.


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JinRoz For all the hype it got I was expecting a lot more!
Ceticultsot Beautiful, moving film.
Bumpy Chip It’s not bad or unwatchable but despite the amplitude of the spectacle, the end result is underwhelming.
Haven Kaycee It is encouraging that the film ends so strongly.Otherwise, it wouldn't have been a particularly memorable film
MikeyParks Does anyone know what kind of oxen is shown in the opening credits? I searched the Internet and couldn't find the answer.
lichenu When I noticed that "Hamish Macbeth" was being broadcast in the United States, I was thrilled. I then had the misfortune to watch the darn thing. I adore M. C. Beaton's books about the wonderful Scottish Constable. The characters in the book are entertaining and very well-written. The powers that be who are responsible for this mish-mash apparently have never have read one of Beaton's books. Only the name "Hamish Macbeth" has anything to do with the series. Besides the lack of familiar characters, I find the whole show offensively loud. It seems that the actors feel they must shout their lines and scream at each other. If you love M. C. Beaton's adorable Hamish Macbeth don't waste your time on this rubbish.
ladyjatbay-1 Just finished (I think its over) watching the last of the series on BBC America. I looked forward to every Monday night, even though they stupidly put it on at 11 pm making my Tuesdays at work a bit of a drag. I especially liked the pagan influences and the realistic portrayal of a psychic. Of course some would argue that it was not pagan, but what do they know - only us conscious observers who have studied our ancient ways will agree.The writing was very good, as was the scenery and filming. I don't know how to talk like a Hollywood pro but I enjoyed being captivated by the little village each week. The only sad thing that I picked up on were a few minute details. Whenever they shot scenes in the village there were always these pesky tourists in the background. As they were not also in character or native dress, they were a constant nuisance and check in to reality. The last show that I watched Isobel was not dressed properly for her hike. It bugged me, especially when she got caught in a snowstorm. I think she had a thin summer flannel jacket on. The problem was that her character was aware that there was going to be a storm and had time to prepare. Bad Costume Department person. Of course she could have taken some responsibility as an actress too.I doubt there will be more episodes because the UK is famous for doing novella type stories like the Spanish. Rather than us goofy Americans who need to drag out scripts for years and years until the actors are so bored stiff and their lines get really dumb.I agree with the earlier comment that this show has elements of Northern Exposure, but I think Hamish MacBeth was much better x10. I will take foreign exposure over Hollywood exposure any day of the week!!
lady_rean Living in the southeast US, I didn't get to see this show until it was probably already canceled in the UK. It didn't matter to me, I watched every episode, and some of them more than once!!It's a shame that it had to end, I really enjoyed it that much. There was just enough "soap" to it to make you want to keep coming back, to see how the lingering story worked out, but every week, there was some new something that came to a conclusion. That made it that much better to watch. So many night-time soap-opera style shows are just continuous dramas which is just TOO much for me.If anyone ever knows anything about this being on DVD to purchase, I sure hope they will let me know, because I would be ordering a complete set!! :)