Harvey Beaks


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EP45 A Child's Guide to Surviving in the Wild Dec 28, 2017

7.1| 0h30m| TV-Y7| en

A mild-mannered young bird and his best friends, a pair of rambunctious siblings called Fee and Foo, seek adventure and mischief in the magical forest that they call home.


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Nickelodeon Animation Studio


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LastingAware The greatest movie ever!
SincereFinest disgusting, overrated, pointless
Nessieldwi Very interesting film. Was caught on the premise when seeing the trailer but unsure as to what the outcome would be for the showing. As it turns out, it was a very good film.
Invaderbank The film creates a perfect balance between action and depth of basic needs, in the midst of an infertile atmosphere.
alexanderrozas This is one of the bright spots of Nickelodeon. The show isn't complicated like some but rather simple. But, it's treated very well and the messages to children are great. Harvey is a great main character but he wouldn't be were he his without Fee and Foo. We see in a episode that Harvey was very overprotective of his friends and even drew a line on a tree next to a swing telling you how high to swing. In the closing minutes of the very last episode we see Harvey swinging past the safety line right after Fee and Foo his best friends move away. Fee and Foo had just found their parents with every single other episodes everyone thought that Fee and Foo were orphans. Besides that the situations that they get into are funny but simple. Overall great kids cartoon and has a great sense of humor
connercopeland Harvey Beaks is a Animated Television Show on Nickelodeon Harvey Beaks follows the adventures of Harvey, Fee, and Foo! This show was so funny and it was a breath of fresh air to the bad shows Nickelodeon was airing. I have watched the Series Finale of Harvey Beaks Online. The series finale airs December 29 2017. I gotta say I will miss this show. Nickelodeon treated this show like garbage. Greenblatt put his blood and tears on this show and they moved this show to NickToons (The Death Slot). Greenblatt even posted on his Tumblr he was disappointed the way they treated them. Guess what, HE WAS FORCED TO APOLOGIZE!!! Anyway, I hope they can still play reruns on NickToons or release this on DVD!!!!
Gold MCCormick Nickelodeon has been atrocious for the last 10 years (Sort of), and shows like Spongebob, have became bad. But Nick is now blooming with Harvey Beaks. Sure, there are still horrible shows on Nick that are still airing, like Sanjay and Craig, and Breadwinners. However, this show, I have watched a few episodes, and they are really well written, and has really good voice acting. So far, Nickelodeon, please, PLEASE, don't make this show bad. It has been doing really well, and you don't want to lose your reputation again, like TheFineBros. So keep up the good work, and I hope that Nick can become good as it used to be. And if you don't like this show, then that is fine! Everyone has their own opinions. Just, try to think of the good sides to this show.
okochia Compared to other shows on nickelodeon, this one is by far the best. I needed to watch about a minute of todays nick to turn the TV OFF, and it was pretty refreshing to see a show that was so creative,well thought out, and overall classic. I am also very happy about the animation style. I felt like it brought me back to the good old days were just about every cartoon was great to watch. I would recommend Harvey beaks to just about anyone; any age and taste. Especially if you are into classic TV cartoons and the way C.H. Greenblatt animates, then this show will definitely suite you. All, in all, I find this cartoon to have much potential for the future, and will most likely expect many seasons because of the good way it portrays modern cartoons.