Instant Favorite.
An absolute waste of money
Myron Clemons
A film of deceptively outspoken contemporary relevance, this is cinema at its most alert, alarming and alive.
A story that doesn't go anywhere with a touch of Murakami tricks.
As some others, I felt compelled to give a different perspective when seeing so many negative reviews here. This show is truly incredible from its acting to its interwoven storyline. People seem very wrapped up in the confusion of the 11:11 plot, but it's meant to be uncomfortable and exploratory rather than have a set of definitive answers; it's meant to imitate real life.The only reason I don't give it a solid 10 is because the liberal activism is admittedly a bit over-the-top and distractive to the storyline, but some if it is necessary for the context. It also shows a unique side to extreme political correctness: hypocrisy. Shaving a bit of that off would make this show exceptional. Alan Ball undoubtedly would have been able to redeem himself with a second season.
Myriam Nys
(Review based on watching the whole of the first season.)Over-rich series that contains enough themes and issues to supply five or six series. The various storylines, considered individually, are interesting enough, but there's so much going on that the show collapses under its own weight. It's a pity, because the acting is good and some of the questions are intriguing and/or topical. Another problem : the series tries to treat so many themes at the same time, that it becomes a stew of inconsistencies and contradictions. For instance : there is a married couple consisting 1) of a mother who is a pious Muslim and 2) of an atheist father who has turned against his Muslim heritage, presumably because he witnessed a number of atrocities committed in the name of that
religion. These two parents have an adolescent son, who likes to participate in Islamic prayers and ceremonies while dressing as a girl. Both parents are pretty cool with this behavior, which strikes me as unrealistic : it is much more likely, much more plausible, that the mother would fret about her son disobeying gender-related rules, while the father would fret about his son bringing rituals and prayers into the home."Here and now" shows courage in tackling some difficult problems, I'll give it that ; but the general confusion is such that the result is weirdly unbalanced and inept.I won't watch the following seasons, but I'm somewhat curious, from an intellectual viewpoint, about the characters next to be unleashed upon an unsuspecting public. Will season 2 or 3 contain a blind English aristocrat who suffers from diabetes, anorexia and AIDS and who falls in love, chastely, with a pro-choice Roman Catholic nun from Siberia ? Is the public about to meet a lesbian ballerina, born without hands or feet, who harbours strongly royalist convictions and who is persecuted by a Buddhist sect of Australian beaujolais tasters ? Will the world be destroyed by computer-generated djinns, save for an elite of vegan, ambidextrous, gender-fluid Scotsmen (or Scotspersons) ?Sadly these fine prospects will remain shrouded in mystery, at least for me.UPDATE 20th of May 2018 : I discover, belatedly, that HBO cancelled the show after one season. I apologise for not noticing this sooner !
To be honest, I enjoyed it. It touches topics I'm interested, like reverse discrimination, religion, and others. It relates to me so well that I somehow completed the missing parts of the show in my mind.But just as others reviews pointed out, touching was the only thing it did. It didn't go far. It stopped in an award place, as if the show is telling the audience that "oh we don't know how to deal with this, so you think about it, like philosophically."The characters are great. The topics are intriguing. But the show has wasted those.