Home and Away


Seasons & Episodes

  • 38
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5.1| 0h30m| en



Producted By

Seven Studios


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YouHeart I gave it a 7.5 out of 10
Organnall Too much about the plot just didn't add up, the writing was bad, some of the scenes were cringey and awkward,
Sharkflei Your blood may run cold, but you now find yourself pinioned to the story.
Aneesa Wardle The story, direction, characters, and writing/dialogue is akin to taking a tranquilizer shot to the neck, but everything else was so well done.
poprocktom This show has been around for years. It's been a success and now it's getting kinda boring. The acting isn't terrible but it isn't the best in the world. Most of the acting is good but some is just annoying and can make me cringe. The story lines used to be good, really good now it's just unrealistic, repetitive and just boring. Sure every season finale is packed with (unrealistic) drama which is worth a watch but most of the other story lines through the rest of the entire season is just annoying. It doesn't try and break the boundaries like it used to and it looks like the writers are trying too hard to be risky but end up failing. They have had only 1 storyline which I actually enjoyed back in 2012 (I think) where Rosie got raped. That felt realistic and was actually enjoyable. It wasn't filled with murders, gangs, annoying people complaining about minuscule problems or boring comical relief. Ever since then it has only had boring gangs, murder, violence, annoying love triangles and drug deals which were entertaining at first but it's filled with it now and it gets boring. I want to see story lines that teens face. They have teenage characters but only give them boring annoying primary school issues. By primary school I mean story lines that teens would just shrug off and kids in primary school would make a big deal out of. I want to see story lines such as Anorexia, homosexuality, peer pressure, child abuse, suicide, bullying/cyber bullying, self harm or teen pregnancies. I want to see that come into the show than maybe if give it another go.
bec-delta-goodrem Home and Away is a great show. A credit to the Australian TV Industry. I cant go a night without watching it and Have been watching it for about 9 years or something now. I just love all the characters and story lines. They can been a little far fetched-but I guess thats part of the reason why I Like it. Other beg to differ. But it is such a great show, The stroy lines keep you on the edge of your seat and you always have your favouite love triangle you love to follow-and by the end of it you have totally changed your mind=d about who you want to end up with who. There are so many twists and turns and loves and deaths. You never know when the story line is going to end-and you never want it to. Watching home and away through all these years has made me realise just how much I want to be apart of the Australian Television industry. You can tell that the people are genuanly nice and are just all around great actors and people. And I really want to do this when Im older. Home and away is a great show-a must see-and a must not miss..
chucky296 i never ever missed a episode i alway tape i just love to watch home and away.i wish i could meet all the cast on the show but all i can do is dream and hope one day it will come true. i know it wont they all are a terrific actors and love them all so much. they are all equals. i wish Amanda and peter were back together for always.one day i would love to be on the show to work with them all that would be wonderful. The clothes, style and sense of humors are all beautiful.Sally, Alf, and other older characters who has been in the show for a very long time has come a very long way with much improvement and success i'm so proud to watch the show. I will watch the show for the rest of my life love Sarah Hambling
fitlife I've not missed an episode since the show first started.... A long long time ago!! I can fill anyone in on any questions they may have about the show or story lines..I live in Ireland which means our show is several months behind, so I frequently take a sneaky peek onto the website to get a preview when the story lines are so exciting that I cant wait!! There are a lot of too-shocking story lines at the moment, very far fetched and a little unbelievable really, lots of kids wandering around summer bay with no parents and suddenly find new foster parents/school/friends, lots of secret adoptions, pregnancy's, seems a lot for a small town, but I've seen them all!!