Jonny Quest


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7.9| 0h30m| en

The adventures of the 10-year-old son of a government scientist.


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Also starring Danny Bravo


Stevecorp Don't listen to the negative reviews
Chirphymium It's entirely possible that sending the audience out feeling lousy was intentional
Matylda Swan It is a whirlwind of delight --- attractive actors, stunning couture, spectacular sets and outrageous parties.
Michelle Ridley The movie is wonderful and true, an act of love in all its contradictions and complexity
maxsmodels This was a hip, gutsy cartoon that didn't pull any punches. As a kid I remember thinking "Wow, these bad guys are really bad, and creepy too", but Jonny and the gang never lose their cool. I noticed how they would think their way through problems. They never picked a fight, but carried weapons just in case and they were not afraid to use them if need be. No touchy-feely crap here. Bust a head or bust a cap, whatever it takes to survive.Jonny was the kid we wanted to be and Race Bannon was the guy we wanted to grow up to be. Dr. Quest was the archetypal workaholic dad, but still keeps Jonny close and loved him. Hadji was the friend we all need, smart, able, mysterious, good natured and most of all, loyal to a fault.Despite the loss of his mom the four of them managed to form a working family unit despite Bannon's initial resistance to being a "baby sitter".But most of all it was the gizmo's and adventures. Come on, hunting Pteradactyl's with a bazooka and .45 pistol from a jet pack. Running around in jets, boats, subs, snow cats, jeeps, mini bikes. Learning swimming, scuba, judo and karate from Race, science from Dr. Quest, mysterious stuff from Hadji. Oh, and don't get me started on Jade (Race Bannon's mysterious but loyal Amerasian girlfriend).Dude, it just does not get any better than that.
rogerc210 Most or all of us have loved shows at more impressionable ages, that we'd regret "revisiting" in later years, shaking our heads in disbelief that we ever liked them, & hoping nobody walks in while we're watching. Sometimes, it may be imprinting, sometimes it's shows that were fine for their time, but are best left there.Jonny Quest-one of the most misdefined shows ever-is an excellent example of one I'm more impressed with now, than I was in my younger years. It's about very down to Earth characters in not so down to Earth situations. The characters are very easy to care for. Dr, Benton Quest, brooding over the safety of his family members, but having to deal w/ such safety being compramised by the nature of his profession, a reasuring prophessionalism in body guard Race Bannon, who puts his life on the line to protect the family, but is very forthright in expressing his humanness, & common sense. The musical underscore was used a lot in Hanna Barbera cartoons in the future, as well as more serious animations, but This show seemed to provide the best chemistry for them. The underscore & action were in constant harmony.The so called "Real" Adventures, didn't come close to the rawness of this original.When I say misdefined, I mean it gets hyped as just like any other cartoon. I guess what I like about it is that it has the wholesomeness of other animated contemporaries(no profanity, strong sexual content, or graphic mutilation)& the intensely brutal drama of the live action adventure shows.Wholesome, but intense.
schuckman Jonny Quest was the ultimate experience for me as an 8 year old boy. Race Bannon and Mr. Quest were excellent role models providing both intellectual and physical goals for a young boy. Jonnny's adventures around the globe were perfect ways to capture the attention of a young man growing up in an unfolding and interesting world.I remember my mother being part of a coalition to get rid of JQ and other cartoons on the TV at the time. How misguided! These are the same people who want to get rid of the early Disney movies because they think they are too realistic for children.Now I see the "new" version of Jonny Quest. The global adventures have been TRADED for time tsaken up with a girl who wastes time by being insulting to Jonny and taking up the time that could have been spent on an adventure. The original series DID NOT have gay overtones. The only people who saw gayness had gayness on the brain. The real casualty of the "new and improved" Jonny Quest is the loss of male role models for young boys in favor of being tied to women.
Brian Washington This is one of my favorite animated series. I loved the fact that this went to exotic locations and all the wild villains they fought. This also was one of the first cartoon series that featured lots of action and even was fairly violent for its time. No wonder this was originally shown in prime time. Too bad the reruns aren't shown on Cartoon Network anymore. This show is truly a classic.