Journey to the Center of the Earth

5.6| 0h30m| en

Remake of Jules Verne's classic story finds adventurers seeking a mysterious hidden land. They are joined by the wife of another man, who had previously gone on a similar expedition and disappeared.


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Hallmark Entertainment


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LouHomey From my favorite movies..
TrueHello Fun premise, good actors, bad writing. This film seemed to have potential at the beginning but it quickly devolves into a trite action film. Ultimately it's very boring.
Calum Hutton It's a good bad... and worth a popcorn matinée. While it's easy to lament what could have been...
Kaydan Christian A terrific literary drama and character piece that shows how the process of creating art can be seen differently by those doing it and those looking at it from the outside.
Mark M Time flies when it's a bad movie, guess what... it's still a bad movie! Tushka Bergen would be the worst actor I have ever seen, she is so wooded and very forgettable. I hate to even give this movie a single star but that is for Brian Brown who is an Aussie icon. I read on a site that Ms Bergen no longer is acting and this is a good thing - motherhood is for her!If you really want to see 'journey to the center of the earth' just watch the version done in 2008 with Academy Award-winning visual effects artist Eric Brevig. His feature directorial debut with this adaptation of the classic Jules Verne fantasy starring Brendan Fraser. The acting is more professional with better production values too!
Marcus Eden-Ellis Oh my, such a great tale so artlessly told. Verne, for those of you that don't know, is (or rather was)one of the true visionaries of science fiction literature. JTTCOTE is one of his evergreen tales that has been endlessly re-made and re-worked by Hollywood. It even spawned a long-forgotten 70's cartoon series.This film is does not serve the Verne's legacy well. There has clearly been money spent on it - some of the special effects are workmanlike - and a few of the c-list actors can turn in a decent performance when put to it. Here however, they are there for the paycheck and nothing more. I could live with that if they were at least working with a good script but everywhere you look there is cliché piled upon cliché and sloppy directing and production design.I guess if you really want to know about this film, watch it and see for yourself but I warn you now, it's about fifteen hours long. At least that is what it felt like! But I guess the best flavour of the piece comes from the fact that the women of an underground undiscovered tribe of natives wear make-up, speak English in a late 20th century idiom and shave their armpits with some kind of incredibly close shaver. And they dance disco style! All this in the nineteenth century...Go on, try it. It's one of those "so bad, it's good" type movies...
halo_67 The acting is overdone. The animation is weak at best. They try to make up for lack of visionary effects by attempting to overwhelm us with beautiful people with tons of sexual tension. The story itself is an adaptation from an amazing book. However the movie done in the 70's was far more entertaining. You would think that with the stunning advances of cinematography, even a B-rate movie such as this would be more aesthetically pleasing film than the actual tripe it is. I guess you get what you pay for when it comes to movies containing Treat Williams, or say, Lorenzo Lamas. My favorite part of the movie is when the ending credits rolled.
baltasbatas What a terrible waste of time! Boring story and tragically unbelievable special effects makes this TV movie just another TV movie for those, who are too lazy to go to the cinema.Having watched it against my will i still feel like throwing away my time.Ignore. 1/10