Killer Instinct


Seasons & Episodes

  • 1

EP3 13 going on 30 Oct 07, 2005

7| 0h30m| en

Killer Instinct is an American crime drama television series filmed in Vancouver that originally aired on the Fox Network. The pilot episode aired on September 23, 2005, and the final episode aired on December 2, 2005. Fox ordered 13 episodes, only nine of which were broadcast in the United States; the remaining four premiered in the UK on Five. The series also been broadcast in France, New Zealand, Croatia, Italy, Netherlands, Australia, Japan, and Poland.


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Fox Television Studios


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CommentsXp Best movie ever!
Ketrivie It isn't all that great, actually. Really cheesy and very predicable of how certain scenes are gonna turn play out. However, I guess that's the charm of it all, because I would consider this one of my guilty pleasures.
Dirtylogy It's funny, it's tense, it features two great performances from two actors and the director expertly creates a web of odd tension where you actually don't know what is happening for the majority of the run time.
Melanie Bouvet The movie's not perfect, but it sticks the landing of its message. It was engaging - thrilling at times - and I personally thought it was a great time.
mdpomroy There's a group of Fox TV executives sitting around a boardroom table wondering what new show to commission. 'How about aiming for something like 24 or The West Wing?' says one of them, but they all agree it would be too expensive, and cheap TV is less likely to harm the station if it flops. 'Well, how about getting together some great comedy writers and doing a quality sitcom?' offers another and is fired on the spot. 'Don't you know good writers cost lots of money!' the big chief barks. 'That's why we invented reality TV.''We could do yet another crime drama...' suggests a man in a bland suit. 'I'm listening...' the boss replies, suddenly interested. 'People like CSI, so let's do another copy of that,' Blandman adds.'But there are already far too many CSI clones out there, what can we do to make ours stand out?' a naive junior enquires and is sacked instantly. 'Stand out! If we do that people may be confused! Let's give them more of what they already like!' the big chief screams. 'Let's just add more violence and make it really grisly, we are Fox after all,' another suit suggests to a hearty reply of 'now you're getting it', from the big chief. 'We could make them the Deviant Crimes Unit,' he goes on to add, clearly on a roll. 'By Jove, he's got it!' the big chief laughs, 'and the victims could be beautiful and vulnerable women who wear very little on screen.' 'Well that would certainly distract people from the average acting and poor scripts,' Blandman points out. 'Then it's settled, we just need a name,' the big chief announces. 'We could call it Sex Cops Violence?' 'Too literal, how about Killer Instinct…it conveys violence, but sounds a bit like Basic Instinct which had lots of sex.' 'Puuurfect', the big chief replies and then they all slap each other on the back and go and cancel Arrested Development.
Els Westhovens I really like the show. The cast is great and I love the chemistry between the characters. Maybe it's just because I'm European, but I think it all goes too fast. Sometimes it's difficult to follow. Instead of making a 60 min episode, why not 90 min or so? I think it's possible, and probably better. They could develop the characters more (Jack Hale, for example, is so interesting, I wish I knew more about him), show more of their private life, and show more of the investigations. The plots are great, but the murder cases seem to be solved in the blink of an eye. It's a good show, but it could have been excellent.
stefan_tk I feel really sorry that this program stopped so suddenly.This program is from what everyone else says REALLY awesome and should have kept going, no one ever gave a good explanation to why they think it stopped.Lack of class is to me lack of expression from your side "mercutio_41". If you can't tell me what was wrong with it, your comment is quite useless. But since u are still watching it i wont hold grudge against you ;)Nevertheless; good show, get it back going and i will keep watching as i did from start.Good plot. Interesting characters. From what i understand a lot of people liked the show. why would people go and trash talk such a show..? Oh yeah, a sentence comes to mind; "people with lower than average intellect."
notxman The best thing I liked about Killer Instinct was its darkness, and is why I ditched ABC at 8:00PM Friday night. However, Johnny Messner can't act and seems to be too preoccupied about establishing and maintaining some macho image that is more harmful to him than beneficial because it's not's pseudo, false, and whether or not he realizes this the tactic is weighing him down. Nonetheless, Kristen Lehman and Chi McBride seemed to always save the show which is what I found most intriguing because they were just enough of the spice to overlook Messner's flaws; not yet strong enough to be the lead. The important thing about acting is to depict someone other than the celebrity, but the most important aspect of acting is to be comfortable with the camera and/or the audience. I'd welcome the return of the show simply for its darkness, which is indicative of the dark side of reality.