Labyrinth of Flames


Seasons & Episodes

  • 1

EP1 Samurai Labyrinth? Loverinth? Sep 25, 2000

EP2 Treasure Labyrinth? Loverinth? Dec 21, 2000

5.8| 0h30m| en

Meet Galan, a Russian spastic geek who`d do anything to be a real, live samurai. But that`s just an impossible dream... or is it? When his friend Natsu, who is a successor of Japanese emigrants family, gives him the gift of an ancient sword, strange events unfold, and even stranger people drop out of the sky to attack. Now Galan must overcome his ineptitude and join a bunch of beautiful women in a wacky romp through a kingdom that time forgot. Hey, what could be better?


Producted By

Studio Fantasia


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Grimossfer Clever and entertaining enough to recommend even to members of the 1%
Orla Zuniga It is interesting even when nothing much happens, which is for most of its 3-hour running time. Read full review
Alistair Olson After playing with our expectations, this turns out to be a very different sort of film.
Roxie The thing I enjoyed most about the film is the fact that it doesn't shy away from being a super-sized-cliche;
mastertigurius This is, without a doubt, one of the craziest and funniest animés I've ever seen! It will especially appeal to those that like Excel Saga, Puni Puni Poemi, and other series with that type of humour. Some others claim that this is a lousy animé from the reason that there are a lot of pantyshots. I've got a message to these guys (but please don't take it personally); it's an ecchi-show! It's supposed to have panty-shots, that's half the point of making an ecchi-show! Now that THAT's out of the way, I can go into details. First of all, the animation is very well executed. Fluid, realistic movements are used when necessary (***SPOILER-ALERT: The manipuri dance performed by Erola***), and when something funny happens, the style and animation transforms into a weird style with quick movements - something that sets the mood perfectly.The music and voice acting is top-notch, with perfect use of sound, voice (and so forth) to exaggerate the events. In fact, the voice-acting alone made me laugh my guts out sometimes! The story isn't the most intricate plot created, but that's not a goal when making such an animé either! This is pure entertainment, executed in a sexy way, with humour, action and beautiful animé-gals wearing shamefully short skirts...just the way an ecchi-show is supposed to be! If you have the slightest interest in animé - no; If you have the slightest interest in LAUGHING - watch this 2-episode show as soon as possible!
gjhong You may have seen his Project A-ko video from 1986 and have fond memories of that series. Lately director Katsuhiko Nishijima's efforts haven't been very good. I guess these days his trademark is showing leggy women in micro-mini-skirts. This results in a lot of "underwear" scenes. You've probably seen that in his series Agent Aika. This happens again in Labyrinth of Flames. It seems silly to me and I feel like shouting "dress sensibly would you!" to the onscreen characters. This story is about a ninja-wannabe and is pretty forgettable. Be warned that the director sticks to this underwear angle again in his latest effort "Blitz Tactics Najica".