Laguna Beach


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5| 0h30m| TV-MA| en

Like other teens in California, the lives of the Laguna Beach teenagers are filled with sandy beaches, beautiful friends and love triangles. But unlike other teens, they had cameras following them around. It may look like fantasyland, but they're not acting: they really are this rich and beautiful. For them, life really is a day at the beach.


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Also starring Kelan Hurley

Also starring Chase Johnson


Matrixston Wow! Such a good movie.
CheerupSilver Very Cool!!!
Gutsycurene Fanciful, disturbing, and wildly original, it announces the arrival of a fresh, bold voice in American cinema.
Bessie Smyth Great story, amazing characters, superb action, enthralling cinematography. Yes, this is something I am glad I spent money on.
x-pinksparkle-x Wow i have recently started watching Laguna beach and omg i absolutely love it! Yes its about stereotypical spoilt rich kids in living California who have nothing better to do than party, sunbathe and moan about lads but its fab!! I would recommend watching it if like me you just like to sit back and watch TV that doesn't require thinking and you can just laugh at them as well as following the romances. I can see how it is similar to the OC except not to dramatic (obv no shootings or whatever!) but the basics of it are the same! Its really easy to watch episodes back to back for hours.The theme tune is 'come clean' by Hilary Duff which is a good song and i think it fits the show well. And of course it helps that the lovely Stephen is in it (Chase from OTH for the OTH fans there!) which clearly is a bonus!! Its deffo worth watching though.Basically if this is the type of show you like than you will LOVE it!!
Rory Gilmore I'm giving Laguna Beach: the Real Orange County a 10 because I'm totally addicted to it! I can't explain it, but apparently it's not just me. I don't know how the writers and everyone made a show about rich teenagers living on a beach so amazing, but they did a good job of it! Laguna Beach is a group of teenagers every year going through relationships, drama, and everything everyone normally goes through! But, some of these girls are the not-so-nice type. And some of the guys are players out of this world! It's interesting to watch all that happen. It's amazing to see what some of these girls will say or do! And it's amazing how the guys act. I don't know, just a very addictive show! I can't explain it. But I love Laguna Beach: the Real Orange County!
oceanictray69 I enjoyed watching this show and can't wait for Season 4.The reason is: it's fun to watch these kids mess around.These kids are very different from the kids I grew up and went to school with. The kids on the show are not super-spoiled like people say they are. Comments like that are only stereotypes of what people have seen on The OC, which used to air on the FOX Network.The kids on Laguna Beach actually conversate and act like normal kids who like to have fun, like to eat-out, get into boy/girl trouble, and look forward to parties. Sure, the kids are very good-looking and I think that might be why people consider them spoiled. It's well-known that good-looking people are constantly targeted as being mean, just for how they carry themselves. Reality is these kids live on the beach, where there is rarely am ambulance roaring its sirens.The kids on the show are normal and no, they are not super mean or super spoiled. They are just confident and know how to carry themselves. Watch the show. It's rather funny at times and entertaining.
rloc I've lived in the REAL OC- on and off- for over 20 years. The fact is, this show represents about 15 percent of kids who are *hated in the REAL OC, by the rest of the people who live here. These kids would get stomped in Huntington Beach, believe me- and we're waiting for them. First they were in Laguna- living sheltered richie-rich lives in that little town- just down the road. Nothing against gays- but Laguna is literally a gay town- if you are gay around here, that's where you want to live. There aren't any cool nightclubs there- only pretentious art shops that rip off tourists looking for 'art from the beach'. Tourist central for all the 'inlanders' as we call them- trying to act pompous and pretentious before they go back to their culdesac in Riverside (might as well be the Ozarks, as far as we're concerned). So now there is this show called, 'the hills'. They live in the Valley- suburbia- like the movie 'Orange County'(which is a much better portrayal of life in THE VALLEY, not Orange County in general). For all you morons out there who watch this show and worship these people- no one wants to live in the Valley. That's why they escape to Hollywood to go to the clubs- the valley sucks, and is boring for anything other than the Porno movies that are shot there. It's a prison for kids- and most of the kids that come out of there lead lame, sheltered ignorant lives. I'm not making this up- it's general consensus. No one wants to admit they live in the valley unless they are an old yuppie who has bought a house there. The real orange county I know is about ecstasy,acid, crystal meth, weed, cocaine, tattoos, boob jobs, belly rings, surfing, mohawks, steel-toe boots to kick your window-shield in. 4th of July riots in Huntington Beach- cop cars overturned, couches on fire in the middle of the street.Not these stupid kids who MTV claims to represent us. Truth is, these kids doubtless need bodyguards, because anyone I know would not give them a kind welcome, anywhere. I personally would like to pee off a balcony onto their heads (I peed off a 3rd story car garage last time I was there). I have lived in Hollywood as well- and while you get the impression from seeing the show that these nightclubs are all 'posh' and 'ritzy'- those are the lame clubs, that only morons like these would go to- because their little sissy butts are safe from the denizens of Hollywood. The transvestites, the punk squatters on Hollywood Blvd. by the McDonalds- the 'Hollywood Ninja'- Man From Mars- hookers, and smelly rockers going to musician's institute of technology, living on $1 hot dogs from the AM PM across from Frederick's of Hollywood. The real clubs- the fun clubs- the clubs these kids don't belong in- that's the real Hollywood. The Rainbow, the whiskey, the Red light Distrcit (now defunct)- clubs like these- that's where real people go to. These clubs they show on MTV are for celebrity-seekers (tourists) and those that don't generally know any better- or stupid rich valley kids like these. Morons beget morons. Overpriced drinks, lame music, lame conversation is what you get there- stupid girls who live in the valley- and is why we avoid those places- from much experience. MTV can bite me- they know that we are PO'd. They've lost a lot of viewership over this business- personally everyone i know is so turned off by it, that it sheds a bad light on MTV- and their crummy other shows lately don't help. You want to see the REAL REAL OC? Follow them down to Long Beach to pick up some crystal meth (no, I don't do it- anymore). Watch the pretty rich girls turn into ugly meth-head hookers- before your eyes, as they ramble on incessantly about the most trivial things in life. Then catch up with them a year from now- and see how they have ended up- that's THE REAL OC, RIGHT NOW.