Last Shot with Judge Gunn is an American reality-based nontraditional court show that debuted in syndication on September 26, 2011. The series is presented by Mary Ann Gunn and distributed by Trifecta Entertainment, with Peter Brennan, Matt Battaglia, and George Jones serving as executive producers on this series, with Lisa Lew as Co-Executive Producer, and Justin Page and Terry Powell as Supervising Producers. In 2012, after only its first season on the air, it won a Daytime Emmy Award for Outstanding Legal/Courtroom Program. To date, this is the earliest into production that any court show has ever received a Daytime Emmy Award. Moreover, it is the first nontraditional courtroom series to receive a Daytime Emmy Award. On May 1, 2013, Last Shot with Judge Gunn had again been nominated for the "Outstanding Legal/Courtroom Program" Daytime Emmy Award, but did not win the second time around.