Le cœur a ses raisons


Seasons & Episodes

  • 3
  • 2
  • 1
  • 0

EP1 La résurrection des Montgomery Sep 10, 2007

EP2 Le rapt de Doug Doug Sep 17, 2007

EP3 Un amour en péril Sep 24, 2007

EP4 Criquette suspendue entre la vie et la mort Oct 01, 2007

EP5 L'inattendu retour de Brenda Oct 08, 2007

EP6 Le mystérieux mystère entourant la mystérieuse maîtresse du mystérieux Brett Oct 15, 2007

EP7 À la rescousse de Doug Doug Oct 22, 2007

EP8 À la poursuite de Ridge Oct 29, 2007

EP9 Pour l'amour de Doug Doug Nov 05, 2007

EP10 La félicité de Criquette Nov 12, 2007

EP11 La fabuleuse interview de Megan Nov 19, 2007

EP12 La malédiction des Montgomery Nov 26, 2007

EP13 Le somptueux bal des Montgomery Dec 03, 2007

8.4| 0h30m| en

In the fictional city of Saint Andrews, Brett Montgomery, a wealthy cosmetics businessman and doctor at the local hospital, and Brad, his evil twin brother, battle for control of the Montgomery family fortune. Brett’s fiancée, Cricket, is a journalist with the local television station and has a twin sister, Ashley, who is a nurse at the hospital.


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Flyerplesys Perfectly adorable
InformationRap This is one of the few movies I've ever seen where the whole audience broke into spontaneous, loud applause a third of the way in.
filippaberry84 I think this is a new genre that they're all sort of working their way through it and haven't got all the kinks worked out yet but it's a genre that works for me.
Jerrie It's a good bad... and worth a popcorn matinée. While it's easy to lament what could have been...
amelielapointe This show is just SO good. I don't think I know a Quebecer who hasn't watched "Le Coeur a ses Raisons"... It's just a classic here in Quebec. Sadly, I don't think the show was translated in English... But if you are fluent in french (and the accent doesn't bother you), you can definitely watch it. I remember watching this show when I was 9 or 10 years old, and laughing so much it was painful. This show has a weird humor. It's absurd, and when I say absurd, it means ABSURD. Some things just don't make any sense, and that's what's funny about it. Like, for example, there are scenes where characters battle with toilet paper, or other scenes where they drink directly from a water hose. Also, I must mention Marc Labrèche's work, who plays Brett, Brad and Brenda (yes, he also plays a very ugly woman). This guy is just nuts. He could just look at you and make you laugh. His characters are as crazy as him, and they are a very big part of the show. The man is just awesome. Also, Anne Dorval is very cool too. If you don't know the name, she plays in the movie Mommy by Xavier Dolan, which I know is pretty popular... Very talented actress, and very funny too. She can do anything. Anyways, if you speak french and love comedies, this show is for you.
croymisch This show is something else. In french with no sub titles (hopefully they could make it for other languages, at least English!) but something fun to watch if you desire something completely twisted.With the acting of Marc Labrèche, this show becomes a fantasy in the world of soap operas. There is no way to predict what is gonna happen and yet you know what's gonna happen.. or almost... and it's almost something wrong and politically incorrect, something you'd never really see on television..This is a gem of absurdity for the ones which can digest the dosage. And a bit 'salty' if you like sweet water.