Little Miss Jocelyn

5.8| 0h30m| en

Little Miss Jocelyn is a British TV sketch comedy written by and starring Jocelyn Jee Esien. The show is made up of studio sketches and hidden camera footage in which unsuspecting members of the public become part of a sketch. The series ran for 2 series from 22 August 2006 until its cancellation on 14 February 2008. 12 episodes aired whilst a 13th episode was never broadcast for unknown reasons but is featured as a bonus extra on the Series 2 DVD. In 2007, Esien featured in Girls Aloud and Sugababes' Comic Relief video for "Walk This Way", where she puts a parking ticket on Ewen Macintosh, a reference to the character Jiffy from the show Little Miss Jocelyn.


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Also starring Cache Thake


Matrixston Wow! Such a good movie.
Softwing Most undeservingly overhyped movie of all time??
ClassyWas Excellent, smart action film.
Cleveronix A different way of telling a story
Jim Goad I really don't understand why so many people dislike this show. It certainly holds its own against all the other character based sketch shows that have appeared over the last few years.I didn't like her previous show 3 Non Blondes & had low expectations. Admittedly, there are a few sketches that fail to hit the mark (especially in the first series), but the majority make me laugh out loud. With such a large variety of characters & ideas there will always be some that you won't like. However, the richness of 'Little Miss Jocelyn' stems from this variety. Characters such as the Nigerian Driving Instructor, the Toilet Attendant, the Disgusting Shop worker, Gladys Kingston the foul mouthed man hater, the Dietician / Witchdoctor, Tantrum Woman and the Traffic Warden are used in the context of sketches but also in the real world in a hidden camera show style. This works beautifully & shows just how versatile & inventive Jocelyn Jee Esien is. Her skill at portraying so many very different comic characters (Old women, teenagers, men etc) in a convincing manner is impressive & so is the attention to detail. The Bus Driver & Traffic Attendant are absolutely spot on in the way they behave & speak and they're worryingly close to the real people who do those jobs.I love Gladys Kingston, the funeral chasing old ladies, the Umwopwopwopwops and the Toilet Attendant. Just give this show a chance. Don't avoid it just because a few people here hate it.
cyber_st This is for the Iceman: Man you are crazy! This series is hilarious. Seeing as you don't't get the joke, I'm wondering about your ethnic background, because if you have any connections with the Afro-Caribbean community, especially in the UK you will immediately recognise the characters and the jokes (in jokes perhaps), if so you will find this series very funny indeed. What you said reminds me of a friend of mine that is white, he does not have many friends from said community and couldn't understand or get the jokes at all. There are real people that the series is based on, I have met such people and the magnification or focus on behaviour is funny. Hey! parts of my personality are in that series (im mixed race , Nigerian and Irish parentage). Maybe you are an expert on film and comedy and trained in such but if you are Afro-Caribbean or have friends from the community then I am amazed you didn't find this series funny.
Sian Gregory I watched all the episodes one after the other on BBC 3 one night and i thought it was hilarious. Even though it isn't as funny as Catherine Tate or French and Saunders and any other leading English actresses, she really does do a variety of realistic characters.One of my favourites has to be the teenagers on the bus, who talk about absolute crap, but it is hilarious. Another is the parking ticket women who seems to think she knows the "quain"(queen). She even has an argument on a real street rubbish collecting and it is hilarious. Another character she plays is a black posh women who seems to think if she speaks with a posh accent and dresses like she has just ages 50 billion years people won't realise she is black, is class.I really would advise to watching this, its good to get a variety on comedy.
AKeeb If you have seen 3 Non Blondes, you know what to expect. Around 30 minutes too long, you won't even smile, let alone laugh, and the worse bit is, I pay for this with my licence fee. The canned laughter exacerbates matters, as it constantly reminds you that this is supposed to be comedy. The main problem is the fact that whoever commissioned this was probably a white male. He did not find it funny. However, he thinks that black people will find it funny. This is how BBC3 works. Next week, we'll have an unfunny comedy written by a disabled person...Rubbish - comedy is comedy whoever writes or performs it and this dross should have been cut off at first base.