Lupin the Third


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7.8| 0h30m| TV-14| en

Follow the thrilling adventures of master thief Lupin the Third, quite possibly the world's greatest thief. Along with Daisuke Jigen, Goemon Ishikawa and his on-off love interest Fujiko Mine, he pulls off the greatest heists of all time while always escaping the grasp of Inspector Koichi Zenigata.


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Tokyo Movie Shinsha


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Neive Bellamy Excellent and certainly provocative... If nothing else, the film is a real conversation starter.
Sammy-Jo Cervantes There are moments that feel comical, some horrific, and some downright inspiring but the tonal shifts hardly matter as the end results come to a film that's perfect for this time.
Aneesa Wardle The story, direction, characters, and writing/dialogue is akin to taking a tranquilizer shot to the neck, but everything else was so well done.
Bob This is one of the best movies I’ve seen in a very long time. You have to go and see this on the big screen.
Johnny H. Lupin III is many things to Japanese people and otakus alike: he's an icon that's been around for generations and for some is a cultural susbstitute for the likes of characters like Batman and Sherlock Holmes, or even James Bond. Lupin III is a fun but underrated franchise outside of good ol' Nippon (Japan) and that's odd considering Lupin has more western appeal than other animes which have garnered wider followings even if they follow their Japanese roots more closely. Without Lupin, we'd still have an anime industry but it probably wouldn't have matured in the way millions have known the anime industry as it has become.Lupin III was very much a pioneering series for the medium of anime, and even taking away the historical value it's still an entertaining show to watch, and the crime caper film feeling to the stories really helps boost the series' engagement with the viewer. The criminals in Lupin are the ones we love to see doing what they do best: p!ss off the authorities and making it count.What else is there to say about Lupin? Just give the show a watch asap. If you're a self- proclaimed anime buff like I am, watch this piece of Japanese visual history before your eyes and see for yourself if the series helped make anime what it is today. I can honestly see where a lot of the industry gained the confidence to tell more adult stories; and it's all thanks to this classic show.Lupin III: probably my favourite anime franchise outside Cosboy Bebop.
TheLittleSongbird Love anime and animation in general. There are many anime treasures, film and television, and this series is one of them.An anime, and animation, landmark that is very much underrated by today's standards. It deserved to last much longer than just 23 episodes, when vastly inferior (and actually not good) shows last for over two or more seasons and still air on a regular basis while 'Rupan Sansei' is nearly forgotten apart from being remembered with fondness by fans of the series, the manga and the films (the films are similarly well worth checking out). Thank goodness that 'Rupan Sansei' is available to watch on a DVD box-set, albeit not at a cheap price, enough to make anybody trying to save up and budget gulp.The show isn't quite perfect. Its weakest asset is the music, which is rather cheap-sounding and has too much of an early 70s surreal quality that doesn't really gel. Also wasn't completely sold on the pilot, though there are certainly far worse pilot/first episodes of other shows around, which didn't feel particularly settled in terms of quality and tone. Both got significantly better incredibly quickly however, so to anybody not encouraged by the pilot don't give up on the show.In terms of animation, anime certainly became much more refined and eye-catching later on when resources advanced, budgets became bigger and animators became more experienced. With that being said, things considering, the animation isn't bad here, not always smooth in the drawing but there are some lovely details in the backgrounds and the colours are vibrant and atmospheric.'Rupan Sansei's' writing also makes it a gem. People are more familiar with the lighter, more humorous touch, adopted in the later episodes and better received (this tone carried over in 'Lupin' films like 'The Castle of Cagliostro'). One can see why, the humour is hilarious, making one cry with laughter or clutch their sides, there is a real sense of exciting adventure and it's just fun.The darker, grittier tone of the earlier episodes is deserving of much more credit however, there is a lot of suspense in these episodes and there is a dark, melancholic air that gives the show some emotional layering. These episodes still don't forget to be fun though, despite a more serious tone it doesn't take itself so seriously that it alienates. Which makes it a shame that the darker, grittier nature didn't seem to connect as much with audiences.Pretty much all the stories are compelling, with a beautiful balance of comedy, suspense and adventure. While there is a light-hearted edge that makes the show entertaining, 'Rupan Sansei' also has a heart and a maturity that avoids making the storytelling and writing too silly.Great characters too, with a likable and interesting titular character who has both a fun and gritty side that stops him from being a one-dimensional stereotype. Of the supporting characters, Zenigata is my favourite, the conflict engrosses between the two and the character is just very well-written in his own right. The voice acting is very dynamic and fitting.In conclusion, an anime landmark that isn't appreciated enough and deserving of more exposure accessible to a wider audience. 9/10 Bethany Cox
Code Link My first encounter with the Lupin The Third name was The Castle of Cagliostro (a fantastic film on its own), which made me interested in watching the franchise. So where else to start then the series that started it all? (insert pointless plot synopsis here) Since this a episodic series, the early episodes are hit or miss sometimes, and I do prefer the Miyazaki-directed episodes in the ladder half of the series, but it's still fun throughout. The characters are extremely fun to watch interact and play off of each other (my personal favorite was Zenigata) The animation is quite dated, it grows on you after awhile. The music is pure cheese, but I loved it nonetheless. Overall, this series was what I expected for the most part, but in a good way. It really makes me want to watch the rest of the Lupin installments. I would strongly recommend this show. 8.5/10
Ian Gear (psychogoatee) This is a legendary anime series about some instant classic characters, the Lupin gang. This is amazingly ahead of it's time, being the first anime starring criminals, the first gritty comparatively more realistic anime with guns and such. Not just for anime, it's ahead of it's time in general.Most importantly, it's still a joy to watch nearly 40 years later. Lupin is the cool, laid back antihero. This laid back style, helped by the very cool soundtrack, is still influential today in titles like Cowboy Bebop. Lupin has other sides to him too of course, he has an ego, and he'll laugh like a maniac and take on any challenge. And of course, he gets pretty excited when there are ladies around, especially Fujiko.The supporting characters are great here. You have Jigen, Lupin's partner and best friend. He's very cool himself, a smooth criminal, but he's also the voice of reason, a more mature criminal. Then you have Fujiko, the classic femme fatale cat burglar, she is Lupin's love interest, and often his rival. Then there's Goemon, the renegade samurai with a strong moral code, who can cut anything. And of course, Inspector Zenigata, who tirelessly dedicates his life to capturing Lupin.Lupin is episodic, featuring 23 self contained stories. Although there is one plot that takes two episodes early on, with Goemon out to defeat Lupin. One episode Lupin is in prison, another time him and the gang have explosive watches put on that they can't take off. These are all great stories.An interesting thing about this series is that it has two different feels to it, depending on who is directing. Masaaki Osumi directs episodes 1-7, 9, and 12. These are the more dark and gritty episodes, and sometimes have a melancholy feel. These episodes are amazing, giving us the depth that the Lupin characters are built on.The founders of Studio Ghibli, Hayao Miyazaki and Isao Takahata, direct episodes 8, 10-11, and 13-23. These episodes are also superb, with a more fun and upbeat feel, closer to what Lupin is known for today. You can tell Miyazaki is involved when Lupin starts saving cute damsels in a gentlemanly heroic way.All in all, Lupin III is a classic series, which is still going strong today with movie specials. I recommend checking this out, it's must see anime.