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8.8| 0h30m| TV-14| en

Major real-life air disasters are depicted in this series. Each episode features a detailed dramatized reconstruction of the incident based on cockpit voice recorders and air traffic control transcripts, as well as eyewitnesses recounts and interviews with aviation experts.


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Cineflix Productions


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Also starring Jonathan Aris


Cathardincu Surprisingly incoherent and boring
Micransix Crappy film
Philippa All of these films share one commonality, that being a kind of emotional center that humanizes a cast of monsters.
Scarlet The film never slows down or bores, plunging from one harrowing sequence to the next.
Amer The concept of this show is brilliant. It is not intended for aviation geeks which I appreciate. My only problem is that the execution is poor most of the times; doesn't mean I won't watch it. The acting in the early seasons shouldn't be called acting. I have a problem with mistakes like an aircraft rotating when the pilot calls V1. Sound effects are awful most of the times. It's disappointing because you can get better sound effects using a simulator. I wish they did not voice act the CVR recordings and the ATC conversations, at least not in every episode. The show actually can help some people overcome their fear of flying. They show the aftermath of the accident and how findings prevent further accidents. The interviews are well made. I noticed that most of the time they show rare footage. It's also nice that they sometimes present incidents in which nobody got injured; if you don't already know the story and skip the show's annoying intro, it's nice when you find out that everyone came out alive. If you like aviation, you already know this show. If you fear flying, try it, it might help.
Olga_baikova This is the best documentary series I've ever seen. The computer generated images and re-enactment gives you a great picture of what really happened on the flight, what people were saying and doing at the time. It makes you feel you were on board that plane as well. These series are not meant to scare the general public to the point when no one wants to travel by plane, but in fact it's goal is to tell people what has been done to prevent something like this from ever happening again. I cannot wait to see the new episodes from season 12, which is in production at the moment. I'm also looking forward to see the episode about the recent Sukhoi SuperJet crash in the future seasons. I do believe it will be eerily similar to the Airbus show flight featured in season 9 episode 3- Pilot vs Plane. One of the downsides of the series is that sometimes the same actors portray different pilots in several episodes, which can be somewhat confusing.
purkaeus A must watch for all interested in aircraft and air safety. However, it is not without its flaws.The quality of reenactments varies from decent to awful, but they seem to have improved in later episodes. Aircraft sound effects and take off cockpit drills are generally pretty boring, sometimes just plain wrong, and could do with improvement.Unlike Black Box, an air crash programme from the 1990s, actual cockpit voice recordings are never used; the reenactments often sound rather different to the real thing.The narrator will often be heard asking questions like "How could a state of the art xxxx aircraft crash?" etc, which can get a little annoying after awhile. Owing to widespread abuse on this programme, the term "State of the art" is pretty meaningless. Furthermore, "state of the art" does not mean "impossible to crash", as evidenced by the fact that new episodes continue to be made.Also annoying is the delicate manner in which aircraft manufacturers are handled. With a few exceptions, criticism of manufacturers seems to be carefully sidestepped. Aircraft fans might not like my saying this, but praise for aircraft manufacturers and their designs, particularly Boeing, is all too frequent. Just because they are a market leader does not mean their products are the safest permitted by the current level of technological advancement. Manufacturers and their products are highly fallible, as anyone who has looked beyond the detail given in this programme would know.NTSB bureaucrats really get to blow their trumpet on this show, too.Perhaps I have been too harsh a judge of this show. With all its faults, I still enjoy watching it.
Felipe Bachian I'm an aviation enthusiast and a big fan of this show, presented in Brazil by National Geographic and called "Mayday Desastres Aéreos" (something like "Mayday Air Disasters)".It's presented in a very easy way to understand so everybody can watch and enjoy it.One my my favorite episodes is the "Blow Out", that's the first episode of the second season. It's really amazing the pilot survived.The computer graphics is a must and recreates the aircraft models and situations with accuracy.The actors dramatization are not bad, but it seems to be overused sometimes.