Million Dollar Listing San Francisco


Seasons & Episodes

  • 1

4.8| 0h30m| en

The Bay Area is in the midst of a real estate boom, with many young tech workers calling the area home and willing to spend big bucks for some of the most expensive properties in the U.S. Competition in the market is stiff, and agents are always competing to land new clients; three of those agents are profiled in this series. San Francisco native and luxury broker Justin Fichelson is a pro at networking, and his relationships with venture capitalists and Silicon Valley entrepreneurs help him get ahead in the game. Roh Habibi, who was born in Afghanistan but raised in the Bay Area, is willing to do whatever it takes to close a deal, which has helped him make it to the top of the profession in just a few years in the business. Andrew Greenwell's philosophy -- go big or don't go at all -- has helped lead him to become CEO of a real estate company.



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Merolliv I really wanted to like this movie. I feel terribly cynical trashing it, and that's why I'm giving it a middling 5. Actually, I'm giving it a 5 because there were some superb performances.
Aneesa Wardle The story, direction, characters, and writing/dialogue is akin to taking a tranquilizer shot to the neck, but everything else was so well done.
Roman Sampson One of the most extraordinary films you will see this year. Take that as you want.
Scotty Burke It is interesting even when nothing much happens, which is for most of its 3-hour running time. Read full review
becky_burnside This show is just terrible. The only Realtor that is interesting is Justin, but he should be the least interesting one of the three. He should be the Luis of the three, just starting out, trying to make his mark. There should be a dynamo, super-seasoned agent that deals in the 20-30 million dollar properties. All of the Realtors seem to not know what they are doing. They need to dump Roh and Andrew and recast with the big guns of the real estate world here. How could this be cast so terribly??!!?!!?!It makes the San Francisco market look like it is not really competitive and really accessible, which is it not. Also, the rents are crazy here - $2750 for a studio down the street from me. This show isn't realistic. The people that are looking to buy are not represented at all which is where there is real drama in the City. This real estate market is the craziest in the country. But with these bumbling idiots, it just seems like amateur hour.
phmanagedcare Seriously, I'm embarrassed to say I'm from SF because of the brokers from your show.... They are all idiots! Couldn't you get some good and interesting brokers for the show? PLEASE do us all a favor and cancel this series so SF can heal!!!! This show makes SF look like a place for losers to live in, it's definitely not up to the caliber of MDL New York, or LA. - FYI, Paul's fiancée is way too hot for Paul!! OK, well I think you will see several more reviews coming in asking if this ain't a serious show. How many homes in the U.S. can be bought/sold at the $1-$4 mark, this makes SF look so "unspectacular" when we all know that SF is the best place to live in the world so the brokers should stop thinking they are stars and work for getting their listings! Each of the brokers are so full of themselves, ego, ego, ego! Yuck!!!
David Henderson I can't believe how bad this show is. It's almost like the producers don't know anything about real estate. When you have the gay guy looking for a bus for four hours or having the other guy stalking adeveloper you have already jumped the shark. None of these realtors are appealing. No professional realtor would do these antics. I presume the producers are trying to make the show interesting but they just make the realtors look douche. Stop it and show more houses and the deals.Your fellow Bay Area Realtor. David