How wonderful it is to see this fine actress carry a film and carry it so beautifully.
The film creates a perfect balance between action and depth of basic needs, in the midst of an infertile atmosphere.
Tyreece Hulme
One of the best movies of the year! Incredible from the beginning to the end.
A terrific literary drama and character piece that shows how the process of creating art can be seen differently by those doing it and those looking at it from the outside.
Donald F
From what I heard, Gundam Seed is essentially a remake of Gundam Uno. Gundam Seed Destiny starts out as a remake of Gundam Seed, disguised as a sequel. The suits may be different, and we have new characters, but too much is familiar. Athrun is back with ZAFT and fighting against Kira, Kira is still trying to force peace, the Earth Federation is as evil as ever, and is still using drugged psychopaths. The action is better, but we still spend more than enough time on the cruiser, with characters not strong enough to warrant the time spent.Finally, Destiny begins to pick up. Kira's interventions are only making the battlefield chaotic. Shin loses a friend and a lover (you don't believe either relationship, but regardless...) and swears revenge. Shin is developing, and Kira is no longer a perfect hero. He's like an anime Superman, powerful and virtuous, but narrow-minded and immature. In retrospect, his fight with Rau is (un)intentional genius. Rau argues humans will never learn to live with each other, and Kira can say nothing to debunk him. He believes in doing the right thing, no matter what. And because of this, Shin kills him.Just kidding. Kira "Jesus" Yamato is just as explosionproof as he was in Seed.After that peak, the show rapidly descends downhill. Oh, its still copying Seed, but now the writers no longer give a crap. Relationships are forced, characters do 180s, and plot-twists come out of nowhere. Worst of all, the only real conflict is ruined. Instead of relative neutrality, they frame Kira and company as our peaceful heroes, Shin and the rest as misguided antagonists. Shin believes in the Destiny Program for no good reason. Kira has learned absolutely nothing from this journey.Clip shows, unresolved character conflicts, Mu's corpse pulled out of his grave. Stupid, stupid, stupid! I like the fights, the mecha designs, the openings and closings...not worth it. It might as well not exist.
This series revives many the characteristically flashy visual and musical elements that gave the first SEED its barrages of pink laser fire and pervasive J-Pop background. Of course these worked much better with a good plot and characters to back them up. Despite its promising start, this series spirals out of control with the reappearance of Kira Yamato from the first SEED. Little by little, the intended protagonist Shinn falls to the way side until the hopelessly perfect Yamato takes his place. The notion of 'real robots' once so central to earlier incarnations of Gundam effectively fades away with the introduction of inexplicably godlike mecha for most of the major characters, reaching the apotheosis of absurdity with the one Kira receives.
I find this season surprisingly disappointing, Athrun just practically went back to being an idiot like he was at the beginning of Seed, fighting for what he "blindly" believes in. Kira, I can understand he wants to live peacefully but man, honestly he looks like a depressed old man to me -__-. Destiny just practically copied everything from Seed, except doing them backwards, rather than the ZAFT steals EA's mobile suits at the beginning of the season, this time is the opposite...and ZAFT have shitty mobile suits this season, the only fights that are worth seeing is when Kira kicks ass with Gundam Freedom, and later on both Kira and Athrun kick ass with their Infinite Justice and Strike Freedom. Probably the only thing worth seeing. The new characters are soooo annoying, if u ppl thought Yzak was bad, then man he is a cool character, and him and Dearka should have had a bigger role in this season. Shin is just unacceptable, a BRAT!!!OK, i might sound like a complete ass for dissing this so much, but if ur looking for a good plot then don't bother with this season, if u end it at Seed, then it makes hell of a better ending than continuing like this.I personally loved Gundam Seed, although I was cheering for Fllay to die lol. but Destiny is just utterly disappointing.
Gundam SEED Destiny, the direct sequel to Gundam SEED, got off to a great start. We were thrown into battle that raged on and off for 4 to 5 episodes non-stop, and our hopes were high. There were new characters that had stories to be told, and a new plot to be delivered. But, this all stopped before the series even hit the 20th episode. Instead of the new characters being in the spotlight, Lacus and the crew came in and took it back. Athrun was left in the cold, and it became the Jesus Yamato show. Instead of seeing intense battles, we get to see Freedom strike the same pose over and over again as hundreds of grunt units explode.Gundam SEED retained elements from the older, more war oriented Gundam series, which made it easily watchable and quite entertaining if you could get by the re-use of the same frames. But SEED Destiny became a "super robot" show in which the main characters suits could easily take out an entire fleet without getting a scratch. The new suits, while flashy, are just blatant copies of UC suits. Pumping up a Zaku and giving it a huge backpack doesn't mean you've created a new suit.Destiny had the potential to be as good as SEED, but it ended up destroying itself by becoming a super robot show filled with Gundams.I give it 3 out of 10 stars, because it did have a good start.