Better Late Then Never
Very interesting film. Was caught on the premise when seeing the trailer but unsure as to what the outcome would be for the showing. As it turns out, it was a very good film.
Aneesa Wardle
The story, direction, characters, and writing/dialogue is akin to taking a tranquilizer shot to the neck, but everything else was so well done.
Yes, absolutely, there is fun to be had, as well as many, many things to go boom, all amid an atmospheric urban jungle.
Chaell Cyras
!!!MASSIVE SPOILER ALERT THROUGHOUT THE ENTIRE REVIEW!!!The series started out interesting. New characters (immediately committing a massacre in episode 1), new reasons for war (Colonydrop on Earth and a repeat Nuke attack at the PLANTS(exactly same footage as ending of Seed..)) and to my delight returning old characters.Sadly Cagalli being one of them, who, to make it worse, is even more annoying than in SEED. She first puts Orb in the psychotic Blue Cosmos- led Earth Alliance (EA from now on)(I can understand that, because else the EA will destroy ORB yet again). Yet later when she has joined the Archangel, she's constantly ordering Orb forces to stop fighting, while it is because of her that they have to fight in the first place! But if they stop fighting, the EA will once again destroy them etc. Vicious cycle, make up your mind already!Even worse is when ZAFT is invading Orb for the SOLE PURPOSE of capturing Lord Jibril. She overthrows Yuna Roma and takes control of Orb, but does she try to STOP THE FIGHTING (like she tried the whole SEED and SEED Destiny series)? Maybe CONTACT ZAFT and tell them: "Hey! We know you want Jibril and he's in Orb, we are hunting him so stop attacking please!"? Nope, she launches an all-out attack on ZAFT killing hundreds more people for absolutely no reason. WHAT?Then there's Shin, constantly nagging at Cagalli (Which I'd be fine with were it for aforementioned reasons, but nu-uh). According to him his parents died because the EA attacked Orb, seemingly because Orb (Lord Uzumi to be precise, NOT Cagalli) stuck to it's ideals too much. But when Cagalli decides to abandon Orb's ideals to protect the population, and joins the EA, he's still whining because this time they're traitors!... His hypocrisy knows no bounds, as, whereas he's traumatized because he lost his family, instead of following Kira's example of non- killing, he keeps stomping cockpits and shattering hundreds of families himself.Speaking of hypocrites... Lacus Cleyne. Near the end of the series, when 2 parties keep interrupting each other's worldwide broadcasts(seems to be ridiculously easy in the future), The real Lacus (HypoLacus from now on) is blurting out an amazing amount of nonsense about her fake clone counterpart, WannabeLacus:-"She and I are 2 completely different people-No? All the WannabeLacus has been doing the entire series is dampening the rage of the PLANT population with hippie-peace talk and a repeat of the same cheeky songs over and over, EXACTLY what HypoLacus has been doing the entire SEED series. By all means, HypoLacus should be grateful, else Durandil wouldn't have been able to stem the rage tide and the following war could've been much worse.-and our beliefs are just as different as well"WannabeLacus stated that their anger should be directed to Lord Jibril, and that everyone should work together to apprehend this psycho racist maniac. So you don't have this belief? Really HypoLacus? You want to bring down Chairman Durandil who is helping innocent people on Earth, directing attacks only at LOGOS (>>THE<< reason for all the wars in world) and preventing as many casualties on the EA as possible, while Lord Jibril went around and:-Attempted nuking the PLANTS (AGAIN!) -Wiped out Berlin and 2 entire other cities along with tons of innocent people -Conducted horrible experiments on genetically enhanced child-soldiers (Extendeds) -Stated he wanted to wipe out every single coordinator (Including you HypoLacus)Really? And later on, when Jibril destroys 6 PLANT colonies, killing another few million people, HypoLacus apparently gives sod-all and claims they still have to stop Durandil! JIBRIL IS STILL ALIVE! The ZAFT forces only killed 1 of those EA Beam Reflectors. They still had like 10 left, and could easily move another one in position to slaughter another few million more people. Yes Durandil wants to execute a Destiny Plan, but to install that takes a hell of a lot of effort and time, and it doesn't slaughter millions of innocents instantly, you can stop him LATER!Rey does that actually... Loyal to the death to Durandil the entire show, but a few words from Kira and he back-stabs him... That's just weak, and lame.Okay some positive characters:-Mu Laflaga! I know I know, his death would've had a lot of meaning if he had actually died in SEED. But in HypocritLand it's hard to find someone who isn't Emo and hypocrite, and cool at the same time. Finally a hero, with cool quotes, that doesn't need an overpowered suit that kills entire armies without taking a scratch, to make a difference (like Kira, doesn't even fight anymore when he loses his Freedom... wussy).-Athren Zala. He grows a lot throughout SEED and SEED Destiny, expresses emotions accordingly, makes sense and fights in whatever suit there's available.Lastly, I enjoyed most of the battles. Deaths of main characters made quite an impact, especially cause most of their deaths came so unexpected (Like Heine ,very cool character BTW). And Stella, I expected she'd jump on the Gundampilot Girlfriend Bandwagon, mainly due to the Seed Destiny intro clips).The story could've been a lot cooler were it not for several annoying characters, but if you don't care for that, I think it's worth the effort to watch through both Seed and Seed Destiny. But there are better Gundams out there!
There are just so many problems with this show, my mind is boggling as to where to start. Well, I suppose the best place to start is the beginning. The story initially begins during one of the major battles from the previous show, Mobile Suit Gundam SEED. A young boy named Shinn Asuka and his family are caught in a crossfire between two mobile suits, one of them piloted by Kira Yamato, the protagonist from Gundam SEED. Although Shinn survives, his entire family is killed, leaving Shinn aghast. Fast forward two years later, Shinn has relocated to the PLANTs and enlisted in the ZAFT military. This show definitely had a lot of potential during the first twelve episodes, which focused mainly on Shinn and all the other new characters. But then the writers decided to switch gears and bring back Kira and the rest of the old cast from Gundam SEED, and they ultimately save the day. What is frustrating about that is Kira has no struggle to speak of. Yet in the last few episodes of this show, the writers decided to make Kira invincible in his latest mobile suit and the climax was insufferably one-sided. Overall, this show is a disgrace to the Gundam franchise.Yoshiyuki "Kill 'Em All" Tomino, the instigator of Gundam, is definitely the superior director and I would definitely recommend any of his shows or movies over this lame series anytime . They don't call him "Kill 'Em All" Tomino for nothing. No sir.
Glen B.Wang
Well, I did make a critical comment on Seed Destiny on IMDb prior to this (and yeah, I still don't like the first Seed) but after watching it on later episodes, something tells me that Destiny really seems to capture the core essence of this mighty mecha-based franchise, and it all shows in some of the most intense battle sequences ever made on TV. So it's pretty fair for me to pull back those crude words I uttered for the sake of all Gundam fans.Though there are so many changes since the first show (truthfully, you'll be stuck in the woods if you don't follow its trail), it's still pretty much about the conflict between ZAFT (for dummies, space guys) and the forces of Earth, just like its predecessors. OK, I really miss lots of episodes in Seed (cause I don't really like it at all), so I have no idea the whole premise here but there's one thing I know about its characters: not one single person wants to prove to be heroic nor evil in this show because they are just doing what is right in their own eyes. And makers of the Gundam shows get smarter these days.Despite its melodramatic nature, frequent uses of flashbacks (doggone these stuff) and the fact that the 'save our country from the enemy' conversations can become really annoying, the major highlight (and the main reason I watch Destiny) is the grand mecha battles: every single Gundam, including the famous one-eyed bots, make their appearances on (this time) both sides of the battlefield. Unless you know the show well, viewers will be virtually confused with their affiliations. Aside from improved 3D effects (and they blend really nicely) and character animation, one of the greatest thing that I realize recently is that most anime have 3D robots these days: the Gundam series, like Mr. Miyazaki himself, instead defy them by using the old-school methods (hand-drawn, that's for sure) and the result is impressive. In fact, I think these hand-drawn mechas look more versatile and exciting (nostalgia is the perfect word) compared to the rest of the 3D robots, which is a wonder why most recent mecha shows suck.Like all anime stuff, there are some J-Pop songs specially produced for Destiny: mostly are varied in quality, ranged from awesome and memorable to the state that makes you think 'WTF?'. Just check them up, listen and you'll see what I mean.And here is my analyst of the later episodes of Gundam Seed Destiny and yes, I admit it's really good. If you don't like its convoluted storyline, you'll be still enticed by Destiny's mecha battles, and they're all worthy of its parent name.
When I saw the show, it was THE most amazing Gundam series I have seen in years, even more so than Gundam SEED. The new machines in SEED Destiny is more well designed than the others; even some that weren't seen in SEED (I'm talking about SEED-MSV) made it into SEED Destiny. Of course, even though Freedom is destroyed, a new Freedom stands up to take its place; I'm talking about the ZGMF-X20A Strike Freedom. There's even a new Justice Gundam on the block; ZGMF-X19A Infinite Justice. But, one thing has now caught my eye; a new mobile suit called the Akatsuki; it looks like Zeta Gundam's Hyaku Shiki in both appearance and color. Anyways, besides the machines are the characters; Shinn Asuka, orphan boy, ZAFTs top class, hates Kira, pilots powerful machines, etc. Then again, some old characters come back; Kira, Athrun, Cagalli, Lacus, Andrew Waltfeld, Murrue, etc. This show completely is a revolution in the Gundam series. Let there be GUNDAMS!!!!!