One of the wrost movies I have ever seen
Kaelan Mccaffrey
Like the great film, it's made with a great deal of visible affection both in front of and behind the camera.
Lucia Ayala
It's simply great fun, a winsome film and an occasionally over-the-top luxury fantasy that never flags.
Story: It's very simple but honestly that is fine.
Despite people claiming it is only a British knock off of the US series, "House" (the creator admits he was inspired by the series, so there is no skullduggery), I am a big fan, and wish they had made more.It is only like "House",in that it is a hospital drama.Nesbitt plays Monroe, and unlike "House", he is not a neurotic and not addicted to pain killers.He is a delightful fellow, with the same problems as anyone else, and has a fun pleasant sense of humor, not acerbic and ogomaniacal like "House".I loved "House", don't get me wrong, and as an American I might be expected to be the first to cry "foul".But I don't, because "Monroe" is original, funny, and Nesbitt makes it a joy to watch.
I grew up in NZ on British humour. This is also shared by many Australians.Monroe is full of UK humour and idioms, the "Stiff upper lip" etc. I thoroughly enjoyed it. This is not a UK version of House, it is totally different. Other cultures often have difficulty with this type of humour and it's "Lost in translation". Man About the House, a British sitcom was remade in the United States as Three's Company; Also, The Ropers (US), based upon Robin's Nest (UK) and George & Mildred (UK), respectively all lost the British humour to replaced by a much different US humour.Note my spelling :-)
Having watched the first few episodes of Monroe I am surprised by reviews comparing it to House. Sure, Monroe is a hospital drama centred on a brilliant surgeon with a challenging personality. But hospital dramas about so so surgeons with boring personalities tend not to rate.Monroe is well scripted, the story lines are compelling and much more credible than House's fantasy plots. It is well acted, has very high production values and is backed by a great music score. All in all it is great entertainment - exactly what I want from a TV series. To base a negative review of one show on a supposed, tenuous association with a completely different show instead of on its merits is puerile.
I agree it may be lacking a tad in subtlety and originality, and the characters are slightly clichéd, but man did I love Monroe. It was a compelling, well-acted and well-written series that also does well in conveying any complexities and difficulties in the profession. I too don't understand the House comparison, the only two similarities I can think of at the top of my head are that they are set in a hospital and that both characters are cynical, House more so. Monroe has high production values, sharp, smart and witty writing, good direction and story lines that while not exactly original are more than benefited by the way they're paced and constructed. Monroe has excellent acting too, James Nesbitt is absolutely brilliant as his cynical yet fun character, and while Sarah Parish's role is less showy she does an excellent job with it. In conclusion, a great series and well worth catching. 9/10 Bethany Cox