Monsters Inside Me


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7.6| 0h30m| TV-PG| en

Part horror movie, part medical detective story, find out what happens when people fall prey to an infection from a parasite, those nasty microscopic creatures found in water, soil and even in the air. Victims' stories are retold, including how doctors and scientists attempt to unravel each case before it's too late. Biologist Dan Riskin, assisted by doctors and experts who witnessed each case, leads the scientific discussion about each parasite.



Producted By

Optomen Productions


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ManiakJiggy This is How Movies Should Be Made
Dotbankey A lot of fun.
Ketrivie It isn't all that great, actually. Really cheesy and very predicable of how certain scenes are gonna turn play out. However, I guess that's the charm of it all, because I would consider this one of my guilty pleasures.
Neive Bellamy Excellent and certainly provocative... If nothing else, the film is a real conversation starter.
TigerHeron If you have an interest in science and medicine, this show is for you. It is somewhat horrifying but also fascinating. I've learned so much about parasitic infections from watching this show. Each episode typically has three stories and follows a pattern of first introducing the main subject and his or her family members, then interspersing dramatic re-enactments with interviews of the subjects about their illness and recovery (or not), followed by some general info and tips about the illness from the show's biologist. I feel so sorry for some of these people. Some of them have been victims of circumstance, but many are victims of shockingly incompetent doctors. Here's a tip: If you have a cough or chest pain that doesn't go away, you MUST insist on a chest x-ray! I was completely shocked to see the number of doctors who made off-the-cuff diagnoses without doing any real tests! I should add however that some of the people are victims of their own recklessness, stupidity or ignorance, such as the man who ate live crabs or the parent who gave her young child ibuprofen (the label on the bottle clearly says not for children under 12). Warning, some people die on this show. You don't know until the end of the story whether the person lived or died. I commend the people who participate for sharing their personal stories for our education.
dhainline1 "Monsters Inside Me" is a really good, yet scary show about real people taken down by parasites. Some have died like the 2 kids who accidentally got a brain eating amoeba or whatnot up their nose. I mention eating salads slowly because one episode had an older man who ended up with breathing problems everyone thought was bronchitis. This problem lasted too long and when the doctor cut him open, there was a green pea spouting inside the guy's lung! Sprouts like dark, moist places like caves and human lungs. After the pea was removed, the guy said he would eat salad and not inhale it. I eat salad and other food carefully now! There was also another episode that had to do with meat. This poor kid was getting stomach problems and his guts were basically acting up on him. When he was operated on, the doctor found a small metal stick or something in his stomach. It was a bristle from the brush the kid's dad used on the grill. The bristle got in the meat the kid ate but he wasn't bitter or mad at his dad. The family invested in a plastic grill brush. I think the show's job is to tell people to be cautious when they go outside because humans share the planet with lower life forms that can hurt us!
moe-moev_v-83-894449 As an avid viewer of Animal Planet, I had seen Monsters Inside Me advertised regularly. I finally got the chance to see an episode. I loved it. The premise of exploring things that can and do happen to everyday people fascinates me. And although some of it was a little frightening, I was intrigued the whole show. The last segment really caught my attention. The story was so heart felt and think the actors did a great job. The man who played Dr Nunn, (Nicholas Thomas) was very convincing and I really could feel the compassion he felt for the patient. Great Job. I will defiantly be watching this show again. Keep up the good work!
Austin Sutton I saw an advertisement/ commercial for this show the other day, and checked it out on my DVR today.I expected there to be several cases of inner-body parasites. In that respect, the show delivered. My problem was that they seemed to make too big of a deal about the cases. So much so, that only 2-3 cases fit into an episode that has a running time of 60 min.In my opinion I think the series does not seem to stress the science, or the way that the parasites work, which is what I was fascinated with.Though it may sound cold, I didn't watch the show so I could see dramatizations of what the family was doing at the time, or how they felt.If you are into Drama, with a gruesome touch, and you don't mind waiting for it, then this show is for you.For me, I didn't like how it wraps you up in a Documentary Drama, then we are introduced to the gross part. I would have liked to see one or the other.Actually, just the one.