Mr. D


Seasons & Episodes

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  • 1

7.4| 0h30m| TV-PG| en

Based on Gerry Dee's real-life experiences as a high school teacher before he switched to comedy full-time, MR. D is a story about a charming, under-qualified teacher trying to fake his way through a teaching job, just like he often fakes his way through life.


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Topsail Entertainment


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Lovesusti The Worst Film Ever
Actuakers One of my all time favorites.
Mandeep Tyson The acting in this movie is really good.
Ricardo Daly The story-telling is good with flashbacks.The film is both funny and heartbreaking. You smile in a scene and get a soulcrushing revelation in the next.
Mister Gorys This show is really unfunny. Who had the bright idea of giving the full of himself butt hat from The Score his own show so he could pretend to be even more of a jerk? They're trying so hard to do a The Office style cringe-comedy show but there's just no laughs here. I can't pull for Mr. D or anybody else and don't like any of them, especially him. The kids aren't even entertaining. I have no idea how this got on TV at all plus more than one season, it's confusing to say the least.
reggie-at-random The "funny-ness" of this series remains questionable even after some seasons have passed. Shuddering memories of incredibly stupid and lazy 'colleagues' (mostly in the Business, Guidance and Phys Ed) rise to the surface whenever I glimpse Gerry's silly smug mug. He's an actor defenders claim, to which I reply: No he's not...he's playing himself. And it ain't no stretch. Proof? Forcible viewing of his several "comedy" acts underlined this conclusion. All his observational humour was based on an incredibly selfish stance that came across as so intrinsic to his own character (it must be coming from somewhere!) that it seems he is willing to accept laughter as a by-product of a world view he maintains anyway with little or no appreciation of the degree to which he is revealing and so embarrassing himself. But back to the Mr D series.... that creepy relationship between the stick-man and the female principal? those two to the union, NOW!! Many talented and excellent supporting actors deserve the work they get on this series however, so good for them, but otherwise, it's still no thanks for me. Time passes: Tried to view this show again and good lord it's still as bad. Gerry tries to bate a predator with the school's kids? THIS is supposed to be FUNNY? An new low that really just further reveals how truly shudderingly awful a teacher he is with no worthy punishment. Why would anyone think this is amusing I am still at a loss to understand.
sommervr This is the same type of cringe humor displayed by the Office but maybe a little gentler with a Canadian slant.I am finding as I get older that there is a significant proportion of the population that won't get shows like this and these account for the negative reviews. If you liked "Two and a half Men" or think Tim Allen is the funniest guy ever don't watch this show. There is plenty of stuff more to your taste available.Gerry is an egotistical ass and he plays it pretty straight. The humour hits like a car crash in that it is unavoidable and a prisoner of the momentum of Gerry's failings. It has a sweet heart though with the kids who are in on the joke from the start.
huxley edwards This review only covers where I'm at so far - I'm playing catch up here and I'm at episode 7 of season 1.I think Gerry has a unique approach at standup - and this TV show is no different.One thing I must give it a negative with is some of the very derivative acting and situations from other TV and Films. It's here and there but not too distracting. Give and take so to speak.Now the thing I notice people hating on in the comments is the basic outline of the show. The guy is an ass. Reviewers go on to say this is just the way Gerry is. Well sorry to tell you people, when it's on TV and scripted - it's called 'acting'. It's not the way the guy is. Possibly taken from situations the guy was in or possibly things he did in the past - but it's a stretch to just throw the concept out because they truly think he's just getting paid to be an ass-hole to everyone and making everyone feel uncomfortable on the set. I'm amazed we are in 2014 and many people still do not understand theater - especially the wonders of film-making. It's a mystery I see to many.I would rank this TV show higher but I'm just starting to view it. I will re post a review once I get to season 4 and see where they have taken the characters and the show. It's no where near perfect show, akin to a bag of chips and some concentrated orange juice. Salty sweet and makes you feel a bit sluggish but happy after.I must say - it's uniquely Canadian in it's approach.. for the good and the bad. (I am not a fan of many of the Canadian production techniques)