Best movie of this year hands down!
The greatest movie ever!
I wanted to like it more than I actually did... But much of the humor totally escaped me and I walked out only mildly impressed.
Jenna Walter
The film may be flawed, but its message is not.
I used to watch '' Mysterious Ways '' when it was broad casted after midnight on our commercial television. For me it was the perfect material to end the day with. Its heartwarming story lines never get too heavy and it has a positive atmosphere.The show is about a charming college professor ( Adrian Pasdar ) with a huge interest in the paranormal. With his skeptical colleague psychiatrist Peggy ( Rae Dawn Chong ) and promising student Miranda ( Alisen Down )on his side, he tries to uncover the story behind ghostly appearances, Christian miracles, reincarnation and exorcism. In most of the episodes he's confronted with a scientific explanation to everything, but sometimes the outcome suggests more between heaven and earth. Science and faith are equally important in this show.In another review someone mentioned it is a combination between ''The X-files '' and '' Touched by an angel''. That's a pretty accurate way to describe the show. It has the scientific approach to uncover the reality as in ''The X-files'' and the heartwarming interaction between humans as in '' Touched... '' Though I must add that '' Mysterious Ways '' never takes a religious stance in its subjects. It's to the viewer what he wants to believe. No forced Christian morales here.
OK, lets face it, if you're not a humble, faithful (and probably voting republican) American, craving to be choked on continuous moral lessons so obvious and predictable, I strongly advice you to skip this crappy non-original TV-show. Actually I think u would do more good in church or read the story's in the good book; they're way better in a moral sense and offer at least some excitement so your brain gets activated. This show is a total waste of time ánd money and I can only applaud it got cancelled, it was the only right thing to do. So to all of you out there who claim this show is great; get real, get a life and use your spare time in a better way
Hi,I'm seeing this show in reruns for the first time as I never caught it in its original showings, darnit. This is my fave show even if it's old. I've seen most of the episodes now, they are all great. The writing is immeasurable and can't compare to any other, just truly wonderful and inspiring. The actors are easy on the eyes. lol.I really don't understand why it only ran for two seasons. But at least I've got a chance to watch it here in Canada weeknights at 11 pm. Now I think the characters are great but one thing I don't get...is that Declan is their with these two gorgeous ladies and there's no love interest??????? I don't buy that part. I guess they don't want it as a romance show. But that would be interesting. Miranda is stunningly beautiful and Peggy is absolutely gorgeous. Declan is extremely good looking, in my opinion. Most of you must know he's now on Heroes.A big fan here. Take care, Cheryl from Ontario, Canada.
This is a religious show at heart. I didn't see it until it was already dead. But I have a weakness for MR. JIM PROFIT himself aka Declan Dunn aka Adrian Pasdar + Rae Dawn Chong (Peggy Fowler) and with watching the show Alison Down (Miranda).This is a making you comfortable and explaining the world show. Kind of like the JAG of the Xfiles kind of always with an explanation of everything with a LITTLE doubt (opposite JAG).However quite addicting (like any show) if you grow fond of any of the characters....But it's it a good show??? I'm not sure... Some 25% of the show are extremely good - but I would have to say - for the part : they are just average 60 % with some 15 % totally poor.As a show it falls between X-files and 7heaven (the priest with his xtreamly large family show - very funny in a sad way / or wrong way show).If u like it - see it - otherwise d'ont - but hang on for 7 episodes - it is a sneaker...Njoy ld1