Nowhere Man


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  • 1

8.3| 0h30m| en

Thomas Veil is a documentary photographer who, in the course of one evening, seemingly has his whole existence erased...


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Touchstone Television


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StunnaKrypto Self-important, over-dramatic, uninspired.
SunnyHello Nice effects though.
Curapedi I cannot think of one single thing that I would change about this film. The acting is incomparable, the directing deft, and the writing poignantly brilliant.
Hulkeasexo it is the rare 'crazy' movie that actually has something to say.
hellraiser7 Our lives and identities are always based on what we've built for ourselves throughout time, however despite how well we live those lives there is always that looming threat that one day we could just lose control or lose the foundation that defined us; where do we go from there and who does that make us now? This is to me one of those great sci-fi shows that no one ever saw (not even me at the time, hell I hardly heard of it) which is why it's an under the radar gem in my book. And it's a real shame because this show really had a lot of potential to go even further with itself. I always love sci-fi mystery shows, both just make a beautiful combination let alone sci-fi by it's nature in a way is a mystery because their based on possibility and exploration of it.I really would of liked to of seen even more depth into this M.I.B. like organization and how Thomas fit into their plans, let alone a little more what those plans were, sadly most questions you still have only you can answer in your imagination.I really love the idea, I think it's great and it's actually a pretty terrifying thought when you think about it. Your whole life just gone in just a mere minute, by just simply going to the restroom or heck buying the next video game, that would really suck because it really creates a great sense of disorientation and worst of all great sense of loss. Kinda like with the TV show "The Prisoner" (which was a partial inspiration to this show)since that was about a individual whose whole life and identity was robbed from him in one day and was forced into disorienting circumstances.Bruce Greenwood (Batman: Under the Red Hood) whom I think is an underrated actor is great in this show this is probably my favorite role from him. Thomas Veil, the last name is sort of ironic since that's sort of his dilemma but also sort of a clue to the reveal. That's what makes him highly sympathetic and it's the same with any protagonist in a suspense thriller because all of them are usually ordinary every day people that have lives but are just gone in an instant because their forced into circumstances they never signed into, which is Thomas's dilemma. I really like how he reacts to his dilemma which makes him easy to emphasize with because we might react the same if God forbid this ever happened to us. His dilemma you can is like that of an amnesiac whom always struggles to reclaim his/her past to life their lives once more.However what I like is that this guy is in the same boat as we are, just like him we're asking all of the same questions; which gives this show a bit of a sense of participation. Like how the hell is his whole life just gone, is Thomas inadvertently part of some secret experiment from some secret society? And of course there is that photograph of people hanged in Vietnam which is the maguffin of the whole show, why are the people chasing Thomas interested in it could one of the people hanged be one of the members of the secret society? Is this secret society the M.I.B.? I could go on and on with these questions.I also like the pacing and suspense it's steady, giving us enough time to think but also getting us on the edge of our seat; hoping Thomas will be able to hunt down this shadow organization but also at the same time evading them. It really creates that sense paranoia and dread because the problem with this M.I.B. like organization is that they could be anybody, anywhere and nowhere. That's also a really creepy thought that may'be these M.I.B. agents we might have already seen and passed by but don't know it. It creates as sense of a world where nothing is what it seems and nobody can be trusted, which raises the stakes for Thomas to find the truth because his life might depend on it.I know I didn't say too much but I didn't want to give away too much, it's one of those shows where you have to get into it for yourself which to me makes the reveals and mystery all the sweeter.Nowhere Man is a show you'll get somewhere with.Rating: 4 stars
dorienhs I remember watching the first episode because it came after a show I followed. I thought it was a movie, so I was totally confused by the ending. Hooked ever since, I am definitely going to buy the DVD if I can find it. I was surprised to see it played in 1995, because I remember watching it still so vividly. Ah well, they probably didn't air it that soon in Belgium. This is one series I would really like to see again. Exiting twists and a good storyline make this series really worth seeing. It is kind of like watching Macgiver, but this time with a really exciting and continuing storyline.
alcatron2001 Back in 1996 this series aired in Australia late at night and it was one of the best series which i greatly enjoyed watching. Later on there were no re-runs of the show and I really wanted to watch the episodes again, so its great that the DVD came out which i will be certainly buying. When I heard this TV show got cancelled on the end of season1 I could not believe it, this should of definitely kept on going into season2. I would love to see Bruce Greenwood come back or something into a Season2 of the show though even if it has been 10yrs ago! Overall a top TV series with mystery, suspense, and surprises. Highly Recommended!
MartinHafer This was one of the most brilliantly written shows of the 1990s. Unlike the vast majority of shows, it did NOT hold the audience in contempt and therefore dumb down the show, but created a captivating and surreal treat for those ready to watch something different. It was similar to the British series The Prisoner (early in season one only--after that, The Prisoner lost it's brilliance and momentum very quickly).The problem is that in nearly every case like this, this is sure proof that the show will not last! Another excellent case was Brooklyn Bridge. The network also had no faith in this program because once again it was not mind rot--it was exquisitely written and engaging. Years ago, well-written shows for people who think were possible--the original Mission: Impossible is a good example. However, I fear that we are in an age where schlock sells.PS--This GREAT series is now out on DVD! Get your copy ASAP!