Who payed the critics
What makes it different from others?
Although it has its amusing moments, in eneral the plot does not convince.
A plot that cycles between people and couples and families. A great story with all the twists and turns of the best stories, politically, personally and socially tense.
The realism is something you might want to debate but the story and presentation is good. A very enjoyable series- even with the subtitles. Well worth watching.
(review based on first 2 episodes)And that premise is already a stretch. But enough has been said about this in other reviews so I'll focus on one of the major failings of the series not really addressed so far. Lack of scope, grandeur, epicness: the things you expect when you hear the words occupation and invasion are entirely absent, at least as far as the first 2 episodes are concerned. The series is told from the perspectives of just a handful of characters. The prime minister, his bodyguard and some random journalist, each complemented by a small crew of support characters - family and colleagues. This narrow storytelling approach makes the turn of events very contrived straight off the bat. The bodyguard not only witnesses the kidnapping of the prime minister in episode 1 but is also the one who saves him mere moments later while seemingly being the only one on duty and able to react to the kidnapping. Not a single other vehicle, law enforcement or otherwise, was seen during the entire chase. Guess what happens in episode 2, he saves the Russian ambassador from assassination and is subsequently chosen as interrogator for the would be assassin. What a lucky guy! Another lucky guy is the journalist who's very skilled at being in the right place at the right time. He also gets all the exclusive interviews and news-scoops. The way the series presents both of these characters makes it appear so as if they were literally the only people in their profession in all of Norway. Because there's too few characters there's no layers to the series, no intricate web of different perspective through a multitude of characters for us, the audience, to experience the invasion in all it's facets.So none of what the series has presented so far invokes the feeling of an invasion, an occupation. Combined with the absence of any kind of strong visual imagery - tanks rolling in, lines of marching soldiers, airstrikes and skirmishes - this series gives a very underwhelming first impression.Beyond that, it's decently filmed and edited. And the actors seem to be doing a proper job but this might be an illusion due to me not understanding Norse and missing out on all the nuance.Overall a moderately decent but unambitious political thriller/drama series.
Top notch acting! Unfortunate to have to watch a guy in his 60's with a wife 30 years younger. Yuck. Must have been hundreds of talented Norwegian actress' in their late 40's who could have played the PM's wife. What is with male leads in films having wives the age of daughters? From a young females viewpoint it is rather off-putting. With Russia flexing its muscle in the Baltic area, UK's proposed exit from the EU, the script is extremely timely. Eldar Skar perfectly cast along with Salome Ementue as his wife. Ingaborga Dapkunaite as the Russian Ambassador to Norway brings a lot of nuance to this role. Nice chemistry between her and Eldar Skar. . Vegar Hoel plays the Investigative Journalist to a tee. The theme song ' Black and Gold by Silvert Hoyem is perfect. Very much looking forward to Season2. Comes out July 2016
The acting and production quality are good which kept this from getting a score of 1; slick looking filming and sadly, believable characters. However, the story is weak and seems to be studded with PC messages, American style. The story is basically Russia invading Norway by holding safety hostage, with a wimpy, male feminist Prime Minister cowering and capitulating to everything they want. The political aspect was not as annoying or scary as the social aspect., which seems very anti adult male. For example, there is a female character who owns a restaurant , and she treats her boyfriend like a sort of slave. He is relegated to dishwasher while she hob knobs with the elites. She also frequently kicks him out of the place like a bad dog. The boyfriend is also bossed around by his own kids to a degree that is frightening. In one cringe inducing scene he tells his early teen son to do something and the boy willfully disobeys. . Instead of being consistent and insisting, the man caves and says "lets take an ice creme break". In the next scene they are pigging out on ice cream, as the son smirks . A scene like this can cause more damage than almost any showing sex or violence . The Prime Minister and his wife have a baby, and get the remote ready for FF though the "Goo Goo Gaa Gaa" scenes of the guy fawning over the newborn; is the audience suppose to be fascinated by this? Most of the male characters including the PM seem weak and not too bright, while the women are strong , independent , and brilliant. For example, there is a brave cop who is practically mute, while his Afro-Norwegienan wife is beautiful , smiley, and I think some sort of brain surgeon at 24. It all seemed like an informercial for social change written by people from the Lifetime Network; I hope it is more fantasy than prophetic.