Paranormal State


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5.4| 0h30m| en

Paranormal State is an American paranormal reality television series that premiered on the A&E Network on December 10, 2007. The program follows and stars the Pennsylvania State University Paranormal Research Society, a student-led college club. The show features the group's investigations of alleged paranormal phenomena at reportedly haunted locations.


Producted By

Go Go Luckey Productions


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Also starring Heather Taddy

Also starring Chip Coffey

Also starring Chad Calek


Claysaba Excellent, Without a doubt!!
ShangLuda Admirable film.
Kaydan Christian A terrific literary drama and character piece that shows how the process of creating art can be seen differently by those doing it and those looking at it from the outside.
Dana An old-fashioned movie made with new-fashioned finesse.
curtis martin I give this nonsense a 2 instead of a 1 because there is a worse show called Haunted Homes. But this kid and his buddies conduct their investigations like total idiots. They assume that there are ghosts from the get go and if they ever find rational explanations behind the experiences they have to be drug kicking and screaming into admitting it. But beyond that, the show's whole format is incredibly annoying. Even though a lot of it seems scripted, the college educated kids who make up the the cast can barely speak English but still insist on trying to use "big" words they obviously don't understand. And head investigator Ryan's ridiculously self important voiceovers make me just want to throw the TV through the window. (and he looks stoned all the time). In short, this group make the guys from TAPS on Ghost Hunters look like MIT scientists!
studioboy69 This show is absolutely ridiculous. Yes, of course its fake. But it is agonizing to watch. I personally know more creative film influenced minds that could "make" this seem real. The young lead male couldn't be more unconvincing. He line-reads everything he says. Are we really suppose to believe he knows what he is talking about? There is a plethora of ways to Blair-Witch this show up. Fear does not breed from what seems "cool" and computer generated. Nor does it generate from such proverbial lines as "What was that? Did you hear that?" Also, There are real convincing psychics out there that don't just "Want to be on screen". Another DUH-Factor is... how do these producers think we are actually going to buy that paranormal activity will just magically happen within the 2 possibly 3 days (if we are lucky) they film. I don't think so. A 2 + week at one site would be more convincing. It is also disarming that they think including "Nasa radar checks" and computer's that show fancy bs really make us scared. AND IE: Exorcisms should not be staged like the film "The Exorcist". When are they going to get it right? Possession of the Devil or other evil spirits influence people differently. They don't just snarl and lower their voice like Linda Blair or fallel around like Courtney Love on a drug binge. As stated better concentrations on "psychic ability" would aid this show greatly. We want to see and hear EVERYTHING that supposingly flashes before them. Not cut-away to other story bs. On a final note- Shooting Stars do not generate interest when you showed fake pictures of UFO's ahead of time. Might I stress again the young dark haired man that hosts this show is absolutely down-right awful. Avoid this show. For fright: watch old Unsolved Mystery episodes... not the new ones (the recreation got it oh-so wrong). But that is for a different blog.
dja1300 I can not believe that you want to condemn the people of Paranormal State as they tell you they are trying to learn more about the paranormal. They utilize different beliefs or are you that close minded to only have watched a minimal amount of shows before passing your judgement. If you believe the show is silly then just do not watch it. I happen to never miss a show and I have seen much more than you write about. Remember to keep an open mind and you may learn more than you expect. I lost my 57 year old Mother and I have been wanting her to contact me. She does thru music. The day my Mother died she died in my arms and her namesake my 4 week old baby of the time, who was being held in the arms of the nurse, flung her arms out to the side and arched her back while being held by the nurse. I saw this and the nurse said wow what was that? I replied my Mother's spirit just entered the baby, no sooner did I say that then the baby gave us a huge grin. The nurse said if I was not holding her I would have doubted it.
reiki650 The thing that makes this show different than shows like Ghost Hunters is that they look for solutions rather than some tech junkies come to your house and say "Yep, you got something here, all right...or maybe not. This is what we got, draw your own conclusions." Whether you believe in ghosts or not, they leave places better than they find them with the quieting of areas quelled by unexplained noises or activity.They leave people with a sense of peace and there is nothing wrong with that.The show is edited to make things far more interesting than walking around with a camera waiting for things to go bump in the night.I know I'll keep watching and so will my friends.