Polyamory: Married & Dating


Seasons & Episodes

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5.6| 0h30m| TV-MA| en

Polyamory: Married & Dating is an American reality television series on the American pay television network Showtime. The series follows polyamorous families as they navigate the challenges presented by polyamory. Polyamory Season 1 debuted on July 12, 2012, Season 2 premiered on August 15, 2013.



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Plustown A lot of perfectly good film show their cards early, establish a unique premise and let the audience explore a topic at a leisurely pace, without much in terms of surprise. this film is not one of those films.
Hattie I didn’t really have many expectations going into the movie (good or bad), but I actually really enjoyed it. I really liked the characters and the banter between them.
Philippa All of these films share one commonality, that being a kind of emotional center that humanizes a cast of monsters.
Dana An old-fashioned movie made with new-fashioned finesse.
mecr65 The primary relationship was not acknowledge to be primary by anyone other than Leigh Ann. Chris occupied the role as Dom(inant) over to sub(missive)s, But without any of the responsibilities of a true, thoughtful, and protective, nurturing dominant. It's been years and the Rielly's seemed to have healed their marriage. The girlfriend, whose name I refuse to acknowledge, is thankfully gone. True polyamory allows for mistakes to be made, forgiveness to be offered, and drama to be at a minimum. Chris is right to decide not to engage and polyamory again, " if it doesn't work out with these two women." Because he has no idea what the hell he is doing. Watching Leigh Ann's anguish, the girlfriend's endless manipulation, and Chris's oblivious selfishness was nauseating. This jack ass should count himself lucky that Leanne took him back, not vice versa.The viewing world of their series recognized from the start with a snake the "girlfriend" was. Good riddance!
brendahart711 After recently watching Polyamory I was feeling so bad for Leigh Ann and I do think Megan's goal has always been to take over Leigh Ann's role as Chris's wife. Chris has it made he has two women doing everything for him and he makes all. the rules and their opinions and feelings mean little to him. Leigh Ann needs to divorce Chris and leave that ugly chapter of her life! For Chris to say she his wife has no say is ridiculous! Wake up ladies!! It's all about his needs and what he wants! To throw his wife out just because she sought love, acceptance and a man who actually cares is a double standard!! Leigh Ann call that cute boyfriend who actually cares about you and your broken heart. Leave that so called husband in name only and let the home wrecker have him. The other Polyamory couples make it work due to the fact it's based on truth and honesty within their Pod. Love the show! I only have one complaint, it's too short of a show. Needs to be much longer!
dlbreedlove OK this show is fascinating - for everyone who always wondered this show allows you to dip into the lifestyle without getting your toes wet.I have only come in on Season 2, I missed Season 1 and I have to say 'The Pod' seems non-existent. I've just come to realize that Kamala & husband have a child. I've also watched several members of the pod walk in one one another with their current lover and they are very jealous reactions.I love the Chris, Leanne & Megan trio - this is just drama. Megan needs to get to stepping, she's a home wrecker. In the current scenario - Megan should have moved out as well, there's no reason why her and Chris are still having a relationship while he's trying to fix things with his wife. Megan certainly isn't interested in fixing things nor has she made any efforts to reconcile or confront her other lover. Any woman who was truly interested in saving and preserving this trio would not be acting how Megan is. I think Chris & Leanne need some alone time and when/if they decide to venture into this realm again - it should not be with Megan. They need a more independent, confident woman who is not trying to push out the wife. The fact that Megan is still screwing Chris in Leanne's absence makes me sick. Makes me even more sad for Leanne that she is being asked to give us happiness while this IS still going on. Marriage is marriage and that comes first, no matter what or how poly the couple swings.I see a lot of these married couple more interested and in-love with their current partners instead of their spouses, this is sad. If the goal is to share and involve, there's too much seclusion and sneaking about going on. It seems what one partner is allowed to do, the other must ask permission and this hardly seems fair.Tahl. Tahl might be the most confused human being on the planet, he doesn't simply enjoy sex - he is obsessed with it. Tahl is simply kind of gross and I've never seen him make any loving gestures or efforts towards his own wife. I feel sorry for Jen and honestly, I hope she leaves the Pod and Tahl and takes off with Jessie for awhile - he is young and has brought her to life and its awesome to see her come to life when with Jessie. Tahl should be scared because this man gives Jen what she needs and she's never 2nd best with him ... Jessie isn't intimidated by other women, just men and I think Jen is getting older and changing. She can't even focus on Kamala anymore so it's time for her to move on happily.I love Kamala more and more, she's is such a strong and confident woman and when you enter into the poly world you need to be like her. She's able to state when she's intimated or uncomfortable and that is the reality of it all.Perhaps at the end of it, it's this jealous tug of war with amazing make up sex and some great sex with other people in that process. Highly entertaining and my only wish is that this was a 1 hour long show instead of 30 minutes.To the cast - thanks for sharing the most intimate parts of your lives with us - your viewers =)
Sean maybe The show follows a number of people who have followed their desire to have more than one romantic partner. These people also value family and an emotional closeness that is displayed in every episode. There are many open conversations about love and sex, and it touches on some of the hardships associated with living an unorthodox romantic life- internal and external hardships. I was surprised at how much was shared with the viewing audience, these are real people going through real emotions and having real sex. Reality TV is not my genre, and some of the scenes seemed a little contrived. "Polyamory" tells a story that hasn't really seen the light of day as of yet. This particular story may offend some people and may inspire feelings of insecurity or regret. I truly applaud the bravery displayed by the 'characters' it takes serious conviction and integrity to be so open. I really enjoyed seeing love displayed in such an honest and healthy way. This is one of the shows that makes the world a better place.