Each character in this movie — down to the smallest one — is an individual rather than a type, prone to spontaneous changes of mood and sometimes amusing outbursts of pettiness or ill humor.
Murphy Howard
I enjoyed watching this film and would recommend other to give it a try , (as I am) but this movie, although enjoyable to watch due to the better than average acting fails to add anything new to its storyline that is all too familiar to these types of movies.
Great movie. Not sure what people expected but I found it highly entertaining.
There's no way I can possibly love it entirely but I just think its ridiculously bad, but enjoyable at the same time.
*This review contains spoilers* Five people live in two different apartments, door to door. They are: Robert Kumerle-homophobic football fan and petty criminal without steady job Teodor Fričić-lawyer who moved in with Kazimir Hrastek and Robert Kumerle after his wife kicked him out Kazimir Hrastek-lonely, slightly overweight guy, movie and comic books nut who lived with his mother till mid 20's Irena Grobnik-stereotypical "stupid blonde girl", without steady job, bimbo and gold digger and possible Robert's love interest (although they fight often) Lucija Toč- Irena's roommate, vegetarian who believes in astrology and magic, and has on and off relationship with Teodor This show is made in style of Friends or Seinfeld, but with big difference: humor is much rougher and characters don't get along very well, but still they live together and help each other; when you think off it, it kinda hints on It's always sunny in Philadelphia. There is nothing politic correct in this show at all: homophobia is referenced in almost every episode, since gay waiter Armando (real stereotype-type of gay man) works in pub which crowd often visits and has crush on homophobic Robert Kumerle, who often says him to get "six feet away from him" and even threatened to kill him sometimes. Pornography is also referenced in almost every episode, since one of regular guests in the pub (and Armando's best friend) is sleezy, paraphilic, possibly bisexual guy Saa addicted to porn and also so-called artist who often directs hard-cord pornography movies and sometimes even acts in them. Zoophilia is also used as joke in few episodes; in one epidode of season two it is hinted that Saa is violated by unicor and in one episode of season five it is hinted that janitor in building in which crowd lives has relationship with his sheep. Incest is also used as joke in few episodes, where it is hinted that Saa has inappropriate feelings towards his (biological) mother. Swearing is very often, and also alcoholism; characters drink alcohol in almost every episode and get drunk in like every fifth episode. Drug jokes are very often, lots of references on smoking marijuana and sometimes about using heroine and cocaine. Characters make fun about Croatian politics and celebrities all the time. Grand lancery is also part of a plot in many episodes, since owner of agency in which Kazimir Hrastek works is involved in it, ofter smuggling food, drink, DVDs, etc. There are also some fantasy and science-fiction elements, played mostly for parody part. But still, show has PG rating and is hilarious and realistic (which is, unfortunately, rare to see in acting in Croatian movies and TV shows) and, despite previously mentioned fantasy and science-fiction elements, plots are believable; in one episode, Robert is in jeopardy to loose his job as security guard in book store when owner installs security cameras, so he arranges robbery to prove that no security camera can replace him. This brilliant show ended in 2011, two years ago, after five seasons. I am still sad that it is over, but I still hope that maybe they will continue making episodes.
As well as Europe (politically West - East, economically North - South), Yugoslavia was divided in two very different regions. West - Slovenia and Croatia - were catholic countries, throughout the history turned to Middle Europe, to Vienna, Prague or Venice where most influence was arriving from. East - all others - were Orthodox or Moslem, with relations to Moscow, Istanbul and maybe Athens. And one of the main differences: because of their way of life and traditions West was considered urban, East rural.And now an absurd situation occurred: Serbia was producing urban type of humor in TV serials, including the first sitcom and the best comedy serial made in Yugoslavia ever, 'Pozoriste u kuci' ('Theatre At Home'). In the same time (70's) Croatia made two great comedy serials settled far away from towns: 'Nase malo misto' on small Adriatic island and 'Gruntovcani' in a poor Panonian village.Finally, almost a decade and half after leaving Yugoslavia and after at least a dozen failed attempts, Croatia managed to produce a real urban sitcom. Though a basic idea was borrowed from 'Friends' similarities diminish as the number of episodes increase. This is typical Zagreb with typical Zagrebian situation and people mixed from those who, born here, follow its traditions, and those who came recently carrying legacies of their provinces. But, unlike average Croatian production, it would be still understandable to wider audience, if it ever reached it.Too many "bad language" may be too offensive, but it is a sad reality: people talk that way, and not only in Croatia. This language seems to be normal, usual in all other genres, so isn't it a kind of hypocrisy if we blame using it in sitcoms? I'd rather blame those who use it in buses, markets, beaches... You can't turn the sound off nor change the channel there.Very good actors - but there was never a lack of them in Croatia. The pleasant change is a good script, dialogues that no American sitcom would be ashamed of, well balanced timing and rhythm, stories that successfully range from realistic to absurd. This is also the first serial in Croatia that enters second season (and possible some more in years to come), so it is hard to predict how would it develop and whether it will keep the same quality. But if you like sitcoms and an opportunity ever appears, give a chance to this one and you might find that good sitcoms are not limited only to USA. At least the first (and beginning of second) year.
This is Croatia's almost-first sitcom (the first one supposedly being "Our little clinic"). It IS the first one that heavily borrows from American sitcom lore, especially "Friends" which was its primary inspiration.The show concentrates on five main characters, three guys and two girls who live in neighboring apartments. They are Teo (a dopey guy who was just dumped by his girlfriend), Robi (a little dumb wannabe act..ahem, anchorman who has a "way" with girls), Kazo (a geeky guy who cannot get a date), Irena (a ditsy looker) and Lucija (confused romantic). In other words, they are just a Monica away from a full cast.Although it looks like a typical "Friends" setup, the show really doesn't have that much in common with that beloved American sitcom apart from the original premise. Even though the main plot is supposed to be about relationships between the characters, the show is unfortunately plagued by the recent unwritten Croatian rule which states that in order for situation to be funny it absolutely needs to be a convoluted and unbelievable mess and must contain some serious overacting. So as the story goes it turns out that Teo's ex-wife is dating a mobster who has a gay twin brother who fruther on has interests in Robi. Furthermore, in a surprising turn of events Teo becomes the mobster's defense attorney, and at the same time Robi (as sport anchorman) gets an assignment to interview Teo's girlfriend and shows up at her house at the same time Teo and the mobster are there. And all this in the first two episodes with some more additional happenings on the side. These kind of setups allow some funny moments, but are at the same time so ridiculous it is very hard to suspend disbelief and start caring for the characters. The fact that the main roles are played by probably the two most prominent TV persona in Croatia also doesn't help much.As its main competition, "Our little clinic", this show also reaps the success mostly by walking over the corpses of previous Croatian "sitcoms" which were simply dreadful. In other words, there are a few laughs here and there and the show is good for killing half an hour or so if you have nothing better to do, but other than that it's nothing to write home about. If you are not Croatian, an average American sitcom would probably be a much better choice.
Bitange i princeze (Bumps and Princesses) is a new Croatian sitcom inspired by everyone's favorite FRIENDS. The show is about a problems of group of young people starting a new life on their own by moving into the same building, where they'll have to learn about each other and discover new romances. The main characters are, among others, Robi (The eternal student), very fresh and in constant fight with sexy Irena (not too bright, but possible Robies love interest) There is also Irena's roommate a girl who work's in a video store and is in love with Kazo. A Lawyer Teo has been kicked out by his wife and is moving in with Robi and his best friend Kazo.A lot of Croatian celebrities appear in the guest roles, such as Nina Badric, Indira Vladic-Mujkic (Colonia), Dusko Curlic...among others