

Seasons & Episodes

6.3| 0h30m| TV-14| en

Rob Dyrdek takes the funniest amateur internet videos and builds them into an episode of edgy, funny, and most importantly, timeless television.


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New Remote Productions


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Hellen I like the storyline of this show,it attract me so much
Steinesongo Too many fans seem to be blown away
Fairaher The film makes a home in your brain and the only cure is to see it again.
Fleur Actress is magnificent and exudes a hypnotic screen presence in this affecting drama.
melody-aloski I have never hated a show so much that it actually made me want to put in a review. Every time this show comes on, I cringe. Every time it's got back to back shows, I turn off the tv and go watch youtube videos instead. The host is not funny at all, he cracks pathetic jokes... and don't get me started on the blonde bimbo. Her laugh makes me cringe and I honestly feel embarrassed for her.. imagine having a witches cackle. It's disturbing and is a huge reason as to why I cannot stand to watch this show. Plus, there are so many shows that show the exact same content... who in their right mind would choose this over anything else? Old content, seen everywhere before... hosts are not the right fit for a show like this. Pls for the love of God, axe this show
land-95102 I have never really watched this show, but have only caught a couple of minuets of it while a family member was watching it, as they do quite often. I could never set down and watch the whole show because Chanel would drive me crazy with her laughing hyena sound she makes laughing at ever thing she sees on all those clips. Her constant hyena laugh is enough to drive a sober person to drink. I don't see how the other cast member's can stand to be in the same room with her. I think I would have to walk off the show with her there making her laughing hyena sounds. Makes me want to throw her a bone. How can any one stand her.
Zoya Aishi I only ever watched MTV for the Andy Milonakis show, Crank Yankers, Celebrity deathmatch, and some music videos here and there. As time went on, it seems they've been trying to make MTV more like all the other networks with their reality shows and web comedies. While I would LOVE to rant on about 16 and pregnant, this review is more towards an unfunny douche, a stoner black dude who gets paid to do nothing, and a bimbo who makes strangling a hyena sound like a better alternative than listening to her annoying cackle every five seconds an unfunny pun is forced.That being said, I used to assume Rob did meth before each show since he tends to move around the set and laugh awkwardly to his own jokes when I first gave this show a shot. Now I'm just convinced he's naturally incapable of acting like a human. I never thought much of him even around the time of Rob & Big, and seeing how butt-hurt he got over that Tosh.O skit portraying him and his dream factory as a pedophile stunt further lowered my opinion on him. At least Tosh can stand still on set and knows how to deliver a joke! What can you do, Dydrek, than dance around the stage like you're at a party with no music? In addition, hosts like Tosh and Hardwick don't need two useless "Co-host"(if you can honestly consider them that) to back him up in his crusade to review clips that went through Tosh, and before that Chris Hardwick(until G4s closure of course). Anything Dydrek shows in an episode is essentially watered-down, and is only ruined more because we got that bimbo we all know as "Chanel West Coast". Why is she even here? Other than tits and a plastic face, she has no real personality other than to laugh every time Rob looks at her as if on-cue, she is to laugh like every joke is funny. Hell, he could fart in her face and look at her, and she'd laugh like she was being tickled roughly. Then comes "Steelo", some dude who just sits on a computer during the show. Hey buddy? You're not at your aunt's house trying to ignore your family by spending the time online checking your facebook status and playing Garry's mod! Close your damn laptop and actually act like you're on camera for once! Basically, you'd find more entertainment in assembling furniture for your living room than these two and Dydrek combined.The skits and clips are one of my biggest problems next to talentless hacks who fill in what time MTV doesn't use for Pregnant southern girls with flaky boyfriends or werewolves(The latter is a bit biased, as I find werewolves and vampires overused by now). Anything I see here, I already watched not only Tosh or Web soup, but other people on Youtube who reviewed in a much more comedic and better-executed manner.As I conclude this review, I want to compare this show to the bargain bin of DVDs you find while in line at the dollar store. You know not all of them are great, but it's cheap and you think you'll give it a chance. Then you realize it was the worst dollar you spent in your life, and regret not having given that dollar to hungry kids in Africa. The only difference is that this is one dollar you won't be getting back through a refund. Why MTV kept this show in their lineup for so long is beyond me. I guess anything is funnier when you're stoned? Maybe MTV is struggling more than Adam Sandler in trying to stay relevant in today's world?
co_v_kid After reading the reviews on this page, I felt obligated to help its' rating a bit. It's perceivable that the ones writing the reviews (may) have only watched the first season, but it gets better.I, myself, found it uncomfortable to watch at first, but as the seasons go on, the hosts really start to warm up to their positions (Steelo - Tech and smarts, Chanel - Looks and dumb "one-liners" and Rob for the charisma and celebrity)Anyone bored with the Tosh's self-importance, homophobic jokes and disturbing (at times, disgusting) segments, will find a good home with Ridiculousness. Despite having several negative reviews, I personally can't wait to enjoy their new episodes, plus, it's PG so you don't have to sit on the stop button in front of your children.The hosts of this show have gotten much more comfortable with their roles on the show and therefore, over the past 4 seasons, I've found myself more and more into their witty banter. The awkward and spaced-out comments have almost vanished completely, making this show very enjoyable to watch.In a nutshell, funny, family-friendly and enjoyable. Watch a few episodes before you judge this one.