Rodeo Girls

3.4| 0h30m| en



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PodBill Just what I expected
Hayden Kane There is, somehow, an interesting story here, as well as some good acting. There are also some good scenes
Ella-May O'Brien Each character in this movie — down to the smallest one — is an individual rather than a type, prone to spontaneous changes of mood and sometimes amusing outbursts of pettiness or ill humor.
Bob This is one of the best movies I’ve seen in a very long time. You have to go and see this on the big screen.
bellafan3 Was this the best show ever? No, but it was fun to watch and I enjoyed it. I haven't heard if it will be back but if it is, I will be watching. I love horses and the rodeo! All of the ladies had their good sides and bad. So do we all. I want to see if Anthony gets his butt kicked. I can't decide if he is a good guy or a jerk. I've seen things to believe both. And the same for Ty. And what exactly is going on with Marvel? Will Jean Claude show up somewhere along the line? Is there going to be problems for Barb with her husband even though he knows and has lived the life? Who know, but I would sure like to see them back and find out how their lives are going. They are a fascinating group of people. Makes me want to go to the rodeo! Happy trails, yeehaw!
camille_steiger2 What a terrible show... Acting was way too obvious… Maybe they should wear another 5 lbs of makeup.. and get some more botox..No horsemanship was shown… This show gives people who work with horses a bad name.. Yay.. let's buy the most expensive horse because we have no talent working with a horse.. yay lets yank and kick and yank just to win.. 'me and my horse aren't clicking, my horse isn't turning, look my horse got tangled in the rope and freaked out because I never desensitized him'… I need 4 saddles for one event! just stupid excuses for a lack of horsemanship.Maybe a show that was a little less acting like a fool, less makeup, less fake, more REAL women, REAL decent horsemanship, and more horse sense then it would ACTUALLY be worth watching.
elksquid I love this show. Yes, it is reality TV and a lot of the situations are probably put on.. But the cast is great. I think these women are all positive role models, even if they are flawed. They are focused, driven, strong and still find time to look good. Barb and Marvel, seasoned barrel racers, are my favorites. But the show wouldn't be anything without Darcy. Say what you will about her, she's a little out of touch, but she's a good person and does appear to work hard. You gotta give a girl props who can drive a big rig like she's got with a horse trailer. A majority of the show's drama comes from rookies Megan and Jessica. They could both learn a thing or two from each other. The cause of most drama - Anthony - is the only person I really can't stand.. But ya gotta love to hate someone
rivi-277-784589 terrible-is to good for this show. a few hot looking girls and 1 nasty one named Darcy(one old woman trying to compete with the younger ones) not much riding going on but a lot of cat fighting and the women trying to lay around with the cowboys show will not last only chance is to get rid of that nasty looking Darcy and try making it about rodeo not about trash. you would be out of your mind to let children watch the bull crap that goes on with this program. during any show you would be lucky to see two minutes of real rodeo best thing that could happen is to scrap this entire program or rename it jealousy and cat fighting 101 and there is way to many bad things to say about this show do not waste your time on this show!!!!