Sea Patrol


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7.5| 0h30m| TV-PG| en

Sea Patrol is an Australian television drama set on board HMAS Hammersley, a fictional patrol boat of the Royal Australian Navy. The series focuses on the ship and the lives of its crew members.


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Also starring Dominic Deutscher


Jeanskynebu the audience applauded
Cortechba Overrated
Sexyloutak Absolutely the worst movie.
Motompa Go in cold, and you're likely to emerge with your blood boiling. This has to be seen to be believed.
lueb-292-592981 I'm watching this show after it's had its run through the Australian markets and making its way outward on HULU. It makes me want to see more Australian TV shows. The characters in Sea Patrol are great, and superb acting is the norm. I know to some it seems unrealistic, but of course it should be, as it's a fictional show. Whatever the case, it's very exciting, fun, funny, dramatic, romantic, and though not always heavy on the plot, it's great fun to follow the procedural events and military ventures. I am a military veteran myself though not a sailor, but it seems very real to me, despite the negative reviews that claim the contrary. On a personal level, the characters to me seem very real and remind me of many people that I happened to serve with myself, and some of the best memories of my life. The characters in this show interact so well that at times it's simply a blast to watch. It seemed that the show took somewhat of a hit after Season Three, which is my favorite so far, when it lost the first "Buffer", "Spider", and "Nav",but I still enjoy the show and will watch till the end. I hope to see more excellent Australian shows like this in the future, along with the many British high productions that my wife and I favor over the mindless, trashy junk that predominantly flows out of my own country.
bkoganbing I just returned from an overnight trip to Toronto and while there happened to see an episode of Sea Patrol. It was an interesting series and of course populated by a bunch of Australian players none of whom I would know. The show is about a bunch of men and women who serve on a patrol boat in the Australian Navy. Might be nice if some American network started running these episodes.Of course this is peacetime and the mission seems to be more one that our Coast Guard would be doing. Air sea rescue, running down smugglers, stuff like that. The craft these folks serve on is somewhere between the size of a destroyer and a Canadian Corvette.The episode I saw involved the rescue of some kids whose fishing dinghy capsized off a coastal island. The crew also has to detonate an old mine, one of Mr. Tojo's calling cards from World War II.It seemed like a competent well made series. When next in Canada, maybe I'll see another episode I hope.
melwyn A large amount of the funding for Sea Patrol comes from the RAN, who in turn took their cut from many tens of millions given to the ADF under the Howard Government to "promote" the armed forces. In return for putting up the money, RAN reportedly have a fair amount of say in the scripts.Nine made Blue Heelers the same way (with the NSW Police Media Liaison Unit having final veto over the scripts). It means they aren't paying all the bills, but it also means the primary purpose of the show is not to provide quality entertainment. The result is a show with poor quality stories and acting. Visually it is very good, but it has no substance. It features a cast of well known faces playing the same kinds of roles they've been playing for years. They have no real emotional investment in their characters and it shows.The execs involved are happy to let all this slide because none of it matters. There is one purpose only to Sea Patrol, and that is to make life in the Navy look exciting and attractive to impressionable youngsters so they are more likely to join up when they're old enough.There's enough rubbish on TV. It saddens me that creative options are foregone in favour of what amounts merely to government advertising.
duffman11321 In 2007, "Sea Patrol" blasted onto the Channel Nine program. At first I thought that it would definitely not be my thing, and was expecting a boring piece of junk. I was really pleasantly surprised.This program has everything you could possibly want: action, drama, romance (if you're into that sort of thing), great writing, and more! It also has a stellar cast including: Lisa McCune, Ian Stenlake, Saskia Burmeister, and Kristian Schmid (of Tomorrow People: New Generation fame).If you are looking for Australian drama of exceptional quality, look no further than "Sea Patrol," "Sea Patrol II: The Coup" and "Sea Patrol III: Red Gold."