Clever and entertaining enough to recommend even to members of the 1%
This is a must-see and one of the best documentaries - and films - of this year.
Story: It's very simple but honestly that is fine.
This is a bad show.This show is so bad that I had to write a review and say how bad that it is.I have to write this review saying how bad it is even though the show is already cancelled.I'm writing this review just to warn people in case this show ever is aired in reruns and they come here to look and see if this show is worth seeing.... it is not worth seeing. It is a very, very bad show that you should avoid.The acting is crap and the writing is also crap. This entire show is crap.This is a very bad show. Is that ten lines yet? I have to write ten lines but really all I need to say is that this show is crap, that's my entire review. There it is ten lines.
I have to admit I am pretty surprised that this show got renewed and on top of that I hear it is going to be on TV in the United States too so that is good and I am very much hoping that that means the show will get better next year.From what I have heard the show has very bad ratings and I don't know anyone who is watching it. We watched it every week but it hasn't improved yet. All of the characters are not real and beyond that they are very annoying to me. The premise of the show is good and had promise but it is poorly written, again unreal and with bad jokes. So the show hasn't made good on that promise.
Seed is a horrendous show. I can't believe it has a 6 out of 10 rating on IMDb. So many ratings of a perfect 10. Makes me suspicious that maybe the show or the network have signed up for a million fake accounts just to make it look like people actually watch and like this show. Have you ever met someone who watches and enjoys this show because I haven't. I have only sat through two full episodes and the start of the third, gave it more than enough chance to stop sucking but it is just a terribly and not funny show. Canadian TV comedies just keep getting worse. Dan for Mayor and Hiccups were awful, Satisfaction and Package Deal are awful, Seed is awful. Maybe we just should stop trying to make comedy TV shows because the networks in Canada obviously can't hack it.
Seed is the latest in a long line of crappy new Canadian TV comedy series. It is about a guy who ends up getting put in touch with or contacted by kids who he fathered without ever knowing them or their mothers, by being a sperm donor. It's on OK premise but nothing about this show works. The cast is the main problem, almost every cast member is terrible. The lead is unbelievable, unfunny, not even likable. Unlikeable can be really funny for a TV show character but in this case the guy is just so not funny it's infuriating. He can't deliver a joke right to save his life. Not that he has a lot to work with because the writing is also not there. The show just looks cheap and bad and the jokes are terrible and don't work. I don't know how a show like this gets made, how many people looked at this garbage and said "yes" in order for it to go through all the steps of production and actually put on the air? I still have only met 6 people who have even seen this show at all and all of them hated it as much as I do, so how is it still on the air? The IMDb page here even says "not yet released", that is how few people watch or care about this show. And I suspect the lone review here, a glowing rant, is actually written by a cast or crew member or one of their loved ones. This show stinks, stinks, stinks! Crap!