Good start, but then it gets ruined
It's not great by any means, but it's a pretty good movie that didn't leave me filled with regret for investing time in it.
if their story seems completely bonkers, almost like a feverish work of fiction, you ain't heard nothing yet.
Story: It's very simple but honestly that is fine.
Didn't expect much from this because I had heard it had some extra biblical content. I wasn't too bothered about that as all the other bible series movies had their extra scenes. It certainly wasn't terrible there was some pretty decent parts. It was well filmed and had great music. Acting was great. I found they portrayed Saul/Paul as quite nice before he snapped. Suddenly he just went evil when not long before had not wanted to stone Stephen...I didn't like that as it just didn't make sense. Stephen's vision of heaven was erased completely!!! Also, no tongues when the Holy Spirit came to the apostles either! Paul does wrestle which I knew was in this by others reviews. Pretty stupid but none of these bible collection films (by Lube?) have been perfect. Several characters not in the bible were in this and others were left out. That was disappointing. They focused heavily on this "Reuben" character set out to kill Paul. And his Christian wife named "Dinah" these two aren't even in the bible. I was wondering what happened to John as he vanished not too long into the film? It really wasn't necessary to show a woman's bare breasts to depict a sex scene. Disgusting having this in a biblical film Christians are going to see!! Some parts were nice. I liked Peter a whole lot. He had this gentleman stubbornness and seemed so like PETER to me. I think the Damascus road scene was OK but he went blind, he didn't see people in a photoshop filter. I liked the journey scenes and most of the scenes after Paul received his sight. I gave it a 6 as it could've been worse but I did like it to an extent.
It was nice to see Captain Harris from the Police Academy Series in a dramatic role for a change. Usually being the butt end of the joke, Bailey gets the opportunity to show his dramatic side in a supporting role as one of the early Christians. Bailey does a terrific and believable job as Paul's closest friend. Still, although the movie has its moments, the overall story has several "holes" and unanswered questions. We never get to see Paul (Saul) growing up under Roman law and we never get to see Paul in Rome. The movie ends before we get to see his trial before Rome's leaders. At times, the movie deals with the friendship between Paul and the Jewish Priest (Reuben). The movie introduces many interesting characters that disappear when you wish there was more. Paul's influence on the early church was the story most wanted to see. While some of his teachings was showcased, the rest of his story was not covered. A nice cast of actors and a decent story makes the movie Paul a pleasant surprise.
This movie started out fairly well. Some artistic license, but fairly accurate bibically. Until "Reuben" strips Dina on their wedding bed and breast/nipple shows up on my TV screen! What is up with the nudity? This is not what I expected for a biblical film. What was the need? "Reuben" was not even in the biblical account, so you add a unknown character to the story, you marry him off the the prettiest girl in the show, you imply some sexual tension with "Paul" (he even said that if he wanted her he could have her), and you show her breasts!?! I quickly skipped forward on my DVD player and lo and behold, a dancing girl is now writhing around on my screen show off her backside!! Off went the video and I spent the next hour trying to find somewhere where I could vent my frustration! Roger Young and the rest of the cast and crew of this sham biblical account, SHAME ON YOU!! I would not recommend this movie to anyone EVER!!!
This is quite fascinating. We follow the man Saul, who as an authority figure persecutes the growing sect of these dangerous christians. And see him at last turn the 'the light'. as Saint Paul, he is a much revered person in Christianity, but this movie portrays him also before, not covering up in mushy mushy goodness that he did was he was supposed to, therefore making his eventual christianity more deer and costly to him and his friends.