Stargate Origins


Seasons & Episodes

  • 1

4| 0h30m| TV-14| en

Follow Catherine Langford, the young woman who witnessed her father uncover the Stargate in Giza in 1928, as she embarks on an unexpected adventure to unlock the mystery of what lies beyond the Stargate in order to save Earth from unimaginable darkness.


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Protraph Lack of good storyline.
Lucybespro It is a performances centric movie
Gurlyndrobb While it doesn't offer any answers, it both thrills and makes you think.
Arianna Moses Let me be very fair here, this is not the best movie in my opinion. But, this movie is fun, it has purpose and is very enjoyable to watch.
sfmarsman Show IS a spoiler. Like rotted meat, stench of this poorly acted and Olympic bad writing overwhelms every scene shot.
blue-52550 Should have save the money and continue Stargate Atlantis, no in this Origins Shows...
time-12092 Look, it's not a great production to the values of "Fifth Race", "Threads", or "Failsafe", but this is Stargate adventure. MGM can't dazzle us with million dollar production values or our favorite casts, they're financially strapped, but still there were elements here that appeal to nostalgia.The webseries was produced by MGM on a shoe string budget, after their bankruptcy what do you expect. I'm not going to blast them for limitations they had. The plot was okay, not great for Stargate. Yes, they retcon a lot of things in this series, but listen Stargate has done that before, like Torment of Tantalus in SG1 that brough back Catherine Langford retcon it in season 1 from the movie, there's no problem as long as they have a logical story. Characterwise, the actors were subpar, but at the production values and budget of these shorts, I don't blame them.Personally in my opinion, if MGM wants to get fan involvement and funding on a 4th series, I suggest crowd funding. Most fans want to see this show back on with proper production values. CBS has ruined Star Trek by being dicks with their old fan base, MGM being limited in terms of money and support should see merit in appealing to the fans.Guys stop hating this webseries for its shortcomings due to financial issues and instead ask yourselves, what could MGM need to make Stargate come back as something more than this poor production of its former self.
levdem I was hyped when i started to watch the first episode yes. After the first two episodes i realised that this is a low budget movie. Not for the theatres. BUT. Actually a really liked that it was different. The actors were good the playing was also good. It was based on a "lighter" script. The actors were NOT amateurish as they played their role in that way with awereness. I liked the comic, i liked their gesture. I liked the two main actors. The casting was good. It was a light and short series in the Stargate universe.If they get more and i mean More Money they can create bigger of course. But it is not the fault of the director. I think the core fans are those who gave low scores and negative reviews. But it was something new something different. To the wide auidence. Not for fans only. I enjoyed all the episodes. Hope get a second season wiith higher budget. Tahnks to the people who were behind Stargate Origins.