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6.8| 0h30m| TV-14| en

A young woman is recruited into a secret government agency to be “stitched” into the minds of the recently deceased, using their memories to investigate murders.


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Also starring Kyle Harris


Develiker terrible... so disappointed.
Ketrivie It isn't all that great, actually. Really cheesy and very predicable of how certain scenes are gonna turn play out. However, I guess that's the charm of it all, because I would consider this one of my guilty pleasures.
Yash Wade Close shines in drama with strong language, adult themes.
Juana what a terribly boring film. I'm sorry but this is absolutely not deserving of best picture and will be forgotten quickly. Entertaining and engaging cinema? No. Nothing performances with flat faces and mistaking silence for subtlety.
philfeeley This could have been so much better. The SciFi and mystery aspect of it should be enough for the writers, but they had to go and ruin it by spending a lot of writing on romantic relationships. And those are not well written either - conflict just for the sake of conflict, no rational reason why any of it should exist (e.g. Camille). Consequently, the main story suffers and the mystery is sometimes resolved quickly and awkwardly. It's like the whole thing is written for juveniles and nobody cares.The repetition of Cameron repeating the request for Go/No go from each system uses up time better spent on story. Enough already, we don't need to hear that every time.Amazingly, renewed.
deanv-81727 Well the show is true triller and big mysterious and the biggest mystery is kirsten mysterious father who left her when she was 8 and nobody knows why and where did he go and why he never come back. Kirsten parents created that stitching technology and her father really completed it but something bad has to happen that he would leave his daughter with his friend and never make proper contact with her and her mother who suppose die in an accident if it was an accident what if someone tried to kill both of her parents and this is why her dad left her and something very big is happening under stitching program and has been happening all this years which involves kirsten mother and dr stinger wife. Really they need also to bring back C.Thomas H. as kirsten father who was great and show him properly and tell us his story and include him in the show and same actress as his wife and kirsten mother. This show really requires now for season 3 20 episodes and improve writings and tell us really what is happening around kirsten parents, the show is great but needs improvement and actors really don't know how to act except guest actors like C.Thomas and others..
annier-92577 This show feels different than other TV being produced right now. In some wonderful combination of styling, casting and writing they have managed to create something that feels simultaneously fresh and current and like a TV show from the 1990's. Here's why:Styling: None of the women look like they have spent a minimum of 3 hours curling their hair, applying fake eyelashes, & glossing themselves up. I didn't realize how much of a problem this has become in today's TV until I re-watched Twin Peaks and was shocked by how supremely un-sexilly Lara Flynn Boyle was styled, and I remembered her being a sex-symbol at the time! This show takes a more realistic middle road: If the scene calls for them to dress up and get sexy the do, but they don't look at all times like they are ready for the runway. Any realism is lost when your female cop character, for example, tries to fit into her male dominated profession by being as girly or sexy as possible and wearing high heals to chase perps. In this show the female characters are like regular people, sexy sometimes, professional other times. The styling of this show is refreshing for the men too. I can't believe they let us get through multiple episodes before we found out if the male leads have abs or not. No shirtless scenes inserted for no reason in the first 15 min of every show! And then when they are shirtless, they don't look like they had just furiously worked out so that every vein and muscle is maximally (sometimes grotesquely) bulged. Yep, TV today is hard on men too. This show feels different. Better.Casting: People were clearly cast for character and talent rather than just looks (no casting interchangeable pretty people in all the roles). They all feel authentic. The male leads are more geeky than usually cast these days and this makes you want the love stories to work out even more; it's not just mutual prettiness that makes these matches good. This is also reminiscent of 1990's TV. Allison Scagliotti (who was also great on Warehouse 13) is quirky and funny and awesome. You really want to root for the four main young leads.Writing: It's a good sci-fi / murder-mystery with a long story that keeps you coming back to get more answers while each week's mystery is satisfyingly resolved. The sci-fi and mystery elements feel fairly new, even if the cop-procedural part of the show is familiar. Even so, there is something refreshing in the way that those more common grounds are explored. Here again, with the relationships and character development, it feels a bit like a 1990's show. It's just so ... feminist, for lack of a better word. I can't even put my finger on what's different, but something is. There's something in the way the female leads approach their lives, careers, sex lives and friendships that just seems so grown up. Just look at the way Linus and Camille's relationship was written -it seems very unusual, with the power dynamic switched from what we would normally see, without making it seem like they are making some kind of point. No, it just feels fun and entertaining and light.I highly recommend this show!
mdebernart I started watching this show 'cause the idea was interesting and 'cause I'm a sci-fi buff and I had to try it out. The characters are not well built and you get pretty annoyed by the main one right from the Pilot (you can read the other reviews for a detailed explanation). You understand from episode one what are the couples that will be formed probably in season 2 and in case you didn't get it right from the start they make it abundantly clear in like episode 2. You have of course the scientist, nerd/brainiac who is also "obviously" ripped and conveniently showering with open doors, the nymphomaniac sidekick/roommate of the hideous apathetic main character and naturally the non- white nerd sidekick of the scientist who you just know will get together with the other sidekick as apparently those are the rules.. Extremely predictable and filled with bogus science.. Not my cup of tea.. I gave it a generous 5/10 merely because I couldn't believe the props they decided to use.. the main brain guy is supposed to have a guide/safety net role every time the girl goes "skinny dipping" into the episode dead guy's memory and in order to do so he maneuvers two super tech looking gadgets which (and I just would like to know if the actor is aware of) are the latest cyber-sex technology gadgets meant to be attached with dildos, vagina prosthetics and so on (you can google "Frixion+dildo" to get the idea and have a laugh!!).. So watching the brainiac handling those things in each episode like he was playing some sort of awesome video game made me giggle every time! and pushed me to watch up to episode 5 when I just couldn't take the bad plot choices and predictability no more!