

Seasons & Episodes

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EP2 Crime Doesn't Pay... Seriously, It Really Doesn't Jul 03, 2003

EP7 The Bridesmaid Feb 12, 2004

5.7| 0h30m| TV-MA| en

From Stan Lee, the man who brought us such popular superheroes as Spider-Man and The X-Men, comes this new kind of superhero in the form of the animated series "Stripperella". Pamela Anderson provides the voice of Erotica Jones who is stripper by night and superhero Stripperella by even later at night. A show with something for everyone, Stan Lee promises that despite it's adult setting 'Stripperella' is "really a family show...but for a highly sophisticated family."


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Nickelodeon Animation Studio


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Perry Kate Very very predictable, including the post credit scene !!!
Hadrina The movie's neither hopeful in contrived ways, nor hopeless in different contrived ways. Somehow it manages to be wonderful
Monique One of those movie experiences that is so good it makes you realize you've been grading everything else on a curve.
Haven Kaycee It is encouraging that the film ends so strongly.Otherwise, it wouldn't have been a particularly memorable film
michellelocke007 came across the first season of this campy animated series while browsing through a DVD shop years ago and promptly bought it as i can see it's potential cult status. to say the least, i was not disappointed upon popping it into my DVD player. i had a lot of fun and pleasure watching the many tales and capers of its heroine stripperella played none other than by former bay-watch babe and pin-up girl Pamela Anderson. it is definitely not for children as there is a lot of risqué humour and sexual innuendos throughout each episode. i liked the witty dialogue and thought the storyline was well-written. the assortment of odd ball characters and goofy antics of the villains were great to watch. unfortunately the series is no longer on TV so it will be difficult to get your hands on a copy.
ZeldaFan2929 "Stripperella" is an animated series about a girl named Erotica Jones (voiced by Pamela Anderson) who lives a double life as a stripper at a gentleman's club known as "The Tender Loins" and as a sexy crime-fighter known as Stripperella, a.k.a. Agent 69 who works for a government organization. As Stripperella, Erotica fights crime and the forces of evil such as a plastic surgeon who gives women breast implants that either explode or make them fat and Cheapo, a criminal who steals from 99 cent stores and makes his two henchmen share a gun. The creator of the character and the series is Stan Lee of Marvel fame (and creator of Spider-Man).Back in late June of 2003, Spike TV (then known as The New TNN) premiered a Thursday night block of three animated shows. Those shows were "Ren & Stimpy: Adult Party Cartoon"; new adventures of classic kids show characters Ren and Stimpy for adults done by original creator John Kricfalusi, "Gary the Rat"; about a lawyer who is turned into a human sized rat starring Kelsee Grammar of "Cheers" and "Fraiser" fame, and "Stripperella"; the adventures of a stripper who doubles as a superhero voiced by Pamela Anderson and created by Stan Lee. I remember seeing all three of the premiers. I was anxious to see Ren and Stimpy as I love the original show. I was a little let down. It was alright but it seemed to take things a little too far; seeing the two have gay sex together was a bit much. Though Gary the Rat wasn't bad, the best of the three was easily Stripperella. The animation was really good, it had an awesome intro song, it had some good talent behind it, and it was funny as hell! The show was just so silly, I don't even know how to begin explaining it! After four of five weeks (if not a little less) the animation block disappeared, which was weird because I know it got good ratings and it was advertised everywhere. I was disappointed to see Stripperella go but several months later I found out about new episodes that aired at like 1:00 AM. I only got to see one and though it was funny as hell and I was glad to see the show back after all that time, something seemed a bit off....In the beginning of it's short run, "Stripperella" had great animation. It was dark, moody, realistic, and somewhat sexy too. The Stripperella costumed looked good too, the character was drawn well. After the long hiatus and during the rest of the episodes, the animation was very different. Instead of dark and realistic look it originally had everything was now really colorful and cartoonish. Stripperella received the biggest changes though. Before she had normal long hair, now she had hair bigger than Peggy Bundy's (Married with Children) if even possible. Also, the eye mask actually shows her eyes now; before it was just white you saw which was cool since it was more superheroish. Also, the upper part of her costume was kind of a vest-type thing with a collar and her costume was dark blue; that changed to her costume being a bluish-violet color and her upper costume being really crappy looking in comparison. In short, the show was a cartoon and very over the top silly beforehand, but the second-half it became more cartoonish looking and though still laugh-out-loud hilarious, it became more zany as well; for example, there was a later episode about a were-beaver...yes, a were-beaver. Anyway, instead of complaining about the mid-series changes, "Stripperella" only ran one season but it was a very good show. Like the Tales from the Crypt film "Bordello of Blood", it may be really campy but it's really fun. As long as your not a prude you'll find yourself laughing repeatedly at this show. I haven't seen every episode because I haven't got the DVD yet for two reasons: #1. Paramount released and they have this screwed up policy about not including any extras on nearly all released TV shows, even though this was the entire show (I would have liked to see some commentary's maby explaining the animation change and interviews with Pamela Anderson and Stan Lee) and #2. the awesome Kid Rock song during the opening was replaced. Now I'm not a fan of his, but that intro sang WAS the theme for the show! If your not going to pay to have any extras at least pay to have the original intro song you jack-asses. The show also had a few interesting guest stars such as John Lovitz as Cheapo and Mark Hamil as the plastic surgion who hates models. Also Tom Kenny (SpongeBob) was on the show as the owner of the strip club in most every episode. Stan Lee has a cameo in one episode too.The Breakdown: PROS: Had a great look to it at first, FUNNY AS HELL, a very fun show, great voice talent for the most part, Chief Strogenoff (watch the show and see some of the stuff he does), and was easily the best of the three animated shows mentioned earlier.CONS: The mid-series animation change and the crappy DVD described earlier. Aside from the fact that some of the humor could be kind of dumb at times I have nothing really negative to say about this.OVERALL: Stripperella is a huge guilty pleasure of mine and it's a shame it only ran one season. It was a very funny, sexy, actioned packed cult series that I hope to see air on Adult Swim someday with the original intro intact and possibly give it another season like Family Guy. Check it out even if it is on the lousy DVD. You will laugh yourself silly.Rated TV-MA: Crude and Sexual Humor and Nudity, Runtime: About 25 minutes per episode, Score: 9/10
Tennessee_Rebel This show is naughty and raunchy, and appeals strictly to the adult audience. And it sure hits its target. Voiced by super-vixen and sex kitten Pamela Anderson, the show follows Erotica Jones a stripper by night, who turns into Stripperella a superhero by later night. This is the kind of cartoon that makes you feel dirty, just for watching it. I love it!
TheTVConnoisseur Directed by Kevin Alteri (Batman: The Animated Series) and created by comics greatest Stan Lee Stripperella is the type of shows perverts would enjoy. The concept is pretty dumb but while I've seen Pam Anderson nude several times I would have prefered this show to be live-action. I don't want an animated nude Pam! This is a dumb show just trusting it's future on the air by advocating naked animation.