
7.5| 0h30m| TV-PG| en

A reality show contest where sixteen or more castaways split between two or more “Tribes” are taken to a remote isolated location and are forced to live off the land with meager supplies for roughly 39 days. Frequent physical challenges are used to pit the tribes against each other for rewards, such as food or luxuries, or for “Immunity”, forcing the other tribe to attend “Tribal Council”, where they must vote off one of their players.


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CBS Studios


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CommentsXp Best movie ever!
Helllins It is both painfully honest and laugh-out-loud funny at the same time.
Tayloriona Although I seem to have had higher expectations than I thought, the movie is super entertaining.
Mehdi Hoffman There's a more than satisfactory amount of boom-boom in the movie's trim running time.
rianengelen I started watching this show as a teenager; from season 1. Interestingly I find myself having evolved along with it. Season 1 the contestants and consequently the unseasoned viewer seemed to think it was more about surviving, being a hero in challenges, providing for your tribe and making people like you, etc than it was about social politics, strategy and the journey of self discovery that these people must go through as they battle the elements and literally starve for 39 days. It feels almost that in the earlier seasons, naivety in the human condition prevailed as contestants and viewers alike were trying to figure out how to balance their real life morals with the fact that they were in a game that ultimately required them to betray almost all of the values we applaud as a society. To me this is the beauty, real people with real emotions will inevitably form real connections and will ultimately need to betray those relationships... there is no way around that fact. By season 36 I am witnessing a different game. The die-hard fans and contestants have evolved. Now we know it is a game and we know how to play it, but the human factor, the emotional side - the relationships they form, etc are still REAL. The strategy is on a "whole-nother" level. The savvy-ness and emotional manipulation required to be successful at this game is intriguing. The twists and advantages that the creators come up with are nothing short of brilliant; fueling this excitement and intrigue. Some of the Jury miss the point and sit there overwhelmed by the emotion or their feeling of being betrayed; instead of applauding the hand that dealt the blow, others "get it", they understand that this game needs to be played personally but never taken personally - even just this observation to me is interesting to witness.In terms of exploring human psychology and realness, there isn't, nor has there yet been, any other reality competition show out there that is as brilliant, addictive and REAL as Survivor.I'm a fan for life.
jonnithomas the basic idea is a group of strangers get dumped somewhere interesting to survive with little or no basic facilities. they usually starve a bit and may have no water until they discover fire to boil it. they then either survive or fail a series of tests getting one person voted off each week by the other competitors. it starts with two competing teams and as numbers dwindle it becomes individual's all very American in style. lots of excess emotion and temper tantrums. cries of 'oh my God' abound. It seems they are all told that they cannot use any other expletive.There's lots of gushing, hugging and crying when relatives are brought on for a day after four weeks. it's like nobody ever travels or lives hundreds of miles away from their family no matter what age they are. even ex military sob and gush when they see their partner after the four weeks. maybe they have never had a posting away from home. lol so they build alliances and the weak gang up on strong individuals as they are a threat to winning. it's one way that everyone has an equal chance and people lie, cheat, deceive and betray to win. the winner gets 1 million dollars.when it gets down to four people they have a program where they show excerpts of those that have lost with smaltzy music in the background. they say nice things about people that they have screwed and cheated.the last eight voted off then vote on who should win the 1, is it worth watching. sort of, it's irritating how stupid, ignorant, snide and prejudiced and downright unpleasant some of the people are. the winner is often the least worst of those left and often not deserving. it can be entertaining tho.
Devanshu Kaushik Yup... that's right, Survivor is the best reality show i've seen till date, and i was quite surprised it didn't feature in this year's Emmy Awards Nominations. I read in one of the above comments that Survivor's odd numbered seasons are usually not that good, i wanna say that i don't agree at all! Coz, Survivor 17: Gabon, was simply awesome... and i'm just starting season 19, i.e. Samoan, and its looking cool as well. The best thing in Survivor is the picturisation, the natural scenery, the diverse cast, and last but not the least Emmy Award winner and this year's nominee for best host : Jeff Barrot...Its a must watch for all reality show addicts..
ardriguez13 Great, entertaining show! Love every minute of it. From the 1st season to now, great show! The Seasons were (in order), Borneo, Australian Outback, Africa, Marquesas, Thailand, Amazon, Pearl Islands, All-Stars, Vanuatu, Palau, Guatemala, Panama, Cook Islands, Fiji, China, Micronesia, Gabon, Tocantins, Samoa (didn't air yet) The winner were (in order), Richard Hatch, Tina Wesson, Ethan Zohn, Vecepia Towerly, Brian Heidik, Jenna Morasca, Sandra Diaz-Twine, Amber Brkich, Chris Daughtery, Tom Westman, Danni Boatwright, Aras (something), Yul Kwon, Earl Cole, Todd Zherog, Parvati Shallow, Bob Crowley, J.T. Thomas I hope you enjoyed my comment