i know i wasted 90 mins of my life.
Did you people see the same film I saw?
A Brilliant Conflict
It is both painfully honest and laugh-out-loud funny at the same time.
I remember the first saw this show it was by chance and i caught it late night;on hbo.I just seen and ending clip with the sex and thought it was typical late night softcore cinemax type show.You know the ones with really cheesy acting and story lines.When i realized this was a actual show i couldn't believe it .When i came on IMDb and checked it out and saw the ratings my heart nearly stopped.I wish the ratings went into a negative.So i could give this a truthfully honest rating that it deserves whats so bad about it ?;where do i start .The writing is bad you can tell by the dialogue its either that or the actors are bad or both.Usually you can tell the difference between a good actor dealing with bad dialogue.In the case of this show it doesn't matter they are both equally bad.I think the worse part of it is how these actors actually think they are doing something worth watching .There is absolutely no redeeming quality too this show what so ever. Some people might call this ground breaking ,colored t.v in the 60's was ground breaking.This is just mild core porn and considering the time and era we live in. This shows content is truly irrelevant in todays world .They seriously should of left out the sex.They should of hired experienced writers instead first year out of college grads.This is a show that just doesn't give crap .Know one here bothered to actually create something new and original.Their only concern was throwing spaghetti against the wall and seeing what stuck.Don't waste your time or life with this show read a book,you'll get so much more in return.
I found this show to be revealing and honest and fun. I personally thought that it was a quiet, subdued way. Its real, and the humor comes from the truth....or revealing the truth or something.What i love most about this show is that i can sit back and watch the show, and feel like I'm learning about my own my thinking can be irrational even though I've convinced myself I'm right.the acting ROCKS! The writing is spot on....i feel like each character is different, and reacts differently...when i often feel like every character on TV is the same.The sex is not nearly as explicit as people said it was, but it definitely can throw you out of the show.the season finale left you hanging....and it is going to be fun to return to in the fall
Written and directed by two women who apparently don't have a clue about sexuality (especially male sexuality), this embarrassing attempt at erotic honesty is neither erotic nor honest. It all comes off like a bad Lifetime TV movie, with clichéd situations, terrible dialogue, and some of the lamest sex scenes I've ever seen. Which is a shame, because the premise has great potential and the subject deserves better. I realize a lot of people have trouble talking about sex, but focusing on inarticulate, stifled characters makes for bad TV. Why don't these people talk? I mean, REALLY TALK about sex? The series' creators are obviously afraid to get down and dirty, to dive into the nitty-gritty details of all-too-common issues like monogamy, masturbation, menstruation, orgasms, the differences between male and female sexuality, etc. Instead of honesty, depth or insight, they give us unconvincing tidbits of pathetic pop psychology straight out of "Oprah." For a show about human sexuality, it feels awfully uptight, politely politicized, and downright Victorian. I think they could have used a male writer to balance out the feminized perspective, or simply had the balls to address their subjects head-on. (No pun intended.) As for the sex scenes, I can't help but wonder if the actors have ever actually had sex before. It's that awkward and stiff. (Again, no pun intended.) All in all, this series is a big disappointment: simplistic, boring, and a missed opportunity to address America's complex love-shame relationship with sex.
Thanks to On Demand, I've gotten to watch the first 8 episodes of this series in the last 2 days. The sex is really tame and unimaginative, but I appreciate the therapy sessions with Dr. May Foster, who is played by the great Jane Alexander, in a role she is perfectly suited for. Very believable, although for the most part they too (the sessions) have been a tad on the tame side thus far.I think the problems encountered in the relationships are completely valid, if not a little predictable (not giving any spoilers for people who haven't seen 1-8 yet), and it's excellent to have a show which focuses on the interaction between these characters, making their jobs and the rest of their lives secondary. That's cool. I also do appreciate how the show is done on sort of a lowkey level, so it's not a soap opera with unnecessary dramatics, but a little more imagination in the sex scenes and deeper probing in the therapy scenes would make the show infinitely more meaningful.10/30: Caught episode 9 last night and I'm pleased to report: NO sex at all in this one, boring or otherwise, and more concentration on the therapy. Hopefully it will continue along these lines.11/6: Last night, I caught the last episode of this show for the year; not sure it's being renewed but I have to say it was a decent finale one way or the other. The issues that had been plaguing the 3 couples got resolved well enough to where if the show didn't come back next year, it would be fine. If it were to return, I'd watch.