The Adventures of Jimmy Neutron: Boy Genius


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6.7| 0h30m| TV-Y7| en

Jimmy Neutron is the smartest kid in town. As a genius, Jimmy thinks most things can be solved with the invention of a new gizmo. But Jimmy usually takes the easy way out, and his backfiring gadgets result in comedic adventures.


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Nickelodeon Animation Studio


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Comwayon A Disappointing Continuation
PiraBit if their story seems completely bonkers, almost like a feverish work of fiction, you ain't heard nothing yet.
filippaberry84 I think this is a new genre that they're all sort of working their way through it and haven't got all the kinks worked out yet but it's a genre that works for me.
Skyler Great movie. Not sure what people expected but I found it highly entertaining.
trooper5783 When I was a kid, there were a few Nicktoons I liked, and two true Nicktoons I loved- SpongeBob, and Jimmy Neutron. The reason why Jimmy Neutron is such a good show is its imaginative surrealness of the stories and the VERY funny cast of characters that are greatly voiced. Granted, it doesn't have the heartfelt core of some other older Nicktoons nor does it have decent animation, but it's all made up for in the show's twisted yet inspired sense of humor, creative plots and even some character development. There's plenty of goofy slapstick moments for the kids to dig, and there are some tongue-in-cheek adult jokes that are all kept in good taste. The animation may look cruddy, but it's part of the weird charm of the show. The gadgets created by Jimmy are possibly one of the highlights, showing off things you'd love to have in real life. Overall, Jimmy Neutron is a hilarious cartoon that all ages can enjoy, and it's also a great part of many people'a childhoods, including mine. Enjoy!
andersoncaseylee246 Spoiler:Normally if i didn't know a girl or adult woman voiced the character of a boy, i would have gave the series a 10 out of 10 but since the main character Jimmy Neutron was being voiced by a woman i gave it a 6 out of 10. because i believe well, personally i believe that the actors/actresses age should "always"(there are no exceptions) match the age of the character they are going to play because if i was casting the voice actors, that's what i would do. why, because it makes sense and doesn't confuse kids and stuff. to me, personally it deceives the viewer into thinking the child(the person who is voicing the character) is also a child and a boy. and if not. then the parents are in for a long haul throughout the child's(the viewer) teenage years. and stuff. Why am i saying this is because people should not be deceived for example before you even think about showing the pilot episode, have the voice actors introduce themselves along with a picture in picture of the person they voiced. then i would be satisfied but do they do this no, they do not. but they should.
Rectangular_businessman I tried to like this series. I really tried.I have nothing against CGI animated series (In fact, I liked lots of them) but I found "Jimmy Neutron" (Both the TV show and the movie) to be awful. Mostly because all the characters from this series are uninteresting and unlikeable (Not to mention the fact that most of them seem to be annoying clichés) but also because the humor from this series it's so bland, dull and forgettable.Honestly, this has to be one of the most boring cartoons ever made: The jokes are lame, the plots are generic, it is hard to feel any kind of sympathy towards the unlikeable characters, and the "adventure" parts are tedious...In what concerns to the animation, the designs are ugly and unappealing, while the overall quality of it left too much to be desired, being mediocre at best.But even the bad quality of the animation of this series (Which is pretty much worse than other CGI animated series that were done in the previous years, such as "Beast Wars" and "Beast Machines") could be forgiven, if, at least, the stories were good, or the characters were likable. Sadly, this is not the case."Jimmy Neutron" fails spectacularly at every single level. Seriously, just seeing the awful intro from this series lowered my expectations. And even without very much hopes put on this, "Jimmy Neutron" managed to disappoint me."Jimmy Neutron" is not the worst cartoon that I've seen in my life (That dubious honor belongs to other animated series) but it is one of the most boring TV shows that I've seen in my life. It is flat, dull and forgettable at best, without any redeeming quality.
Very Cool Crap. Crap, crap, crap, crap, crap. It's an annoying, pathetic excuse for a cartoon that doesn't deserve it's time slot. A time slot that could be used for a much better cartoon like Fairly OddParents or SpongeBob. The person who came up with Jimm Neutron is either a - no. I'll stop right now. Why?. Because, I'm 14 and this show is aimed at a younger age group. Maybe kids find it's stupid, annoying characters and unbelievingly dull plots amusing. I don't know. I hate it. Here's why....The characters: are all terrible, annoying, uninteresting weirdos that make you wanna hang them. Jimmy's dad (Hugh or whatever his name is) acts and moves like a homicidal maniac that should be locked up in an insane asylum, and his obsession with ducks is just plane disturbing. Sheen is the same situation. He looks like he'd commit murder just to get his hands on the newest Ultra Lord action figure. And, may I ask, what is up with Carl and his sinister love of llamas? That is just not right, I tell you, not right. Jimmy is not as completely terrible as the other characters, but he is still completely terrible, especially as a lead character. At least his not psychologically disturbed like everyone else on this show.The animation: is waaaaaaay too exaggerated. Jimmy's dad moves like what I described him to resemble above. Sheen has those weird and sinister shifty eyes... he's definitely up to something. I know that it is a cartoon, and it shouldn't be too realistic but this is pushing it too far. And one more thing, why does everyone run like an old granny? The jokes: there's a saying that goes something along the lines of ''a joke's only as funny as the person who tells it''. Well, as I already expressed my opinions on the characters who tell the jokes, you probably know that I think the jokes are also crap. They all either fall flat on their face, or are ruined by the horrible characters. Which is a shame as there's some jokes that would actually have been quite funny on another show.There are other problems. Like, why does Jimmy (being the Einstein that he is) hang out with brain dead idiots like Carl and Sheen? Why did the people who make this show feel it necessary to include romance when this show is clearly for small children who aren't interested in that kind of thing.Well, that's my opinion. You may well disagree but that you're opinion. As for me, I'll be avoiding this show as long as it haunts the TV schedule.