The After

7.3| 0h30m| en

Eight strangers are thrown together by mysterious forces and must help each other survive in a violent world that defies explanation.


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Micransix Crappy film
Teddie Blake The movie turns out to be a little better than the average. Starting from a romantic formula often seen in the cinema, it ends in the most predictable (and somewhat bland) way.
Sameer Callahan It really made me laugh, but for some moments I was tearing up because I could relate so much.
Tyreece Hulme One of the best movies of the year! Incredible from the beginning to the end.
XweAponX Stylewise this is not your usual Chris Carter fare. This is a very modern looking story, it looks like Chris has not lost his knack for creating TV shows that fit right into the times.The millennium has come and gone. Or has it? This story is a typical day in a woman's life, that turns strange in one second.In this pilot one of the characters makes a conjecture about what the end times really will be like. Have we really read the book of Revelation and considered what it really says in there?Because if we really have read it, then we really should be scared. But should we be scared about supernatural entities, aliens and other Chris Carter phenomena, or should we be scared of each other?In this bloodcurdling pilot, it shows that we should be worried about both. Some people think evil comes from the devil himself, other people think that evil comes from man. Maybe both statements are true and maybe both are false."The after" explores this question and keeps us asking more questions until the very last scene. Interestingly, the show was created by which I've never heard of creating entertainment like this, I don't know if this is a web-only show or if this is going to be shown on any channels. But, I like it and I really want to see more.One thing to look for is imagery from Chris Carter's show "millennium".
pariahx-876-933189 There will always be reviews for and against great movies, the after may not be the greatest, but as far as entertainment goes, i felt it was very riveting, and it left me wanting more. my one fear is that some series starts with good plots and heavy tension, and then fizzle out and becomes boring. I have also noted that too many series are base on emotions that are not very realistic in certain situations, like stopping to take time to hug, kiss and dry tears while horror and death is going on around the characters. Someone or something is trying to kill you in the most brutal way, and anything that can be used as a weapon is either ignored or dropped and the person run. How realistic is that. Realism is taken out of acting to make room for false emotions in roles, why does every woman have to scream on seeing a body,that is presume dead.
mallardsnest The show had great potential, unfortunately they did a horrible job. In the main group of survivors they have - a hooker, an black escaped prisoner(innocent of all charges of course), an Hispanic female cop, a lawyer, an actress (a terrible one at that), a rich old white woman, an abusive alcoholic Irish man, and to top it off, a gay clown.Of course they bicker amongst themselves constantly, much like Walking Dead. I'm not quite sure why all writers think that the end of the world scenarios will bring out the worst in people. Maybe they should start from scratch with a bit more imagination. The actors could've phoned it in, they did such a bad job.
rorrr It was absolutely painful to watch the pilot. It's filmed so badly, they never actually show anything. All the scenes are framed so narrowly, you can't tell what's going on around. Even when they show the huge crowd from the above, you can't see what's actually going on. It's just a crowd with a bunch of people running back and forth. No explosions, no collapsed buildings, no fire.The explanation is quite simple - the production is so cheap, the most they could afford is to make the actors look afraid, but never show what they are afraid of.Yeah, there was a small CGI scene at the very end of the pilot, must have lasted less than 20 seconds. Cheap thrills, not impressive.The actors were not impressive either. I can't say that I really liked any of them, which in itself tells me a lot. I don't remember the last TV show where I didn't like at least one actor.