The Anna Nicole Show

4.5| 0h30m| en

The Anna Nicole Show is an American reality sitcom starring former model and Playboy Playmate Anna Nicole Smith. The series debuted on August 4, 2002 on the E! entertainment television network and ran for two seasons.


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Evengyny Thanks for the memories!
Platicsco Good story, Not enough for a whole film
Konterr Brilliant and touching
AutCuddly Great movie! If you want to be entertained and have a few good laughs, see this movie. The music is also very good,
Glenn Andreiev Now this is a reality show! A true peek into the American dream turned into sour milk! The opening cartoon credits show that Anna was a small town girl who came into a Playboy deal as well as meeting an almost century old zillionaire. Did she live happily ever after? Well, maybe, maybe not. The show presents Anna as almost constantly bombed out of her skull, that booze and drugs have eaten away any sort of personality she can have. Her two co-horts are her attorney and personal assistant. The episode with the drunken pizza eating contest she holds is almost terrifying.
MASONALM Like many people, I was originally sucked in by the tremendous "hype" before the series aired. I watch every show during the season, and now I ask myself, WHY? Anna Nicole Smith is one of the most beautiful women in the world, but if this show really reflects her day to day life, I think she is in big trouble. First, I think Children's Protective Services should investigate the manner in which her teen age child lives, seemingly without any adult supervision. At the beginning of each show, Anna, in a very clear and focused way, introduces the episode with a few words about it's content. For the remainder of the show, she acts as though she is under the influence of some mind altering drug, with her speech often slurred, and her inability to fully comprehend what is going on around her. Her two companions, (her lawyer, and her personal assistant) seem to function more as her "handlers" or "babysitters". They put up with her childish antics,yet there seems to be some type of romantic or sexual tension between them. Each show involves a series of daily events (looking for a house, looking for a personal chef, purchasing furniture, shopping for trashy lingerie, taking the driving test, going on a date. Anna often comes across as a shallow, mindless bimbo. The show does not really put her in a good light, but it's all for fun, and I guess that if you don't take it too seriously, there is some entertainment value to it. I guess a lot of people are interested in how the "other side" lives. I still think the world of Anna Nicole, but this show is not her best vehicle. Sorry Anna !
cellomaster I watched one episode of E!'s 'Anna Nicole' and that was enough for me. I actually cannot believe people can watch this garbage.Once upon a time, there was a sexy Playboy centerfold (who later became Playmate of the Year) named Anna Nicole Smith who had a promising B-movie career. Then she ballooned to over 230 lbs and started modeling for Lane Bryant. She married a 96 year-old gazillionaire, went to court for his money when he died, and got herself a reality show on the E! channel. I must say I thought Anna was a smart, successful woman in her younger years, but I realized upon seeing her on E! that's she really a dumb blond, not to mention perverted and a lousy rolemodel for her 16 year-old son. I am really surprised he hasn't turned to a life of crime.For those of you who can watch this show without heaving, I commend you: Your stomach is much stronger than mine.
andy-227 First of all, before I comment on this, let me set the record straight. I don't watch much TV. I prefer not to. The overabundance of idiotic reality TV shows and ungodly irritating commercials makes me wonder how the human being can withstand such systematic torture for such prolonged periods of time. With the exception of "The History Channel", "Sundance/IFC", the news, and some documentary channels, TV is an absolute waste. And I realize I'll probably receive some sort of backlash because of my comment on television altogether, but in all honesty I don't really care because I'm entitled to my opinion just like you're entitled to your own. Anyway, one with "Anna Nicole Show"...Wow, really, wow! I realize that TV's trying to cater to society's lowest common denominator, but this is ridiculous! Someone please tell me how this became one of the highest rated shows on the network! Please tell me why any of this is viewed as funny. For comedy, I find things funny because of timing and comedic talent. Anna Nicole herself is such a no-talent brain-dead, we wonder if she even knows her own ass from a hole in the ground. If the answer to finding Anna Nicole funny is that it's a "riot" to watch her bumble around from place to place with only one hemisphere of her mind turned on, then the answer doesn't make me laugh. It makes me cringe. Sure we like to laugh at people like Anna Nicole, but isn't there an infinitely better and vaster amount of things to watch besides that? And again, those of you watching it and find enjoyment out of it...go ahead! Feel free to watch it! I'm not one to say watch it or don't. But watching something like "Anna Nicole" and seeing how someone show dull in intelligence can make so much money and celebrity causes me to fear greatly for the future generations to come, whatever those may be.