The Apprentice


Seasons & Episodes

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7.1| 0h30m| en

British version of the reality competitions series that sees young entrepreneurs compete in several business tasks, attempting to survive the weekly firings in order to become the business partner of one of the most successful businessmen.


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MGM Television


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Titreenp SERIOUSLY. This is what the crap Hollywood still puts out?
InformationRap This is one of the few movies I've ever seen where the whole audience broke into spontaneous, loud applause a third of the way in.
Kaydan Christian A terrific literary drama and character piece that shows how the process of creating art can be seen differently by those doing it and those looking at it from the outside.
Yazmin Close shines in drama with strong language, adult themes.
Jackson Booth-Millard I first heard of this programme when it was featured numerous times on Harry Hill's TV Burp, and since I have started from the Comic Relief special and Series 3, it is a very good programme, almost as good as a reality show. Every series 14 candidates are brought in, every one has quit their high paid job and left their family for the chance to get a job worth £100,000. The man they have to impress to get this job is the founder of Amstrad (Alan Michael Sugar Trading) since 1968, and worth over £800m, Lord Sir Alan Sugar. They are split into two teams, with aides Nick Hewer and Margaret Mountford - replaced by Karren Brady, keeping an eye on them, and each week they are set a business task to make as much money as possible from the certain theme, e.g. selling coffee, dog products, sweets for zoos, art work, beauty treatments, chocolates, wines, fun fairs, etc. At the end of each task he gives the winning team, that made the most money or had the biggest numbers, a special treat, and the losing team faces a member being fired. All this continues till 12 weeks, when one candidate will win this job, the £100,000 and become 'The Apprentice' working alongside Sugar, or in the new version form a new company, with Sugar as partner. Narrated by Mark Halliley. It is funny to see ridiculous ideas brought forward, the silly decisions and actions of candidates, the bickering between them, and of course Sugar is the star with grouchy demeanour, a fantastic documentary series. Very good!
bob the moo Fourteen aspiring business people (seven men and seven women) come together to go for one available job working for Sir Alan Sugar for $100,000 a year. However this is no ordinary job interview and instead of being a couple of days long the interview lasts about 12 weeks. Each week the two teams are given a task to carry out, the team that succeeds the most (in terms of sales generally) is rewarded but the team that loses is berated before three are selected for one final discussion before Sugar fires one.I didn't bother with this show at first just because I'm not a massive fan of reality shows and this one looked like it was based on cruelty and shouting. However I gradually started to watch it and, although I don't worry about missing a show, I do enjoy it as a show. The task structure makes each week different and interesting for different reasons and I was surprised by how engaging each show was. Of course being a harder reality show it is driven forward by a lot of fighting, raised voices and confrontation but it is not forced or cruel for the sake of it – it just happens as a result of the structure and task. The dynamics of the characters are constantly interesting and it is impossible to watch it without getting drawn into the debate and judgement. This is why it works because it engages on this level – you won't like many of the people in the show and you may not like Sugar but it is the dramatic race against time and tensions that make it work.I'm not totally convinced that the whole business concept rings true because for the type of job they are going for £100,000 a year isn't really that much money, plus their antics are not the sort of thing you expect from people in their earning bracket or areas of responsibilities. Some of them are smart, sharp and controlled but others you just have to wonder why they think anyone would want to give them a lot of responsibility. The tasks do require skills but they normally are more about the ability to work under a great deal of time pressure that makes them hard rather than requiring much more than good common sense. So aside from the link to business skills being a bit questionable this is quite an enjoyable show. It is cruel (Sugar plays the harsh host just like countless others) but mostly it is interesting and engaging to watch the two sides race against the clock (and each other) to complete their task. A winning formal then which, although it is a reality gameshow, stands out as one of the stronger reality gameshows.
BrookeRules From the outset, this show has always been interesting. Tempers fraying, tense boardroom meetings and the on-going quarrels of Saira and Paul all mix together to make one hell of a good show.I, myself, am rooting for Saira to win, but that is irrelevant at the moment. For anyone who hasn't watched it as of yet, do so. Yeah, Alan Sugar is a rude and ignorant jerk - but it just makes it more compelling to watch! As to who I think will win...well Miriam and James are good contenders, Paul is hope goes next because I find him repulsive, but he has a good chance. Saira also has a good chance.Plus, Alan, I praise you for kicking Raj out - totally inadiquate.
JoshuaUK The beginning of March 2005 saw one of the best programs to ever air on English TV. The Apprentice.This English remake of the hit American series sees millionaire entrepreneur Sir Alan Sugar search through 12 young hopefuls to find his apprentice - the award being a 6 figure salary and the chance to work with him.The hopefuls range, some high flying university graduates to some who never attended school - all going for the same job.To enable Sir Alan Sugar to pick his apprentice he splits these hopefuls into 2 teams (originally boys and girls) and then sets them tasks - these tasks can be anything from; Selling flowers on Londons Streets, to holding top celebrity auctions, creating advertising campaigns and let us not forget creating a brand new toy for the market - the episode and "secret signals" still haunts me!Every week the loosing team has Sir Alan Sugar fire the person who performed least in the task - and in the board room looks them in the face and says "You're Fired!"The series is a brilliant piece of television. It has everything TV needs, suspense, drama, laughter and bitchiness. They all soon learn a big part of this show is not learning how to cope with the challenges but learning to cope with each over.Overall an amazing, brilliant piece of television. The sort of television that has you an inch away from your screen for the whole hour shouting at the screen as the hopefuls stab their team mates in the back, lie and stitch each over up - all to get in that position of being an apprentice.Broadcast on BBC2, the 12 60 minute episodes all offered superb entertainment and left the audience not wanting to blink at any stage during the program!A brilliant piece of television, fingers crossed for a DVD release and 2nd series!"YOU'RE FIRED!"