Boring, over-political, tech fuzed mess
Absolutely amazing
Aneesa Wardle
The story, direction, characters, and writing/dialogue is akin to taking a tranquilizer shot to the neck, but everything else was so well done.
Leoni Haney
Yes, absolutely, there is fun to be had, as well as many, many things to go boom, all amid an atmospheric urban jungle.
Talk about a stroke of genius, this is a great show, created by good people. The writing and directing is excellent and the main star has the pedigree of an excellent President (of a company of course....what were you thinking?) But first lets talk about the rest of the performers. The cast of this show is outstanding. Ivanka Trump is so superior
I actually thought she was, 'Thee Real Ivanka Trump.' A beautiful woman with a beautiful mind. I have no clue where she comes from but her presence is style-personified. A very classy person with epic boardroom skills. I could almost see her as 'The First Daughter' (of that President of that Company I was talking about - was your mind wandering again...stop...get back on track?). Now Donald Trump Jr. he is one person who carries himself with dignity and charm emitting a natural respect for others...I think diplomatic is the proper term. With his strong interactive skills, I could easily picture him living in a big White House (come on, its the house that President of that company I was talking have to stop taking this all wrong). Whoever casted these folks was spot-on. Now we must not forget about augur of prosperity and deliverer of real hope - yes - I mean, 'The Donald', 'The Boss', 'The Man', 'The C
.O', 'The Star of Stars', and a just plain classy kind of guy, yes, that would be Mr. Donald Trump. When he says something, anything - there is no PC twiddle or pause, just honesty. Granted, sometimes that truth is painful, but necessary. If you hear it and don't like it...fix it. Every time he is on, I am glued to the flat-screen. This man's presence is both unequaled and natural. Obviously there is no script or teleprompter, every word is spontaneous. His quick and concise conclusions reflect a rare and unequaled decision-making talent...the kind of thought process needed in times of strife. Now friends and real and badly missed talent. Sadly, I know that Donald is off the show for now, but I sure hope he returns
in about eight years, after he finishes a successful stint at his new mission. Good job one and all
excellent program - keep up the good work.
Prior to watching The Apprentice i knew hardly anything about Donald Trump. He was a guy with a funny haircut who went bankrupt and managed to get back on his feet, basically one of those characters adding to the allure surrounding New York.I devoured the first season in a weekend and went on to find out more about this guy. He was portrayed as a boss everyone would love to have. It went that far that at a certain point i've almost stopped caring about the participants and their tasks.After reading a book or two and watching him running for president at least once i got a better picture of Donald. And a couple of years down the line i've accidentally ran into new episodes, i guess Season 5. By then my perception changed, since i witnessed just another reality show. Donald didn't get younger, either, and became almost a caricature of himself.In any case, the first season was great, the rest not so...
I started watching The Apprentice about 4 years ago(maybe 5) and I really really liked it. The first thing that strikes you about it is the refreshing format, which though similar to a lot of other reality shows at its core, is still very entertaining. Donald Trump is wonderful as the host and the main judge of the show as well. The casting coup with intelligent people having good looks being picked as contestants is appreciated as well. But the best part of the show is New York city. Mark Burnett may have made a lot of crap in his time but his handling of the cinematography is excellent as he makes NYC look like a character unto itself. The jazz tunes coupled with some great camera-work make New York look spectacular.The Apprentice will easily alway make my top 3 reality shows of all time(The Amazing Race is no. 1,however).But just like the amazing race this show is always best watched in moderation. If you keep watching it for a while the originality of the show will wear off fast(the same case as with TAR).Star World, the broadcasters in this country, did a bang up job in presenting the show. The first three seasons were shown in a row, then after 2 years the next two seasons were shown, which kept the concept fresh.In conclusion, you will love this show, especially the first 2 seasons. However if you keep watching the show continuously, thereafter its charm WILL wear off and FAST.
I lost all respect for Randal........last night! If he led in such a "caring" way....why did he strip Rebecca of her opportunity?! It's not like the Money was coming out of his pocket! Who said he could still not be "THE Apprentice". Donald said nothing about 2 Apprentices...he only asked Randal, "If you were in my position, would you hire Rebecca?" How greedy, self centered, arrogant, can you really be? I am totally blown away...Donald said, "I can be easily convinced to hire Rebecca." And what word come out of Randla's mouth, "This ain't the apprent I...." What was that? I am outraged! In about the third week, I knew Randal would win and totally thought he was a great leader and deserved to win....but for him to turn in the end like that was unprofessional! If the shoes were on the opposite feet....what would Rebecca have said. I think we ALL know the answer....she would have told Donald, "Absoultely, I feel like you should hire Randal."