Tells a fascinating and unsettling true story, and does so well, without pretending to have all the answers.
Arianna Moses
Let me be very fair here, this is not the best movie in my opinion. But, this movie is fun, it has purpose and is very enjoyable to watch.
All of these films share one commonality, that being a kind of emotional center that humanizes a cast of monsters.
Staci Frederick
Blistering performances.
It's like when you make a cake and forget to add the eggs except replace "eggs" with story. Like that. The pilot goes something like this: youngish people sitting around talking about how sad, lonely, and alienated they are in Paris. It's billed as a comedy/drama but you have to pay really close attention and weed through some accents to find anything remotely resembling humor. Absolutely nothing happens in the first installment (and perhaps the last?). While I applaud the idea of this pilot I wasn't very pleased with the execution. It's just too Whit Stillman who is too Woody Allen without Allen's brilliance for humor (at least sometimes). There's just too much of people trying to be clever, presumably just for the sake of it. What good is it to be clever if you aren't entertaining, or better, HOW can you be clever if you aren't entertaining? Answer: you can't.I found most of the dialogue to be stilted and unnatural. "His girlfriend, Clémence, left him." Why would he say this to someone he hardly knows. It reminds me of the joke, "Help, my son the doctor is drowning." And Hal talks about being lonely, "a feeling of being hollowed out, a void inside that seems as if it will never be filled." I got something to fill your void, 500 pounds of fresh
[email protected] has made his career by portraying the lives of really uptight, rich, white punks. He should try hanging out with people who don't have their own drivers or wear thousands of dollars worth of clothes every time they step outside. How about people who work for a living? Is that so repugnant? The Italian character remarks about how Anglo men get pushed around by women. Perhaps, but it's better than getting pushed around by other men. He later gets into a little bitch fight with someone he called a pipsqueak.I had high hopes for this show as we've never had an American series set in Europe before this year (Welcome to Sweden is another train wreck). I was hoping for something that would help to dispel the stupid stereotypes of the French that so many Americans hold as gospel. "French waiters are rude. The French are arrogant." These stupid prejudices have been handed down in America for generations it seems. The Cosmopolitans (at least the pilot) focuses on whinny ex-pats who huddle together in Paris like they are trying to keep warm. There's a little bit about their learning the language which for most expats that is almost everything—or should be—and virtually nothing about how they actually live except a very claustrophobic scene of the girl stepping into her apartment. Maybe if she spent more on rent and less on her clothes she could swing a better place? Unless the next episode has new people who actually do something I'll probably pass.
Exactly like Metropolitan, which was of it's time in 1990, but the world has moved on and clearly Stillman hasn't! What is he trying to say, let's all laugh at the stupid young white Americans? Fine, but it gets old within 10 minutes! I want Amazon to innovate not dredge up an old movie and just make more of it! There are often comparisons to Allen, but he is nowhere near that.. Chloe looks pretty, but she is way better than this! Transparent is the one to watch! Relevant, compelling and thought provoking! Also..I wonder who Amazon thought this was for? I don't think HBO would have made this! Who is his aud? Ex Harvard grads living in Manhattan?
According to the pilot of the series, Paris is mainly populated by white middle class people between 20 and 30 years old, who's main concern is finding a good party. Dialogs are boring and meaningless,there is no action of any sort; all the conversations seemed to be focused on reinforcing the idea of Paris that is romantic and cheesy, repeating the popular clichés and stereotypes.Very clean visually (there is not even one piece of rubbish on the street & even "roughed up" hair of some french guys look carefully arranged), some good camera work which is unfortunately wasted on this series. So, if you're looking for an airbrushed version of Paris and airbrushed reality than it is series for you, but if you're looking for some more substantial stuff to watch you can give this one safely a miss.
What a refreshing and exciting change of pace from what passes for a TV show these days. The Cosmopolitans is an intelligent, dryly witty show which follows American ex-pats and their friends who are all searching for something more (though mostly romance) in Paris. The Cosmopolitans is reminiscent of writer-director Whit Stillman's 1990 cult film Metropolitan (which has since been given the Criterion Treatment) as it too chronicled a group of young socialites and their travels (and travails).Not much is revealed in the pilot episode, but it does set the premise up and provides an excellent introduction to the characters. The character most worthy of your attention is Fritz (Freddy Åsblom), who gets the best lines throughout the pilot. His "If they (women) are prone to making bad choices, then there's hope for us" is already iconic to those in the know.I was also quite taken with Hal (Jordan Rountree) whose casual, deadpan air masks his off-and-on relationship with the incessantly- mentioned Clémence.Everything works in "The Cosmopolitans", and I am eager to continue following the adventures of these characters. Watch it for the talented cast, the sharp writing, the clothes, the sights of Paris, and the superb song selections, but by all means, do give "The Cosmopolitans" a try; you won't be disappointed.