The Crew is an online sitcom following the lives of the engine room crew of the starship Azureas. A comedy in the vein of The Office meets Star Trek, the show has played host to many of the webseries best and brightest. After an independently financed 15-episode first season run - distributed through, youtube and, the show was acquired for an exclusive second season run distributed by Babelgum. With major distribution for the second season - matched with a bevy of talent including The Guild's Robin Thorsen as well as lonelygirl15 herself, Jessica Rose, The Crew has gained attention not only by the hundreds of thousands of views, but also by major traditional news outlets such as The Wall Street Journal. In 2010, The Crew, was nominated for Best Visual Effects at the Second Annual Streamy Awards. Currently, the show is in pre-production to complete the 12-episode run of their second season.