The Curse of King Tut's Tomb

4.3| 0h30m| TV-PG| en

It’s 1922, and free-spirited archaeologist Danny Freemont is infamous for his outlandish theories. Freemont is certain that if found, the Emerald Tablet, rumored to be buried in King Tut’s tomb, would hold the power to control the world. Unfortunately, the only one who believes Freemont is nefarious archaeologist Morgan Sinclair, a member of the diabolical secret cabal known as the Hellfire Council.


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Larry Levinson Productions


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TrueJoshNight Truly Dreadful Film
ManiakJiggy This is How Movies Should Be Made
WasAnnon Slow pace in the most part of the movie.
Mehdi Hoffman There's a more than satisfactory amount of boom-boom in the movie's trim running time.
clytamnestra in technical aspects this movie was adequate (though not particularly good): the sets look Egyptian, the special effects are acceptable for a TV-movie.the acting ranges from 'phoning it in' (our hero and heroin) to 'cringe-worthy' (the bad guys and extras) the story is the biggest problem: to say that the writer wiped his ass with historical accuracy is an understatement. but such an offense could be easily forgiven if the departure from history is for the sake of making a more entertaining story or for trimming a confusing back-story. this story however fails at both: it constructs an elaborate back-story (or at least pretends to have done so, while in fact it's just 'good versus evil') and fails to be entertaining.the only entertainment this train-wreck offers is in schade-freude: laughing at the huge pretensions that seep through and at the actors who must at one point have thought they were in a half-way decent movie. that the hero and his friends are boring and not very intelligent is to be expected (they are audience-avatars, and the people who make these movies don't have a very high opinion of their audience). but the biggest problem is that the villains are equally stupid and one-dimensional and (most damning of all) boring as hell. their only goal is apparently to 'be bad' (and not in the 'getting drunk and having fun' way, but in the 'having countless staff-meetings and doing boring political things' way).
stitch-99 While I hesitate to call movies Indiana Jones ripoffs, this one isn't even trying to hide that fact. It's fairly blatant. The acting is sub par, but not terrible. The special effects (about which I normally don't care) are disgustingly bad. The plot line is absolutely ludicrous. In fact, I still can't believe I watched the entire thing. It's not even a fascinating ridiculousness; it's just crap. The action sequences are almost always tacked on with no relevance or importance. A notable example is when the antagonist has a supporting character captive in his car and is going to kill him. The captive escapes and they spend several minutes in an attempt at an exciting chase scene across rooftops only for the antagonist to catch him and kill him anyway. Nothing new was gained from the chase, only time wasted. I would go into further detail but it has been a while since I've seen this title, and I've tried to block most of it out of my mind. As such, I shall stop this review now.
Daisy Brambletoes I'm not sure how to describe this very long sci-fi fantasy. It rips off everything: The Mummy, Stargate, a dash of Star Wars, and of course a huge helping of Indiana Jones. It even has a Satanic secret society of super-villains whose whole "raison d'etre" is to take over the world and rule it with the usual iron fist. Casper Van Dein is clearly playing a younger Indiana Jones, complete with a professorship, a brown fedora, and a whip. Although the date of the setting implies he's a younger, alternate Indy in another, more fantastical universe, he doesn't quite cut it. Unfortunately for him, he's not Harrison Ford. He's not even Brendon Frasier, that other Indy-like action hero of archaeology and ancient legends. One cliché after another, not a single original concept. And at the same time, I found myself enjoying it enough to sit through all three hours of it. It is just escapist fantasy, and there's nothing wrong with that. Sometimes a little nonsense doesn't hurt.
nghump Just so you know, I allude to the ending. Read on only if you feel this review will not spoil it for you. I don't think it will. After setting through this yawner, at the end you think that maybe you will see a little action then it ends with "to be continued". What is up with that? The plot is a rip-off of "Indiana Jones" and "The Mummy". It had virtually no originally. It did have good potential at the beginning then died a slow painful death; the writer fell asleep at the switch. What was the director thinking? I am a movie junkie however I really am disappointed. The quality of the production was good. I think that if they might have been better of making this a trilogy and warn you a head of time. Maybe their intent was to end this a "cliff hanger" but when a movie is this long the audience should be rewarded with a little more exciting end. If you are asking yourself, "Will he watch the next installment?" The answer is yes, if there is one. I have to. I can only hope that I will be rewarded for my tenacity.